
时间:2014-03-03 03:33:49

标签: mongodb database-schema

我有用户集合。由于MongoDB区分大小写,我需要重新考虑我的架构,我可以像SQL Server一样以不敏感的方式处理用户名。


Schema 1:
_id   LowerCaseUserName  email         pwd
Bob   bob                bob@xy.com    ---    
iSpy  ispy               ispy@abc.com  ---

Notes on schema 1:    
 A) There is only one index on _id field in schema 2  
 B) _id is what user entered during signup & shown in URL and pages  
 C) _id is BsonId and app guarantees uniqueness.
 D) There is an index on LowerCaseUserName field & another on email field

Schema 2:
_id   ActualUserName  email            pwd
bob   Bob                bob@xy.com    ---
ispy  iSpy               ispy@abc.com  ---

Notes on schema 2:    
 A) ActualUserName is what user entered during signup & shown in URL and pages    
 B) _id is lowercase of ActualUserName (BsonId) & app guarantees uniqueness   
 C) _id is BsonId andd guaranteed to be unique
 D) There is an index on email field as well


I) Find if username and password matches (Login)
   The username entered must be treated as case insensitive
2) Check if a username already taken (during new user signup)
3) Check if a given email is already used
4) Update Account
5) Update password
6) Update email




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