
时间:2014-03-05 09:06:25

标签: powerbuilder

在我的本地计算机中,所有软件(.net,框架等)都存在。我能够完美地运行在Power Builder上开发的应用程序。

我的问题:但是在“Clean Environment(Fresh machine)”中,当我尝试运行应用程序时,右键单击功能无效。



我需要什么?在Power builder中支持右键单击功能的DLL的名称。



Main Exception:
Exception Time: 2014-03-06 16:19:55.7773706
Process ID: 2188
AppDomain: urbis.exe Domain ID: 1
Managed Thread ID: 1
Current Thread State: Running
Method: Void remove_Click(System.EventHandler)
Exception Type: System.NullReferenceException
Exception Message: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.   
   at System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem.remove_Click(EventHandler value)
   at Sybase.PowerBuilder.Win.WinOwnerdrawMenuItem.Sybase.PowerBuilder.Win.IPBWinMenu.remove_Click(EventHandler value)
   at Sybase.PowerBuilder.Win.PBMenu.Dispose(Boolean disposing)
   at Sybase.PowerBuilder.PBPowerObject.PBDispose()
   at Sybase.PowerBuilder.PBSessionBase.DestroyObject(Object obj)
Exception Source: System.Windows.Forms
Exception StackTrace:    at System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem.remove_Click(EventHandler value)
   at Sybase.PowerBuilder.Win.WinOwnerdrawMenuItem.Sybase.PowerBuilder.Win.IPBWinMenu.remove_Click(EventHandler value)
   at Sybase.PowerBuilder.Win.PBMenu.Dispose(Boolean disposing)
   at Sybase.PowerBuilder.PBPowerObject.PBDispose()
   at Sybase.PowerBuilder.PBSessionBase.DestroyObject(Object obj)
Exception Call Stack:    at System.Environment.GetStackTrace(Exception e, Boolean needFileInfo)


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


The applications you create in PowerBuilder .NET automatically reference several .NET
assemblies that must be present in the global assembly cache (GAC) on the design time
and runtime computers. The PowerBuilder setup program installs the required assemblies
in the GAC of the design time computer, but they also must be deployed or installed in
the GAC of each runtime computer. The following list shows the Microsoft assemblies
(and their .NET Framework version numbers) that are installed with PowerBuilder and can
be redistributed to runtime computers with the PowerBuilder Runtime Packager:
• System.dll (v 2.0)
• PresentationCore.dll (v 3.0)
• PresentationFramework.dll (v 3.0)
• WindowsBase.dll (v 3.0)
• System.Xml.Linq.dll (v 3.5)
• Sybase.PowerBuilder.WPF.dll
• Sybase.PowerBuilder.Common.dll
• Sybase.PowerBuilder.Interop.dll
• Sybase.PowerBuilder.Core.dll

每页5页: http://download.sybase.com/beta/pb12ctp/Sybase_PB12_.NET_FeaturesGuide.pdf
