嵌套if else语句不会去if else部分

时间:2014-03-09 23:37:39

标签: java if-statement iterator java.util.scanner

我的嵌套if else语句出了问题。我正在输入一个项目标题,我试图这样做,如果我的数据库中不存在该项目标题,程序将告诉用户标题不存在。我的程序目前跳过else if语句应该输出“no entry”任何帮助,这将非常感谢。

else if (Option == 2) {
                System.out.println("item title");
                title = scan.nextLine();
                boolean found = false;
            for (MediaItem mi : media){ if (mi.getTitle().equals(title) && mi.onLoan == true){
                found = true;    
                System.out.println("already on loan");
                     break a;
            } if (!flag) {System.out.println("This title does not exist in the library");
            break a;}

                System.out.println("Who are you loaning it to?");
                loanedTo = scan.nextLine();
                System.out.println("When did you loan it to them?");
                dateLoaned = scan.nextLine();

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


System.out.println("Item Title:");
title = scan.nextLine();
boolean found = false;
for (MediaItem mi : media){ 
    if (mi.getTitle().equals(title) && mi.onLoan == true){
        found = true;
        System.out.println("Already Loaned");
if (!found) {
    System.out.println("no entry");