Leaflet choropleth - geoJSON样式颜色不会出现,除非悬停

时间:2014-03-13 05:52:21

标签: javascript leaflet geojson topojson

我使用geoJSON基础层开发了一个与Leaflet.js的交互式等值区域图,并使用从Socrata API端点提取的JSON数据对多边形进行符号化。它基于Leaflet.js等值范例发布here

我在一个问题上难以理解 - 当我使用最初属于JSON数据(例如pop)的属性为geoJSON多边形着色(即样式)时,多边形颜色在地图加载时加载。但是,当我使用附加到geoJSON图层的属性(例如估计)来设置geoJSON多边形的样式时,多边形颜色不会加载到地图加载上,只会在我将鼠标悬停在每个多边形上时显示。我的实时地图可以查看here

以下是相关代码,任何人都能看到我的问题是什么吗?由于我对学习JavaScript相对较新,我假设我缺少一些简单的语法或程序顺序规则,这些规则阻止了Leaflet地图根据附加属性对多边形着色。我已经重新排列了我的代码的顺序,并改变了很多东西,但我一次又一次地得到相同的结果。非常感谢你帮助新手学习JavaScript !!

//Initiate geojson variable so listeners can access
var geojson;

//Add TopoJSON layer and append SODA data to symbolize polygons

//Use d3.js to pull in TopoJSON, convert to geoJSON, and add to Leaflet map
d3.json("hrabasetopo.json", function(error, topology) {
    var collection = topojson.feature(topology, topology.objects.layer1);
    var hraData = [collection];

    //Pull summary data from SODA

    //Variable to select desired indicator
    var where = "$where=indicator='uninsure'";
    //Variable to order HRA and zip by VID to match order of features in geoJSON base
    var order = "&$order=vid";
    //Variable to concatenate queries with URL
    var url = "http://data.kingcounty.gov/resource/ajpg-dges.json?"+where+order;
    //jQuery GET request to pull data from SODA and feed to callback function with geoJSON
    function(soda) {
        //Output SODA JSON and hra base geoJSOn to external function

    //Function to append SODA data to TopoJSON converted to geoJSON
    function symbolize(soda) {

         //Loop to copy all of SODA JSON properties to HRA base geoJSON
         for (var i = 0; i<hraData[0].features.length; i++) {
            hraData[0].features[i].properties.estimate = Number(soda[i].estimate);

    //Get color depending on selected estimate
    function getColor(d) {
        return d > 20.1 ? '#e31a1c' :
               d > 16.2 ? '#fd8d3c' :
               d > 11.3 ? '#fecc5c' :

    //Incorporate getColor function into overall style function for HRA layer
    function style(feature) {
        return {
            weight: 1,
            opacity: 1,
            color: 'white',
            dashArray: '5',
            fillOpacity: 0.8,
            fillColor: getColor(feature.properties.estimate)

    //Add hraData as geoJSON layer to Leaflet map
    geojson = L.geoJson(hraData, {
        style: style,
        onEachFeature: onEachFeature


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自己想出来!学习JavaScript的一个具有挑战性的方面(对我来说)已经习惯了异步程序流,因为我习惯使用的所有统计软件编码语言(Stata,R,SAS等)都使用同步编程。我的问题是我没有强制Leaflet.js地图等待加载,直到我的API端点的JSON数据被调用并附加到我的geoJSON层。解决方案是将地图设置函数包装在一个名为mapSetup的大函数中,并使用jqXHR Object .done方法,如下面的代码所示:

    //jQuery GET request to pull data from SODA and feed to callback function with geoJSON
            .done(function(soda) {
            //Output SODA JSON and hra base geoJSOn to external function
            .done(function() {

    //Function to append SODA data to TopoJSON converted to geoJSON
    function symbolize(soda) {

        //Loop to copy all of SODA JSON properties to HRA base geoJSON
        for (var i = 0; i<hraData[0].features.length; i++) {
            hraData[0].features[i].properties.estimate = Number(soda[i].estimate);

        function mapSetup() {
        //Functions to add geoJSON to leaflet map, add controls, legends, etc.