
时间:2010-02-11 20:48:30

标签: windows powershell windows-services daemon


项目: 创建后台进程,确定是否已连接板载网卡。如果已连接,请禁用无线网卡。未连接板载网卡时,请重新启用无线网卡。

为什么: 用户始终热插拔,获得时髦的路由表或绑定到错误的DNS服务器。当他们试图访问本地资源时,比如打印机,他们无法进入我的立方体(他们会提交票证,但这也是本地资源)。试图说服用户禁用他们自己的无线(通过笔记本电脑上的开关)或不热的码头已经取得了有限的成功。

问题: 下面的PowerShell脚本确实运行,并且在我的测试条件下工作。可能在大多数测试条件下,因为代码和wmi查询非常通用。手动运行脚本会产生预期的结果,但是通过我能找到的唯一方法运行脚本作为服务,srvany.exe,产生了意想不到的结果并“破坏了东西”。

详细说明: 通过srvany.exe将脚本作为服务运行,可以使用ONCE。当循环返回以测试网络连接或尝试该方法启用或禁用它时。错误表明“get-wmiobject”不是一个合适的Cmdlet。咦?它工作,手动,它工作一次,但第二次禁用无线网卡后,它没有。更糟糕的是,我的外壳,在服务之外,突然不能做一个获取wmiobject,直到.......直到您进入设备管理器并自己重新启用无线网卡。

调试尝试: 我重写了脚本并将其清理了一下,以便让它在Do While循环之外获取对象。什么都没有改变,但我离开了剧本,因为它看起来更干净无论如何。我在服务属性中启用了“与桌面交互”,确定您可以看到脚本尝试工作并获得前面提到的错误。 请帮忙。这里的对象再次是运行后台进程,在Vista或7中具有足够的权限,以禁用和启用无线网卡。

# "switch-wifi-srv.ps1"
# This script attempts  to identify if a wired network card is in use if
# one is, the Wireless network card is disabled, until the wired network
# card is no longer in use.
# Written by Aaron Wurthmann - aaron (AT) wurthmann (DOT) com
# 2010.02.10 ver 2 (Service Version)
# If you edit please keep my name or at the very least original author's.
# As of this writing I am unsure if script will work with all scenarios,
# however it has worked for me on Dell laptops running Windows 7 x64.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# This script comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. 
# You may redistribute copies of the script under
# the terms of the GNU General Public License.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Service Installation:
# Aquire and install the Windows 2003 Resource Kit OR the srvany.exe.
# Use sc.exe and srvany.exe to create a service....
#   sc create SwitchWifiAuto binPath= "C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Resource Kits\Tools\srvany.exe" DisplayName= "Switch Wifi Automatically"
# Edit registry entry for SwitchWifiAuto, add a key and a string value...
#   HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\SwitchWifiAuto\Parameters]
#   "Application"="C:\\Windows\\System32\\WindowsPowerShell\\v1.0\\powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -File C:\\SwitchWifiAuto\\switch-wifi-srv.ps1"


# Get Wired and Wireless Card Objects
$objWire=get-wmiobject -class win32_networkadapter -namespace root\CIMV2 | Where-Object {$_.Name -notmatch "Wireless" -and $_.Name -notmatch "Virtual" -and $_.PhysicalAdapter -eq "True"} 
$objWifi=get-wmiobject -class win32_networkadapter -namespace root\CIMV2 | where-object {$_.Name -match "Wireless"}

# Get Name of Service to be Used in totally useless Do While Loop
$objService=get-service -display "Switch Wifi Automatically"

# Begin Do While Loop
Do {
#   Get status of wired network card. If enabled and connected set $state to Disable (which will later Disable the Wifi network card)
    [string]$wireStatus=$objWire | % {$_.NetEnabled}
    if($wireStatus -eq "True") {
#   Get Status of wireless card.
        [string]$wifiStatus=$objWifi | % {$_.NetEnabled}
#       If $state is not set to disable and if the wireless card is currently disabled, enable it.
        if($state -ne "Disable") {
            if($wifiStatus -eq "False") {
                Out-Null -InputOject ($objWifi | % {$_.Enable()})
#       If $state is set to Disable and if wireless card is currently enabled, disable it.
        } else {
            if($wifiStatus -eq "True") {
                Out-Null -InputOject ($objWifi | % {$_.Disable()})

# Reset Checked Variables for good measure

# Sleep for 120 seconds (two minutes)
Start-Sleep -s 120

# Continuing looping (do while) until the service is not running.
# This is of course technically useless as when the service is not running neither is the script to check if the service is not running.
# I made it this way however because I don't like infinite loops and I thought it would be funny to it this way instead of while $var=0
} while ($objService.Status -eq "Running")

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


答案 1 :(得分:0)


调试尝试:我重写了脚本并将其清理干净了一点   允许它获取Do While循环之外的对象。
