
时间:2014-03-20 13:38:51

标签: c++ visual-studio-2013

我对C ++和这个论坛完全陌生。我尝试搜索代码并找到一段代码,但它不能像我想要的那样工作。我想要一个登录,检查txt文件的每一行,如果用户名和密码正确,则授予对系统的访问权。

string line = " ";
ifstream readfile("Login.txt");
string username, password, adminname, adminpass;
cout << "\nEnter Username: ";
cin >> username;
cout << "\nEnter Password: ";
cin >> password;
while (getline(readfile, line)) 
    stringstream iss(line);
    iss >> adminname >> adminpass;
    //Login Success Function
    if (username == adminname && password == adminpass) 
        cout << "\nLOGIN SUCCESSFUL!";

//Login Fail Function
    int fail = 5;
    while (fail > 0)
        cout << "Error! Invalid Username and Password. Please reenter.\n";
        cout << "You have " << fail << " tries left.\n";
        cout << "\nEnter Username: ";
        cin >> username;
        cout << "\nEnter Password: ";
        cin >> password;
    cout << "\nACCESS DENIED!";

txt文件包含第一行(admin123 password123),第二行(admin admin)。 如果我输入正确,登录工作正常,但如果我输入错误的用户名或密码,我只是停留在while循环中,直到它显示访问被拒绝,即使我输入正确的用户名和密码进行第二次尝试。


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)





  1. 包含“失败”并重新提示读取文件的代码周围的逻辑。所以你得到一个用户名和密码,然后读取文件检查匹配。如果不匹配,请再次执行。在这种情况下,您每次都会读取该文件。对于大型数据集,这可能会变慢。对于这个问题,应该没问题。
  2. 读取文件一次并保存值(您是否研究了数组,向量或其他数据结构?至少需要执行其中一些操作)。我会在这里使用std::map,因为它是直接访问,并且是最少量的代码,但是还有很多其他方法可以做到这一点。
  3. 这是重新读取文件的可能方法。请注意,这主要是重新组织您已有的代码:

    bool success = false; //use this as part of our loop condition
    int fail = 5;
    while (!success && fail > 0) //loop until we succeed or failed too much
        //get the username and password
        cout << "\nEnter Username: ";
        cin >> username;
        cout << "\nEnter Password: ";
        cin >> password;
        //open the file and see if we have a match
        ifstream readfile("Login.txt");
        while (getline(readfile, line)) 
            stringstream iss(line);
            iss >> adminname >> adminpass;
            //Login Success Function
            if (username == adminname && password == adminpass) 
                //we have a match, so set success to true so we exit the loop
                success = true;
        if (!success) //we did not find a match in the file
            //so we output the message
            cout << "Error! Invalid Username and Password. Please reenter.\n";
            cout << "You have " << fail << " tries left.\n";
    //now we know if we had success or not, so report it
    if (success)
        cout << "\nLOGIN SUCCESSFUL!";
        cout << "\nACCESS DENIED!";