
时间:2014-03-22 17:54:36

标签: batch-file cmd


@echo off
set lastpage=menu
Echo Hello, and welcome to the Flashing Project version 2.
Echo First, we need two colors. Please type in the color
Echo of the first flash.
set /p 1=Enter black, white, blue, or red: 
Echo Now for the second color.
set /p 2=Enter black, white, blue, or red: 
if %1%==black goto 1black
if %1%==Black goto 1black
if %1%==white goto 1white
if %1%==White goto 1white
if %1%==blue goto 1blue
if %1%==Blue goto 1blue
if %1%==red goto 1red
if %1%==Red goto 1red
goto wrong
if %2%==black goto 1black2black
if %2%==Black goto 1black2black
if %2%==white goto 1black2white
if %2%==White goto 1black2white
if %2%==blue goto 1black2blue
if %2%==Blue goto 1black2blue
if %2%==red goto 1black2red
if %2%==Red goto 1black2red
if %2%==black goto 1white2black
if %2%==Black goto 1white2black
if %2%==white goto 1white2white
if %2%==White goto 1white2white
if %2%==blue goto 1white2blue
if %2%==Blue goto 1white2blue
if %2%==red goto 1white2red
if %2%==Red goto 1white2red
if %2%==black goto 1blue2black
if %2%==Black goto 1blue2black
if %2%==white goto 1blue2white
if %2%==White goto 1blue2white
if %2%==blue goto 1blue2blue
if %2%==Blue goto 1blue2blue
if %2%==red goto 1blue2red
if %2%==Red goto 1blue2red
if %2%==black goto 1red2black
if %2%==white goto 1red2white
if %2%==White goto 1red2white
if %2%==blue goto 1red2blue
if %2%==Blue goto 1red2blue
if %2%==red goto 1red2red
if %2%==Red goto 1red2red
set c1=07
set c2=07
goto preflash
set c1=07
set c2=70
goto preflash
set c1=07
set c2=90
goto preflash
set c1=07
set c2=40
goto preflash
set c1=70
set c2=07
goto preflash
set c1=70
set c2=70
goto preflash
set c1=70
set c2=90
goto preflash
set c1=70
set c2=40
goto preflash
set c1=90
set c2=07
goto preflash
set c1=90
set c2=70
goto preflash
set c1=90
set c2=90
goto preflash
set c1=90
set c2=40
goto preflash
set c1=40
set c2=07
goto preflash
set c1=40
set c2=70
goto preflash
set c1=40
set c2=90
goto preflash
set c1=40
set c1=40
goto preflash
set lastpage=preflash
Color 07
Echo Now, when the flashing starts, the only way to stop it is to
Echo click the X button. Are you sure you want to continue?
set /p input=Yes or No (No causes the program to exit): 
if %input%==yes goto flash
if %input%==Yes goto flash
if %input%==no goto exit
if %input%==No goto exit
goto wrong
Echo You entered something incorrectly, I am returning you to the
Echo previous page.
goto %lastpage%

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