
时间:2014-04-03 07:57:32

标签: ios objective-c cocos2d-iphone line draw

我是Cocos2d的新手。 我尝试在Cocos2d中绘制一个简单的行:

    [super draw];
    glColor4f(1.0, 1.0, 0.5, 1);
    ccDrawLine(ccp(0,100), ccp(320,150));




HelloWorldScene.m:70:5:隐式声明函数' glColor4ub'   在C99中无效HelloWorldScene.m:72:5:隐式声明   功能' glColor4f'在C99中无效HelloWorldScene.m:73:5:   隐含的函数声明&#c; ccDrawLine'在C99中无效

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)

我将延长@abhineetprasad的答案。首先 - 你应该在访问函数的末尾而不是在draw中调用绘图函数:

-(void) visit

    // call implementation of the super class to draw self and all children, in proper order
    [super visit];

    //custom draw code put below [super visit] will draw over the current node and all of its children


-(void) visit
    // call implementation of the super class to draw self and all children, in proper order
    [super visit];

    //custom draw code put below [super visit] will draw over the current node and all of its children

    //set color to red
    ccDrawColor4F(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);

    //draw the line
    ccDrawLine(ccp(0,0), ccp(320, 150));


在cocos2d-v3中,CCDrawingPrimitives.h已经包含在" cocos2d.h"头文件。 我不确定在之前的版本中它是否适用于Cocos2d的v3.0。

答案 1 :(得分:2)

正如@ LearnCocos2d所建议的那样,你可以使用cocos2d提供的内置绘图函数,在访问函数中调用它们。

#import "CCDrawingPrimitives.h"

-(void) visit{

    [super visit];
    ccDrawLine(ccp(0,100), ccp(320,150));