
时间:2014-04-04 20:51:20

标签: javascript dropzone.js


<script type="text/javascript">
        jQuery(function($) {
                    paramName: "file", // The name that will be used to transfer the file
                    maxFilesize: 0.5, // MB
                    uploadMultiple: true,
                    //addRemoveLinks : true,
                    dictDefaultMessage :
                        '<span class="bigger-150 bolder"><i class="icon-caret-right red"></i> Drop files</span> to upload \
                        <span class="smaller-80 grey">(or click)</span> <br /> \
                        <i class="upload-icon icon-cloud-upload blue icon-3x"></i>',
                    dictResponseError: 'Error while uploading file!',               
                    //change the previewTemplate to use Bootstrap progress bars
                    previewTemplate: "<div class=\"dz-preview dz-file-preview\">\n  <div class=\"dz-details\">\n    <div class=\"dz-filename\"><span data-dz-name></span></div>\n    <div class=\"dz-size\" data-dz-size></div>\n    <img data-dz-thumbnail />\n  </div>\n  <div class=\"progress progress-small progress-striped active\"><div class=\"progress-bar progress-bar-success\" data-dz-uploadprogress></div></div>\n  <div class=\"dz-success-mark\"><span></span></div>\n  <div class=\"dz-error-mark\"><span></span></div>\n  <div class=\"dz-error-message\"><span data-dz-errormessage></span></div>\n</div>"
                alert('Dropzone.js does not support older browsers!');



2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:5)

这是一个使用jQuery for Dropzone的通用初始化脚本

Dropzone.options.myDropZoneForm = {
    url: 'url/here',
    autoProcessQueue: false,
    uploadMultiple: true,
    parallelUploads: 100,       
    addRemoveLinks: true,
    uploadMultiple: true,
    acceptedFiles: 'image/*, audio/*, video/*',
    maxFiles: 10,
    init: function () {
        var thisDropzone = this;

        // just showing some dropped files stats
        var totalFiles = 0, completeFiles = 0;
        this.on('addedfile', function(file){
            totalFiles += 1;
            totalFilesFormatted = totalFiles.toFixed(2);
        this.on('removedfile', function(file){
            totalFiles -= 1;
            totalFilesFormatted = totalFiles.toFixed(2);
        this.on('maxfilesreached', function(file){
            alert('maxFiles reached');
        this.on('maxfilesexceeded', function(file){
            alert('files dropped exceeded maxFiles');
        this.on("sendingmultiple", function(){
            // event when files are being sent
        this.on("successmultiple", function(files, response) {
            // event when files are successfully uploaded
            // you can return a response string and process it here through 'response'
        this.on("errormultiple", function(files, response) {
          // event when there's an error


答案 1 :(得分:1)



  • processingmultiple
  • sendingmultiple
  • successmultiple
  • canceledmultiple
