
时间:2014-04-08 11:40:41

标签: android eclipse project rename

我做过Refactor - >在Eclipse中重命名,项目已在Eclipse中成功重命名。但是当我将它复制/粘贴到一个文件夹中时,它仍保留旧名称。


4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:15)



enter image description here



从Project explorer复制旧项目,然后将其粘贴到那里,它将要求新名称,提供新名称并完成。

答案 1 :(得分:1)

1)右键单击您的包裹 - >重构 - >改名。选择更新引用并重命名子包。



3)在资源 - > values-> string.xml中将app_name更改为" new_name"

<string name="app_name">"new_name"</string>


答案 2 :(得分:0)

COPY AND PASTE ANDROID PROJECT并创建一个新的项目很整洁。请按照以下步骤操作:

一个。如果您正在使用Eclipse,那么您需要做的就是首先打开要复制的项目(不要忘记打开您需要复制的项目),  然后在Eclipse左侧的资源管理器包窗口中克隆(复制/粘贴)您的Android项目。  粘贴时,Eclipse会要求您输入新的项目名称。给它一个新的项目名称。  由于Eclipse项目名称和目录独立于应用程序名称和包,  以下步骤将帮助您更改包名称。注意:包名称有两种类型。  (在Manifest文件和包含所有java文件的子包中指示的主包)

1. After you get done above step, to change Application package name(main package), follow the following steps:
    First right click your project
    Then go to "Android tools"
    Then select "Rename Application package"
    Enter a new name in a dialogue window , and hit OK.
    Then It will show you in which part of your project the Application name will be changed. It will show you that
    the Application name will be changed in manifest, and in most relevant Java files. Hit "OK"
    YOU DONE in this part, but make sure you rebuild your project to take effect. 

    To rebuild your project, go to ""project" >>> "Clean" >>>> select a Project from a projects list, and hit "OK"
    Finaly, you can run your new project. 

2.  To change src package(sub package) names of packages within Src folder follow the following steps:
    First you need to create new package: (src > right click > new > package).

    Example of creating package: com.myCompany.executable 

    Follow these steps to move the Java files from the old that has already been copied package in part A to your new package.

    Select the Java files within that old package
    Right click that java files
    select "Refactor" option
    select "Move" option
    Select your preferred package from the list of packages in a dialogue window. Most probably you need to select the new one you just created and hit "OK"

答案 3 :(得分:0)

TrueStudio也是基于Eclipse的,它可能以类似的方式工作。但是,重构项目名称无效。 我将一个项目克隆到另一个项目的方法是在主文件夹上使用Ctrl-C / Ctrl-V,然后将新文件夹重命名为所需的名称。现在,我们只需要更改目录名和一些文件名。而且我们需要修改几个文件的内容。之后,可以在TrueStudio中打开项目。


Rename Project:
Copy the project directory
“Nucleo-H743ZI_Jack_010 - Copy”

Rename it to the new name
“Nucleo-H743ZI_Jack_010 - Copy”

Rename this directory

Rename these files

Change these files
“Nucleo-H743ZI_Jack_011_tcp\.mxproject” (3 occurrences)
“Nucleo-H743ZI_Jack_011_tcp\Nucleo-H743ZI_Jack_011_tcp.ioc” (2 occurrences)
“Nucleo-H743ZI_Jack_011_tcp\TrueSTUDIO\Nucleo-H743ZI_Jack_011_tcp\.cproject” (3 occurrences)
“Nucleo-H743ZI_Jack_011_tcp\TrueSTUDIO\Nucleo-H743ZI_Jack_011_tcp\.project” (1 occurrence)
“Nucleo-H743ZI_Jack_011_tcp\TrueSTUDIO\Nucleo-H743ZI_Jack_011_tcp\Nucleo-H743ZI_Jack_011_tcp.elf.launch” (5 occurrences)

Note: also get rid of absolute paths in Nucleo-H743ZI_Jack_011_tcp\TrueSTUDIO\Nucleo-H743ZI_Jack_011_tcp\.project

Open project
File -> Open Project from File System…
Directory: “Nucleo-H743ZI_Jack_011_tcp\TrueSTUDIO\Nucleo-H743ZI_Jack_011_tcp”
Click OK and Finish



# Changed the name of an TrueStudio project
import os
import sys

def inplace_change(filename, old_string, new_string):
    # Safely read the input filename using 'with'
    with open(filename) as f:
        s = f.read()
        if old_string not in s:
            print '"{old_string}" not found in {filename}.'.format(**locals())

    # Safely write the changed content, if found in the file
    with open(filename, 'w') as f:
        print 'Changing "{old_string}" to "{new_string}" in {filename}'.format(**locals())
        s = s.replace(old_string, new_string)

# Getting the current work directory (cwd)
dir_abs = os.getcwd()
n = len(dir_abs_split)
dst_dir = dir_abs_split[n-1]
new_name = dst_dir
print dir_abs

# Get original name
#src_dir = os.listdir(ts_dir)[0]
#old_name = src_dir
#print "old_name: " + old_name

mxproject_filename = dir_abs + "\.mxproject"
with open(mxproject_filename) as f:
    content = f.readlines()
second_line = content[1]
#print second_line
old_name = second_line_split[n-2]
print "old_name: " + old_name
print "new_name: " + new_name

ioc_filename_old = dir_abs + "\\" + old_name + ".ioc"
ioc_filename_new = dir_abs + "\\" + new_name + ".ioc"

ts_dir = dir_abs + "\TrueSTUDIO"

ts_name_old = ts_dir + "\\" + old_name
ts_name_new = ts_dir + "\\" + new_name

elf_launch_old = ts_dir + "\\" + new_name + "\\" + old_name + ".elf.launch"
elf_launch_new = ts_dir + "\\" + new_name + "\\" + new_name + ".elf.launch"

cproject = ts_dir + "\\" +  new_name + "\.cproject"
project = ts_dir + "\\" +  new_name + "\.project"

print "Change path in " + project

new_path = "PARENT-2-PROJECT_LOC"
old_path = dir_abs.replace("\\", "/")
old_path = old_path.replace("c:", "C:")
print old_path
print new_path

if os.path.isfile(project):
    # file exists
    print "Modify file " + project
    inplace_change(project, old_path, new_path)

if (new_name == old_name):
    print "Nothing else to change"

print "Rename directories and files:"

#os.rename(src, dst)
if os.path.isdir(ts_name_old):
    # dir exists
    print "Rename directory " + ts_name_old + " to " + ts_name_new
    os.rename(ts_name_old, ts_name_new)

#os.rename(src, dst)
if os.path.isfile(ioc_filename_old):
    # file exists
    print "Rename file " + ioc_filename_old + " to " + ioc_filename_new
    os.rename(ioc_filename_old, ioc_filename_new)

if os.path.isfile(elf_launch_old):
    # file exists
    print "Rename file " + elf_launch_old + " to " + elf_launch_new
    os.rename(elf_launch_old, elf_launch_new)

print "Replace strings in files:"

if os.path.isfile(cproject):
    # file exists
    print "Modify file " + cproject
    inplace_change(cproject, old_name, new_name)

if os.path.isfile(project):
    # file exists
    print "Modify file " + project
    inplace_change(project, old_name, new_name)
    inplace_change(project, old_path, new_path)

if os.path.isfile(ioc_filename_new):
    # file exists
    print "Modify file " + ioc_filename_new
    inplace_change(ioc_filename_new, old_name, new_name)

if os.path.isfile(elf_launch_new):
    # file exists
    print "Modify file " + elf_launch_new
    inplace_change(elf_launch_new, old_name, new_name)

if os.path.isfile(mxproject_filename):
    # file exists
    print "Modify file " + mxproject_filename
    inplace_change(mxproject_filename, old_name, new_name)
