
时间:2014-04-08 20:56:04

标签: c++ opencv

所以我试图使用opencv将图像放入场景中。我可以使用GetRotationMatrix2d和warpaffine围绕其中心(z轴)旋转它。我想知道我需要使用透视变换吗?或者我可以创建一个3d旋转矩阵并将其插入warpaffine?并且是否有任何getRotationMatrix相当于3D? 谢谢!

编辑:我找到了this post,但它对我不起作用。

我的代码在下面我已经让它旋转了,虽然我不确定我应该使用什么焦距?每当我旋转不同的角度时,我需要使用焦距来调整它以使其正确。假如我旋转图像45'它看起来像下面的图片,但在某种程度上明显扭曲了...... enter image description here

void rotateImage(const Mat &input, Mat &output, double alpha, double beta, double gamma, double dx, double dy, double dz, double f)
    alpha = (alpha - 90.)*CV_PI/180.;
    beta = (beta - 90.)*CV_PI/180.;
    gamma = (gamma - 90.)*CV_PI/180.;
    // get width and height for ease of use in matrices
    double w = (double)input.cols;
    double h = (double)input.rows;
    // Projection 2D -> 3D matrix
    Mat A1 = (Mat_<double>(4,3) <<
              1, 0, -w/2,
              0, 1, -h/2,
              0, 0,    0,
              0, 0,    1);
    // Rotation matrices around the X, Y, and Z axis
    Mat RX = (Mat_<double>(4, 4) <<
              1,          0,           0, 0,
              0, cos(alpha), -sin(alpha), 0,
              0, sin(alpha),  cos(alpha), 0,
              0,          0,           0, 1);
    Mat RY = (Mat_<double>(4, 4) <<
              cos(beta), 0, -sin(beta), 0,
              0, 1,          0, 0,
              sin(beta), 0,  cos(beta), 0,
              0, 0,          0, 1);
    Mat RZ = (Mat_<double>(4, 4) <<
              cos(gamma), -sin(gamma), 0, 0,
              sin(gamma),  cos(gamma), 0, 0,
              0,          0,           1, 0,
              0,          0,           0, 1);
    // Composed rotation matrix with (RX, RY, RZ)
    Mat R = RX * RY * RZ;
    // Translation matrix
    Mat T = (Mat_<double>(4, 4) <<
             1, 0, 0, dx,
             0, 1, 0, dy,
             0, 0, 1, dz,
             0, 0, 0, 1);
    // 3D -> 2D matrix
    Mat A2 = (Mat_<double>(3,4) <<
              f, 0, w/2, 0,
              0, f, h/2, 0,
              0, 0,   1, 0);
    // Final transformation matrix
    Mat trans = A2 * (T * (R * A1));
    // Apply matrix transformation
    warpPerspective(input, output, trans, input.size(), INTER_LANCZOS4);

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Mat T = (Mat_<double>(4, 4) <<
         1, 0, 0, 0,
         0, 1, 0, 0,
         0, 0, 1, 0,
         dx, dy, dz, 1);