
时间:2014-04-10 13:24:16

标签: python string numbers number-formatting


  • 字段宽度为8个字符
  • 浮点数必须包含'.'或以指数格式写入,例如: '1.23e8'


print "{0:8.3g}".format(number)

,其'1.23e+06'1234567' 1234'1234相符。


  • '1234567.' 1234567(即不是指数格式之前) 要求),
  • ' 1234.' 1234(即以点结尾,因此不会被解释为整数),
  • '1.235e+7'12345678(即指数只使用一位数字),
  • '-1.23e+7' -1234567(即未违反最高8位数字) 负数)。


4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

您已经非常接近,但我认为您的最终解决方案将涉及编写自定义格式化程序。例如,我不相信mini-formatting language可以控制指数的宽度。

(顺便说一句,在你的第一个例子中,你没有" +"在" e&#34之后;但在你做的其他人中。明确哪一个你希望可以帮助其他回答者。)

如果我正在编写这种格式化函数,我要做的第一件事就是为它编写一套完整的测试。 doctestunittest都适合。


答案 1 :(得分:0)


import unittest

class TestStringMethods(unittest.TestCase):

    def test_all(self):
        test = (
            ("1234567.", 1234567),
            ("-123456.", -123456),
            ("1.23e+13", 12345678901234),
            ("123.4567", 123.4567),
            ("123.4568", 123.45678),
            ("1.234568", 1.2345678),
            ("0.123457", 0.12345678),
            ("   1234.", 1234),
            ("1.235e+7", 12345678),
            ("-1.23e+6", -1234567),

        max_char = 8
        max_number = int("9" * (max_char - 1))  # 9,999,999
        min_number = -int("9" * (max_char - 2))  # -999,999
        for expected, given in test:
            # for small numbers
            # if -999,999 < given < 9,999,999:
            if min_number < given < max_number:

                # output = f"{given:7}"
                output = f"{given:{max_char - 1}}"

                # converting ints to floats without adding zero
                if '.' not in output:
                    output += '.'

                # floats longer than 8 will need rounding to fit max length
                elif len(output) > max_char:
                    # output = str(round(given, 7 - str(given).index(".")))
                    output = str(round(given, max_char - 1 - str(given).index(".")))

                # for exponents
                # added a loop for super large numbers or negative as "-" is another char
                # Added max(max_char, 5) to account for max length of less than 5, was having too much fun
                for n in range(max(max_char, 5) - 5, 0, -1):
                    fill = f".{n}e"
                    output = f"{given:{fill}}".replace('+0', '+')
                    # if all good stop looping
                    if len(output) == max_char:
                    raise ValueError(f"Number is too large to fit in {max_char} characters", given)

            self.assertEqual(len(output), max_char, msg=output)
            self.assertEqual(output, expected, msg=given)

if __name__ == '__main__':

答案 2 :(得分:0)

我只是通过@ Harvey251回答了问题,但分为测试部分和生产中需要的部分。


# save the code at the end as formatfloat.py and then
import formatfloat

# do this first
width = 8
ff8 = formatfloat.FormatFloat(width)

# now use ff8 whenever you need


import unittest

class FormatFloat:
    def __init__(self, width = 8):
        self.width = width
        self.maxnum = int('9'*(width - 1))  # 9999999
        self.minnum = -int('9'*(width - 2)) # -999999

    def __call__(self, x):

        # for small numbers
        # if -999,999 < given < 9,999,999:
        if x > self.minnum and x < self.maxnum:

            # o = f'{x:7}'
            o = f'{x:{self.width - 1}}'

            # converting int to float without adding zero
            if '.' not in o:
                o += '.'

            # float longer than 8 will need rounding to fit width
            elif len(o) > self.width:
                # output = str(round(x, 7 - str(x).index(".")))
                o = str(round(x, self.width-1 - str(x).index('.')))


            # for exponents
            # added a loop for super large numbers or negative as "-" is another char
            # Added max(max_char, 5) to account for max length of less 
            #     than 5, was having too much fun
            # TODO can i come up with a threshold value for these up front, 
            #     so that i dont have to do this calc for every value??
            for n in range(max(self.width, 5) - 5, 0, -1):
                fill = f'.{n}e'
                o = f'{x:{fill}}'.replace('+0', '+')

                # if all good stop looping
                if len(o) == self.width:
                raise ValueError(f"Number is too large to fit in {self.width} characters", x)
        return o

class TestFormatFloat(unittest.TestCase):
    def test_all(self):
        test = ( 
            ("1234567.", 1234567), 
            ("-123456.", -123456), 
            ("1.23e+13", 12345678901234), 
            ("123.4567", 123.4567), 
            ("123.4568", 123.45678), 
            ("1.234568", 1.2345678), 
            ("0.123457", 0.12345678), 
            ("   1234.", 1234), 
            ("1.235e+7", 12345678), 
            ("-1.23e+6", -1234567),

        width = 8
        ff8 = FormatFloat(width)

        for expected, given in test:
            output = ff8(given)
            self.assertEqual(len(output), width, msg=output)
            self.assertEqual(output, expected, msg=given)

if __name__ == '__main__':

答案 3 :(得分:0)


class FormatFloat:
def __init__(self, width = 8):
    self.width = width
    self.maxnum = int('9'*(width - 1))  # 9999999
    self.minnum = -int('9'*(width - 2)) # -999999

def __call__(self, x):

    # for small numbers
    # if -999,999 < given < 9,999,999:
    if x > self.minnum and x < self.maxnum:

        # o = f'{x:7}'
        o = f'{x:{self.width - 1}}'

        # converting int to float without adding zero
        if '.' not in o:
            o += '.'

        # float longer than 8 will need rounding to fit width
        elif len(o) > self.width:
            # output = str(round(x, 7 - str(x).index(".")))
            o = str(round(x, self.width - 1 - str(x).index('.')))
            if len(o) < self.width:


        # for exponents
        # added a loop for super large numbers or negative as "-" is another char
        # Added max(max_char, 5) to account for max length of less 
        #     than 5, was having too much fun
        # TODO can i come up with a threshold value for these up front, 
        #     so that i dont have to do this calc for every value??
        for n in range(max(self.width, 5) - 5, 0, -1):
            fill = f'.{n}e'
            o = f'{x:{fill}}'.replace('+0', '+')

            # if all good stop looping
            if len(o) == self.width:
            raise ValueError(f"Number is too large to fit in {self.width} characters", x)
    return o