如何将Reader monad添加到Scotty的monad?

时间:2014-04-14 20:56:06

标签: haskell monad-transformers scotty

我正在尝试使用Scotty构建一个非常简单的API。我想扩展Scotty monad,以便我的路由处理程序操作能够访问一个不变的环境。我相信这样做的方法是在堆栈中添加Reader monad。现在我只想传递一些Text数据。

我将Scotty monad扩展如下:

type BrandyScottyM = ScottyT TL.Text (ReaderT T.Text IO)
type BrandyActionM = ActionT TL.Text (ReaderT T.Text IO)




runScotty :: Port -> Text -> BrandyScottyM () -> IO ()
runScotty port file = T.scottyT port ((\f -> runReader f file)) id



  Couldn't match type `IO' with `Data.Functor.Identity.Identity'
    Expected type: Reader Text (IO a)
      Actual type: ReaderT Text IO a
    In the first argument of `runReader', namely `f'
    In the expression: runReader f file
    In the second argument of `T.scottyT', namely
      `((\ f -> runReader f file))'
/home/stu/git/Brandy/src/Main.hs: line 36, column 65:
  Couldn't match type `ReaderT Text IO Network.Wai.Internal.Response'
                  with `IO Network.Wai.Internal.Response'
    Expected type: ReaderT Text IO Network.Wai.Internal.Response
                   -> IO Network.Wai.Internal.Response
      Actual type: ReaderT Text IO Network.Wai.Internal.Response
                   -> ReaderT Text IO Network.Wai.Internal.Response
    In the third argument of `T.scottyT', namely `id'
    In the expression: T.scottyT port ((\ f -> runReader f file)) id
    In an equation for `runScotty':
        runScotty port file = T.scottyT port ((\ f -> runReader f file)) id


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:10)

你的方法看起来没问题。类型错误是因为您应该使用runReaderT而不是runReaderrunReader仅适用于ReaderReaderT仅使用虚拟Identity {1}}它下方的monad)。