
时间:2014-04-15 08:02:22

标签: c# multithreading debugging




namespace Pong
    internal enum CollisionType
        Paddle, Boundary

    class Ball
        private readonly IGameView view;
        private readonly IGameController controller;
        private int velocity = 10;
        private double angle;
        private event CollisionHandler Collision;
        private Point _point;
        public Point Point
            get { return _point; }
            {   // If UpdatePosition() tries to move the ball beyond the boundaries in one tick move the ball to the boundaries
                if(value.Y > view.Boundaries.Height || value.Y < 0) 
                    _point = new Point(value.X, view.Boundaries.Height);
                    Collision(CollisionType.Boundary); // Also raise the collision event

                //If the ball is going to pass the X boundaries of the map then a player should score and the ball should reset
                if (value.X > view.Boundaries.Width || value.X < 0)
                    if (angle > 90) // If the angle of the ball of the ball is above 90 degrees then the left paddle was the shooter
                    {               // So he should score
                        var scoringPlayer = Array.Find(controller.Players, player => player.Paddle.Orientation.Equals(Orientation.Left));
                    else // If not, then it's the right paddle
                        var scoringPlayer = Array.Find(controller.Players, player => player.Paddle.Orientation.Equals(Orientation.Right));

                // If the ball will collide with a player paddle then raise collision event
                if (controller.Players.Any(player => player.Paddle.Position.Equals(value)))
                    _point = value;

                _point = value;

        public Ball(IGameView view, IGameController controller)
            this.view = view;
            this.controller = controller;                                       

        public void Center(Player server)
            //Center the ball, acccess the backing field directly to avoid all the conditional logic in the property
            _point = new Point(view.Boundaries.Width / 2, view.Boundaries.Height / 2);    

            //The ball will start moving from the center Point towards one of the different sides
            /*TODO: Apparently the ball moves sideways down towards one of the player paddles, so we must implement more complex
              logic to calculate the starting angle of the ball */
            angle = (server.Paddle.Orientation.Equals(Orientation.Left)) ? 0 : 180;

        public void UpdatePosition()
            //Called to update ball position based on velocity and angle of ball

            //For now let's just implement a very primitive movement algorithm
            if (angle < 90)
                Point = new Point(Point.X + velocity, Point.Y);
                Point = new Point(Point.X - velocity, Point.Y);
    //TODO: Add collision detection through BallCollision Event and implement BallCollisionHandler(CollisionType as Object args) 

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

您在致电_point = value后立即设置Center - 您需要确保在Center

public Point Point
    get { return _point; }
    {   // If UpdatePosition() tries to move the ball beyond the boundaries in one tick move the ball to the boundaries
        if(value.Y > view.Boundaries.Height || value.Y < 0) 
            _point = new Point(value.X, view.Boundaries.Height);
            Collision(CollisionType.Boundary); // Also raise the collision event

        //If the ball is going to pass the X boundaries of the map then a player should score and the ball should reset
        if (value.X > view.Boundaries.Width || value.X < 0)
            if (angle > 90) // If the angle of the ball of the ball is above 90 degrees then the left paddle was the shooter
            {               // So he should score
                var scoringPlayer = Array.Find(controller.Players, player => player.Paddle.Orientation.Equals(Orientation.Left));
            else // If not, then it's the right paddle
                var scoringPlayer = Array.Find(controller.Players, player => player.Paddle.Orientation.Equals(Orientation.Right));

        // If the ball will collide with a player paddle then raise collision event
        if (controller.Players.Any(player => player.Paddle.Position.Equals(value)))
            _point = value;

        _point = value; // <--- This always gets set - even after you call Center above


Sayse指出,虽然这是你遇到的问题,但将这个逻辑转移到“更新”中会很有用。代码的一部分 - 这个逻辑似乎应该是IGameController实现的一部分或者IBallController的一部分;或者将Update方法放入游戏控制器想要更新所有游戏对象时调用的Ball类中
