Hadoop mapreduce多个文件的字数

时间:2014-04-19 14:33:33

标签: hadoop mapreduce word-count

我是Hadoop MapReduce的新手。而且我在做字数统计。输入是文本文件的数量,我必须表示每个不同文件中每个单词的频率,并且必须形成术语向量表。我读过术语向量是apache lucene库的一部分。我对所有这些东西都是全新的,所以我不知道该怎么做,

我该怎么做..? 感谢

Output should look like as follows in table format
       an apple is not orange the 
Doc1    1   5   8   22   0    32 
Doc2    0   6   10  19   0    13 
Doc3    3   12  15   4   8     5  


public class Mapper2 extends Mapper<LongWritable, Text, Text, IntWritable>
public void map(LongWritable key, Text value, Context context)  
    throws IOException, InterruptedException
// Get the file name
    FileSplit split = (FileSplit) context.getInputSplit();
     String filename = split.getPath().getName().toString();

//   context.write(new Text(filename), new IntWritable(1));
    String[] Stopwords=   {"a","about","above","after","again","against","all","am","an",
    List<String> stopwordlist=Arrays.asList(Stopwords);
    String s = value.toString();
    for (String word : s.split("\\W+")) 
        if ((word.length() > 0)&&(!stopwordlist.contains(word))) 
            context.write(new Text(filename+word), new IntWritable(1));



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