
时间:2014-04-23 12:24:22

标签: matlab



n是我想要创建的切片数,它等于文本文件中包含rcBeta的行数。 Z = ones(81,1)是翼型坐标的数量(XY一起计为1)

clear all
close all

%Create and output propeller geometry text files for solidworks
Propeller_Geometry = 'lllllaatsten.txt';
Airfoil_Geometry = 'as5048.txt'; %airfoil x_c, z_c

[r, c, beta] = textread(Propeller_Geometry) % (m, m, deg)
[x_c, z_c] = textread(Airfoil_Geometry); %(-, -)

c = c * 1000;           % Chord Length (mm)
r = r * 1000;           % Radius Length (mm)
beta = beta * pi / 180; % Angle from rotational velocity vector to lower blade edge (rad) 
n = 50;                 % Number of slices
hold on
plot(x_c, z_c, '-b')
axis([0 1 -0.5 0.5])
xlabel('Unit Chord ( x/c)', 'fontsize', 14)
ylabel('Unit Height (z/c)', 'fontsize', 14)
title('TA22 Airfoil Geometry', 'fontsize', 14)

%Create dimensional slices
for i=1:n+1
    x = x_c * c(i);                            % Dimensional Chord (mm)
    y = z_c * c(i);                            % Dimensional Height (mm)
    X = x * cos(-beta(i)) - y * sin(-beta(i)); % Rotated x-coordinate
    Y = y * cos(-beta(i)) + x * sin(-beta(i)); % Rotated y-coordinate
    Z = ones(81,1) * r(i);
    P = horzcat(-X, Y, Z);

    %dlmwrite(['Slice_' int2str(i)'.xls'], P, 'delimiter', '\t', 'precision', 8)
    %dlmwrite(['stuk_' int2str(i) '.txt'], P, 'delimiter', '\t', 'precision', 8)
    dlmwrite (['stuk_' int2str(i) '.xls'], P, '-append', 'delimiter', '\t', 'newline', 'pc')
    plot3(Z, -X, Y);                           %cm
    axis([0 50 -30 0 -7 1])
    xlabel('Radius (mm)', 'fontsize', 18)
    ylabel('Chord (mm)', 'fontsize', 18)
    zlabel('Height (cm)', 'fontsize', 18)
    title('Propeller geometry', 'fontsize', 18)

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