使用混合const和非const元素模拟std :: vector

时间:2014-04-28 05:04:48

标签: c++ const

我想模拟一个混合const和非const元素的std :: vector。更具体地说,我希望有一个在向量上运行的函数,并且允许它们查看整个向量,但只能写入特定元素。可以和不可以写入的元素将在运行时确定,并可能在运行时更改。







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template <typename T>
struct Container
   void push_back(bool isconst, T const& item)
      data.push_back(std::make_pair(isconst, item));

   T& at(size_t index)
      // Check whether the object at the index is const.
      if ( data[index].first )
         throw std::runtime_error("Trying to access a const-member");
      return data[index].second;

   T const& at(size_t index) const
      return data[index].second;

   T const& at(size_t index, int dummy) // Without dummy, can't differentiate
                                        // between the two functions.
      return data[index].second;

   T const& at(size_t index, int dummy) const // Without dummy, can't differentiate
                                              // between the two functions.
      return data[index].second;

   std::vector<std::pair<bool, T> > data;


#include <stdio.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <utility>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <vector>

// Put the class definition here.

int main()
   Container<int> c;
   c.push_back(true, 10);
   c.push_back(false, 20);

      int value = c.at(0); // Show throw exception.
   catch (...)
      std::cout << "Expected to see this.\n";

   int value = c.at(0, 1); // Should work.
   std::cout << "Got c[0]: " << value << "\n";

   value = c.at(1); // Should work.
   std::cout << "Got c[1]: " << value << "\n";

   value = c.at(1, 1); // Should work.
   std::cout << "Got c[1]: " << value << "\n";

   // Accessing the data through a const object.
   // All functions should work since they are returning
   // const&.
   Container<int> const& cref = c;

   value = cref.at(0); // Should work.
   std::cout << "Got c[0]: " << value << "\n";

   value = cref.at(0, 1); // Should work.
   std::cout << "Got c[0]: " << value << "\n";

   value = cref.at(1); // Should work.
   std::cout << "Got c[1]: " << value << "\n";

   value = cref.at(1, 1); // Should work.
   std::cout << "Got c[1]: " << value << "\n";

   // Changing values ... should only work for '1'
      c.at(0) = 100; // Show throw exception.
   catch (...)
      std::cout << "Expected to see this.\n";

   c.at(1) = 200; // Should work.
   std::cout << "Got c[1]: " << c.at(1) << "\n";


Expected to see this.
Got c[0]: 10
Got c[1]: 20
Got c[1]: 20
Got c[0]: 10
Got c[0]: 10
Got c[1]: 20
Got c[1]: 20
Expected to see this.
Got c[1]: 200