php和sql'INSERT INTO'没有填充sql数据库

时间:2014-04-29 15:33:50

标签: php mysql insert-into

提前谢谢。我查了一下论坛。 php程序允许用户登录并输入信息到mySQL数据库表Names。 它检查所有字段是否已填写, 密码匹配, 用户尚不存在。 这是几个协同工作的程序之一

除一个方面外,所有代码都有效。 它不会插入数据库表Names



问题。这些文件位于何处? 的MacBookPro。 OSX10.8.3。

故障排除 1.我连接到mysql数据库 2.我能够手动将数据插入字段。 3.以下所有代码均有效;适当的回声取决于填写或不填写的字段。 4.代码不会回复任何错误消息 5.我的代码中应该包含哪些内容? 死亡(mysql_error()); 6.为什么输入数据INSERT INTO?

require 'core.include.php';  // it has the loggedin() function
require 'connect.include.php';
//require 'register.success.php';

if (!loggedin())  {
   // check if each form field is filled and correctly submitted

if(isset($_POST['username'])  &&
isset($_POST['password']) &&
isset($_POST['password_again'])  &&
isset($_POST['firstname']) &&    
isset($_POST['surname']))  {

    $username = $_POST['username'];
    $password = $_POST['password'];
    $password_again = $_POST['password_again'];
    $password_hash = md5($password);
    $firstname = $_POST['firstname'];
    $surname = $_POST['surname'];

// check if ALL fields are filled in
        !empty($surname))   {

        if(strlen($username)>30||strlen($firstname)>45||strlen($surname)>45) {
            echo 'please adhere to maxlengths of fields';
            if($password!=$password_again) {
                echo 'Passwords do not match.';

                    // start the registration process
                    // check if the user already exists in the database

                    $query = "SELECT `username` FROM `Names` WHERE `username` = '$username'";

                    //if the above $query returns a row than the user already exists

                    $query_run = mysql_query($query);

// I am unclear about what the above standard function actually accomplishes

                    if (mysql_num_rows($query_run)==1) {
                        echo "The username '.$username.' already exists";

                        //start the registration process
$query = "INSERT INTO `Names` VALUES 
        (' ',

        if ($query_run = mysql_query($query)) {

    // if this query is successful:  mysql_query($query))  
    // we locate the user to a page so they do not keep over registering 
    // echo 'registered';

        } else {
      echo 'Sorry, we could not register you at this time.';

// this is the problem.  
// this message always returns when I attempt to register a new user.
                   ////  echo 'Okay.';  // testing
                   ////  echo "The username '.$username.' already exists";  // testing
                  // note.  below inline php code will use the variables 
                  //so that if the user types in 4 of 5 fields they will 
                  //not have to retype in all of the fields again.

        } else{       
          echo 'All fields are required.';

Register Form:
<form action = "registration.php"  method ="POST">
    Username:<br> <input type ="text" name ="username" maxlength="32" value = "<?php 
if (isset($username)) {echo $username;} ?>"><br><br>
    Password:<br> <input type ="password" name ="password" > <br><br>
    Password Again: <br> <input type ="password" name ="password_again" > <br><br>
    Firstname:<br> <input type ="text" name ="firstname" maxlength="45"value="<?php     
if (isset($firstname)) {echo $firstname;} ?>"><br><br>
    Surname:<br> <input type ="text" name ="surname" maxlength="45" value = "<?php 
if (isset($surname)) {echo $surname;} ?>"><br><br>
    <input type ="submit" value ="register"><br><br>

    //echo 'register';
    }else if (loggedin ()) {
    echo 'you are already registered and logged in.';

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)



        } else {
      echo 'Sorry, we could not register you at this time.';

// this is the problem.  
// this message always returns when I attempt to register a new user.

      // for debugging: echo mysql_error(); or 
      die('error: '. mysql_error());



INSERT INTO foo (fee, fi, fo, fum) VALUES ('e','i','o','u');



GRANT INSERT ON mydatabase.`Names` TO myser@myhost;

权限存储在mysql数据库中,userdbtables_privs表中。权限可以在全局,所有数据库(... ON *.*),数据库级别(... ON mydatabase.*)或单个表级别(... ON mydatabase.mytable)上授予