
时间:2010-02-25 20:39:14

标签: c++ static-variables

语言:C ++ 工具包:Qt4

我正在使用的工具包有一个名为int QEvent::registerEventType()的静态方法来注册我自己的事件类型。当我将这个QEvent子类化时,我需要为这个值提供基类。 QEvent::QEvent(int type)


//This is all in my .cpp file

static int myEventType;  //This will contain my registered type

/*If I create a static instance of this class the constructor 
  gets called before the main() function starts.
class DoRegisterMyEventType {  
  DoRegisterMyEventType() {
    myEventType = QEvent::registerEventType();

static DoRegisterMyEventType doRegisterMyEventType;

//Here is the constructor for MyEvent class which inherits QEvent.
  : QEvent(myEventType)


3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

由于C ++的初始化跨越TU 是一个很大的灰色区域,具有很大的实现余地,我更喜欢完全废弃它并明确说明什么时候完成。 (由于缺少保证而拒绝初始化顺序与singleton classes拒绝全局对象的方式相似。)具体来说,这意味着任何无法初始化的全局状态(全局变量,静态数据成员和函数局部静态)使用常量表达式必须在一个TU中初始化,并且该TU是实现 main 的那个。

在手动情况下,这意味着在包含 main main 本身的翻译单元中插入和更新代码。此类代码最常见的示例是调用srand(time(0))来播种 std :: rand PRNG。


// the implementation file for main, could be named main.cpp

#include "whatever_declares_the_real_main.hpp"

#include "global_objects.inc"

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) try {
#include "main_init.inc"

  return the_real_main(argc, argv);

  // main.cpp has well-defined responsibility:
  // initialize global state before passing control to another function, and
  // handle return-code or exceptions

  // you can modify this, depending on your preference and desired API
  // for example:
  return the_real_main(std::vector<std::string>(argv+1, argv+argc));
  return the_real_main(parse_args(argv+1, argv+argc));
  // just make sure to keep main.cpp's responsibility well-defined and
  // relatively simple
// example handling; depending on your specifics, you might do something
// different, or know how to provide more information:
catch (std::exception& e) {
  std::cerr << "abnormal termination: " << e.what() << '\n';
  return 1;
catch (...) {
  std::cerr << "abnormal termination.\n";
  return 1;

这些.inc文件既不是标题也不是实现文件。只要您不使用通常用于标头或实现文件的内容(例如.h,.hpp,.cc,.cpp等),确切的文件扩展名无关紧要。您可以使用包含保护生成基于文件命名约定的 global_objects.inc main_init.inc ,以便可以包含依赖项(就像包含保护工作的标题一样)。

例如,这两个文件都与 myevent.hpp 对应,并且会与该标题一起放置:

// file "myevent.global_inc"
#ifndef INCLUDE_GUARD_37E6F5857F8F47918A7C83F29A9DA868
#define INCLUDE_GUARD_37E6F5857F8F47918A7C83F29A9DA868

#include <QEvent.hpp> // or whatever headers you need

#include "myevent.hpp" // declares the variable defined just below
// (remember you use 'extern' to declare objects without defining them)

int your_namespace::myEventType = QEvent::registerEventType();


// file "myevent.main_inc"
#ifndef INCLUDE_GUARD_4F1B93D0F4D3402B802CBA433241AA81
#define INCLUDE_GUARD_4F1B93D0F4D3402B802CBA433241AA81

// nothing needed in this case, from what you've shown so far

// this is where you place expressions that would otherwise require a dummy
// global variable to make sure they are executed, but this also allows use
// of temporary variables while includes handle dependency order:
#include "something_else.main_inc" // fake example dependency, which must
{                                  // be executed first
  int temp;
  other_func(temp); // not easy to transform this into a global's init
  // expression, yet defining it this way is natural, because it's exactly
  // how you would do it inside a function



答案 1 :(得分:1)

我使用“静态寄存器对象”模式相当多,但你必须意识到一个大问题 - 你必须确保你注册的东西,它本身可能是静态的,是在事物之前创建的你正在注册。由于C ++不保证翻译单元之间静态构造的顺序,这可能是有问题的。一种解决方案是使用所谓的Meyer Singleton:

class Registry {
    static Registry & Instance() {
        static Registry r;
        return r;


    Registry() {    


答案 2 :(得分:1)


static inline int GetMyEventType()
    static int sEventType = QEvent::registerEventType();
    return sEventType;

  : QEvent(GetMyEventType())


这是一个基于boost :: call_once:

#include "boost/thread/once.hpp"

static boost::once_flag sHaveRegistered = BOOST_ONCE_INIT; //This is initialized statically, effectively at compile time.    
static int sEventType = -1; //-1 is not a valid event

static void DoRegister()
    sEventType = QEvent::registerEventType();

static inline int GetMyEventType()
    boost::call_once(sHaveRegistered, &DoRegister);
    return sEventType;