将动态列添加到ASP.NET Gridview

时间:2008-10-24 19:21:58

标签: asp.net gridview dynamic

我在向GridView动态添加列时遇到问题。我需要根据DropDownList中的值更改布局 - 即包含的列。当用户更改此列表中的选择时,我需要删除除第一列之外的所有列,并根据选择动态添加其他列。

我的标记中只定义了一个列 - 第0列,一个模板列,其中我声明了一个Select链接和另一个特定于应用程序的LinkBut​​ton。该专栏需要始终存在。在创建ListBoxSelection时,我删除除第一列之外的所有列,然后重新添加所需的列(在此示例中,我将其简化为始终添加“标题”列)。以下是代码的一部分:

BoundField b = new BoundField();
b.DataField = "Title";

private void RemoveVariableColumnsFromGrid() {
    int ColCount = this.gvPrimaryListView.Columns.Count;
    //Leave column 0 -- our select and view template column
    while (ColCount > 1) {
        this.gvPrimaryListView.Columns.RemoveAt(ColCount - 1);

第一次运行此代码时,我会看到静态列和动态添加的“标题”列。但是,下次进行选择时,第一列将生成为空(其中没有任何内容)。我看到了标题栏,我看到它左边的第一列 - 但是里面没有生成任何内容。在调试器中,我可以看到gvPrimaryListView确实仍然有两列,第一列(索引0)确实是一个模板列。事实上,该列甚至保留了它的宽度,在下面的标记中设置为165px(用于调试目的)。


<asp:GridView ID="gvPrimaryListView" runat="server" Width="100%" AutoGenerateColumns="false"
    DataKeyNames="Document_ID" EnableViewState="true" DataSourceID="odsPrimaryDataSource"
    AllowPaging="true" AllowSorting="true" PageSize="10" OnPageIndexChanging="activeListView_PageIndexChanging"
    AutoGenerateSelectButton="False" OnSelectedIndexChanged="activeListView_SelectedIndexChanged"
    Visible="true" OnRowDataBound="CtlDocList_RowDataBound" Font-Size="8pt" Font-Names="Helvetica">
        <asp:TemplateField ShowHeader="false">
                <asp:LinkButton EnableTheming="false" ID="CtlSelectDocRowBtn" runat="server" Text="Select"
                    CommandName="Select" CssClass="gridbutton" OnClick="RowSelectBtn_Click" />
                <asp:ImageButton EnableTheming="false" ID="DocViewBtn" runat="server" ImageUrl="../../images/ViewDoc3.png"
                    CssClass="gridbutton" CommandName="Select" OnClick="DocViewBtn_Click" />
            <ItemStyle Width="165px" />
        <asp:Label ID="Label6" runat="server" Text="No rows found." SkinID="LabelHeader"></asp:Label>



另一个奇怪的事情 - 问题不会发生在第一次回发 - 或第二次 - 但它从第三次回发开始,然后继续进行后续回发。我很难过。

9 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:5)


首先关闭视图状态 其次,在oninit事件中触发的函数中以编程方式添加列 最后,我使用以下帮助程序类使复选框在RowDataBound事件启动时实例化。是的,其中一些是硬编码的。



- 在受保护的覆盖void OnInit

    private void GridViewProject_AddColumns()
        DataSet dsDataSet = new DataSet();
        TemplateField templateField = null;

            StoredProcedure sp = new StoredProcedure("ExpenseReportItemType_GetList", "INTRANETWEBDB", Context.User.Identity.Name);
            dsDataSet = sp.GetDataSet();

            if (sp.RC != 0 && sp.RC != 3000)
                labelMessage.Text = sp.ErrorMessage;

            int iIndex = 0;
            int iCount = dsDataSet.Tables[0].Rows.Count;
            string strCategoryID = "";
            string strCategoryName = "";
            iStaticColumnCount = GridViewProject.Columns.Count;

            // Insert all columns immediatly to the left of the LAST column
            while (iIndex < iCount)
                strCategoryName = dsDataSet.Tables[0].Rows[iIndex]["CategoryName"].ToString();
                strCategoryID = dsDataSet.Tables[0].Rows[iIndex]["CategoryID"].ToString();

                templateField = new TemplateField();
                templateField.HeaderTemplate = new GridViewTemplateExternal(DataControlRowType.Header, strCategoryName, strCategoryID);
                templateField.ItemTemplate = new GridViewTemplateExternal(DataControlRowType.DataRow, strCategoryName, strCategoryID);
                templateField.FooterTemplate = new GridViewTemplateExternal(DataControlRowType.Footer, strCategoryName, strCategoryID);

                // Have to decriment iStaticColumnCount to insert dynamic columns BEFORE the edit row
                GridViewProject.Columns.Insert((iIndex + (iStaticColumnCount-1)), templateField);
            iFinalColumnCount = GridViewProject.Columns.Count;
            iERPEditColumnIndex = (iFinalColumnCount - 1); // iIndex is zero based, Count is not
        catch (Exception exception)
            labelMessage.Text = exception.Message;

- 帮手类

public class GridViewTemplateExternal : System.Web.UI.ITemplate
    #region Fields
    public DataControlRowType DataRowType;
    private string strCategoryID;
    private string strColumnName;

    #region Constructor
    public GridViewTemplateExternal(DataControlRowType type, string ColumnName, string CategoryID)
        DataRowType = type; // Header, DataRow,
        strColumnName = ColumnName; // Header name
        strCategoryID = CategoryID;

    #region Methods
    public void InstantiateIn(System.Web.UI.Control container)
        switch (DataRowType)
            case DataControlRowType.Header:
                // build the header for this column
                Label labelHeader = new Label();
                labelHeader.Text = "<b>" + strColumnName + "</b>";
                // All CheckBoxes "Look Up" to the header row for this information
                labelHeader.Attributes["ERICategoryID"] = strCategoryID;
                labelHeader.Style["writing-mode"] = "tb-rl";
                labelHeader.Style["filter"] = "flipv fliph";
            case DataControlRowType.DataRow:
                CheckBox checkboxAllowedRow = new CheckBox();
                checkboxAllowedRow.Enabled = false;
                checkboxAllowedRow.DataBinding += new EventHandler(this.CheckBox_DataBinding);
            case DataControlRowType.Footer:
                // No data handling for the footer addition row
                CheckBox checkboxAllowedFooter = new CheckBox();
    public void CheckBox_DataBinding(Object sender, EventArgs e)
        CheckBox checkboxAllowed = (CheckBox)sender;// get the control that raised this event
        GridViewRow row = (GridViewRow)checkboxAllowed.NamingContainer;// get the containing row
        string RawValue = DataBinder.Eval(row.DataItem, strColumnName).ToString();
        if (RawValue.ToUpper() == "TRUE")
            checkboxAllowed.Checked = true;
            checkboxAllowed.Checked = false;

答案 1 :(得分:3)

通过以下地址将动态列添加到代码项目的网格视图(ASP)的最佳解决方案: 请检查一下 : http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/13461/how-to-create-columns-dynamically-in-a-grid-view

答案 2 :(得分:1)


问题是每次发生回发时都必须重新绑定网格,因此必须重建列。我喜欢有一个名为BindGrid()的方法,它首先清除列GridView1.Columns.Clear();然后以编程方式添加它们,然后设置数据源并调用数据绑定。确保您为网格禁用了viewstate,并且您有autogeneratecolumns = false;

答案 3 :(得分:1)

我今天早些时候发现了这个:TemplateField in a GridView doesn't have its ViewState restored when BoundFields are inserted

看起来像Microsoft不打算修复的错误,因此您必须尝试上述解决方案之一。我遇到了同样的问题 - 我有一些DataBoundFields和一些TemplateFields,并且在回发后,基于TemplateField的列会丢失它们的控件和数据。

答案 4 :(得分:1)

我写过一篇关于类似主题的简短文章,该文章基于用户在CheckBoxList控件中选择的列来处理动态填充GridView列。希望这对那些寻求简单演示的人有用How to generate GridView columns dynamically based on user selection?

答案 5 :(得分:1)

    void Page_PreRenderComplete(object sender, EventArgs e)
        // TemplateField reorder bug: if there is a TemplateField based column (or derived therefrom), GridView may blank out
        // the column (plus possibly others) during any postback, if the user has moved it from its original markup position.
        // This is probably a viewstate bug, as it happens only if a TemplateField based column has been moved.  The workaround is
        // to force a databind before each response. See https://connect.microsoft.com/VisualStudio/feedback/details/104994/templatefield-in-a-gridview-doesnt-have-its-viewstate-restored-when-boundfields-are-inserted
        // This problem is also happening for grid views inside a TabPanel, even if the TemplateField based columns have not
        // been moved.  Also do a databind in that case.
        // We also force a databind right after the user has submitted the column chooser dialog.
        // (This is because the user could have moved TemplateField based column(s) but ColChooserHasMovedTemplateFields()
        // returns false -- ie when the user has moved all TemplateField based columns back to their original positions.
        if ((!_DataBindingDone && (ColChooserHasMovedTemplateFields() || _InTabPanel)) || _ColChooserPanelSubmitted || _ColChooserPanelCancelled)

        // There is a problem with the GridView in case of custom paging (which is true here) that if we are on the last page,
        // and we delete all row(s) of that page, GridView is not aware of the deletion during the subsequent data binding,
        // will ask the ODS for the last page of data, and will display a blank.  By PreRenderComplete, it will somehow have
        // realized that its PageIndex, PageCount, etc. are too big and updated them properly, but this is too late
        // as the data binding has already occurred with oudated page variables.  So, if we were on the last page just before
        // the last data binding (_LastPageIndex == _LastPageCount - 1) and PageIndex was decremented after the data binding,
        // we know this scenario has happened and we redo the data binding.  See http://scottonwriting.net/sowblog/archive/2006/05/30/163173.aspx
        // for a discussion of the problem when the GridView uses the ODS to delete data.  The discussion also applies when we
        // delete data directly through ClassBuilder objects.
        if (_LastPageIndex == _LastPageCount - 1 && PageIndex < _LastPageIndex)

        if (EnableColChooser)
            if (!_IsColChooserApplied)
                ApplyColChooser(null, false, false);
                // The purpose of calling ApplyColChooser() here is to order the column headers properly.  The GridView
                // at this point will have reverted the column headers to their original order regardless of ViewState,
                // so we need to apply our own ordering.  (This is not true of data cells, so we don't have to apply
                // ordering to them, as reflected by the parameters of the call.)

                // If we have already processed column reordering upon the column chooser panel being submitted,
                // don't repeat the operation.
                if (!_ColChooserPanelSubmitted)
                    ApplyColChooser(null, false, true);

答案 6 :(得分:0)




答案 7 :(得分:0)

不是动态添加列,而是可以在开始时定义它们并根据需要隐藏/显示它们(使用Visible =“false”或将控件/页眉/页脚的CssClass设置为具有“display:none”的类;“)?我在我的一些代码中使用此方法,包括模板列,没有任何问题。

答案 8 :(得分:0)

对不起,德克尔。我显然错过了几个要点.. :)


