
时间:2014-05-07 18:54:42

标签: c shared-memory

我在共享内存中遇到的问题是: 该项目是定义端口数量,让这些端口相互连接, 我必须通过ubuntu中的一个通信方法(管道,共享内存,消息队列等)来实现这些端口,所以我决定将它们实现为共享内存,其中段数等于端口数。

我的问题是,当我使用相同的密钥和相同的ID使用不同的进程来附加共享内存时,shmat()函数返回指向同一共享内存的不同指针! 所以每个进程都有自己的共享内存! ......为什么会这样?感谢

int ringget(key_t key, int size, ring_t* info)
int shm_ID = shmget(key, sizeof(struct info)*size, IPC_CREAT | 0777);
if(shm_ID == -1)
    return -1;
info->shm_ID = shm_ID;
int msgID = msgget(key+1, IPC_CREAT | 0666);
info->msgID = msgID;
info->shm_size = size;
return 0;

int ringat(ring_t* info, int port)
if((port-1) >= 0 && (port-1) <= info->shm_ID)
    int y;
    int id = info->shm_ID;
    printf("the shared memory ID is [%i]\n", id);
    struct info* i;
    i = (struct info*) shmat(id, NULL, 0);
    i->port = 55;
    printf("the base address is [%p]\n", i);
    struct info * ptr = i;
    for(y = 0; y<info->shm_size; y++)
        (ptr+y)->PID = 0;
        (ptr+y)->port = 0;
    info->ptr = i+port-1;
    (info->ptr)->port = port;
    (info->ptr)->PID = getpid();
        printf("The port is [%i] and the PID is [%i] and the pointer address is [%p]\n",                 (info->ptr)->port, (info->ptr)->PID,(info->ptr));
    return 0;
    printf("out of range\n");
    return -1;

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