
时间:2014-05-27 20:55:39

标签: vb6


0000 InvoiceNumber
000200001 46.00     HR215.00
000200001 53.00     HR215.00
000200001 53.00     HR215.00
0000 InvoiceNumber
000200001 40.00     HR48.96
000200001 40.00     HR48.96
0000 InvoiceNumber
000200001 18.00     HR257.50
000200001 16.00     HR257.50
000200002 4.50      HR284.00
000200002 2.00      HR284.00
000200003 0.50      HR257.50
000200003 4.00      HR257.50
000200004 1.00      HR309.00
000200007 1.50      HR284.00
000200007 3.00      HR284.00
000200008 3.00      HR255.60
000200008 3.00      HR255.60
000200008 2.50      HR255.60
000200008 5.00      HR255.60
000200009 3.25      HR257.50
000200010 3.40      HR231.75
000200010 1.90      HR231.75
000200013 2.00      HR284.00
000200013 2.00      HR284.00
000200014 1.00      HR293.94
000200014 16.50     HR293.94
000200015 2.75      HR257.50
000200015 6.75      HR257.50
000200017 1.00      HR284.00
000200017 1.00      HR284.00
000200018 3.00      HR309.00
000200018 2.00      HR309.00
000200019 6.00      HR255.60
000200019 6.00      HR255.60

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


Private Sub ReadAndSplitFile(strFile As String)
  Dim intFile As Integer
  Dim strData As String
  Dim strLine() As String
  'read in the entire file
  intFile = FreeFile
  Open strFile For Input As #intFile
    strData = Input(LOF(intFile), #intFile)
  Close #intFile
  'split the lines in the file into an array
  strLine = Split(strData, vbCrLf)
End Sub

答案 1 :(得分:0)


Dim iFileNo As Integer
Dim sLine   As String
Dim Invoice As <Whatever>

' Retrieve the next file number.
iFileNo = FreeFile

Open "Invoice.txt" For Input As #iFileNo

Do Until Eof(iFileNo)
    Line Input #iFileNo, sLine
    ProcessInvoice sLine, Invoice
ProcessInvoice "", Invoice
Close #iFileNo


If the line is equal to ""
    If we are already processing an Invoice
        Finish with that Invoice
Else If the line is equal to ":IIII4444:"
    If we are already processing an Invoice
        Finish with that Invoice
    Start new invoice.
Else If the line starts with "0000"
    Save the invoice number (everything after "0000 ")
Else If the line starts with "0001"
    Do nothing
Else If the line starts with "0002"
    Call "ProcessInvoiceEntry" (everything after "00002")
    Save the invoice entry


' The offsets are 
' 0        1         2         3
' 123456789012345678901234567890
' 00001 18.00     HR257.50
' ^    ^^        ^^
' +----++--------++------------->

Pull out each chunk from the string, and return each field as a separate string or number.

(注意Mid $()是从字符串中复制子字符串的函数。使用RTrim $()去掉任何多余的空格。)

前面的代码假定您一次加载所有发票,将它们保存在某些数据结构中 - 例如Invoice和InvoiceEntry类。另一种方法是迭代整个文件,只查看发票号,然后创建一个只包含发票号的列表,以及与之关联的行号。这样,您可以根据需要将发票加载到表单中。
