Segfaults包含所有`if / else-if / else-if`语句,但在评论其中一个语句时却没有

时间:2014-05-28 12:40:35

标签: c gtk



priority_arg_create (gchar *arg)
    gchar **argvp;
    gint argcp;
    gint i;
    gint j;

    argvp = get_arg_vector ();
    argcp = 0;
    i = 0;

    /* obtain arg count not including the `NULL` terminator. */
    while (argvp[argcp])

    g_print ("From `rt_priority.c` line 42: %d\n", argcp);

    /* Here we look for the jack arg `-Px` with the for loop then the if
    statement. If it does not exist then we add it to arg vector with
    `else/if` statement. */
    for (i = 0; i <= argcp; i++)
        if ((i == argcp -1) && (strncmp (argvp[i], "-P", 2) != 0))
            g_print ("From `rt_priority.c` line 65\n");

            /* Add space to arg vector for the jackd arg `-R`. */
            argcp = argcp + 1;

            /* If realtime arg exists then place priority arg right
            after that.*/
            if ((strncmp (argvp[1], "-r", 2) == 0) ||
                (strncmp (argvp[1], "-R", 2) == 0))
                /* Here we move the args over one to place `-Px` as the
                third arg in the vector. */
                for (j = argcp; j >= 2; j--)
                    argvp[j] = argvp[j - 1];

                argvp[2] = arg;
                /* Here we move the args over one to place `-Px` as the
                second arg in the vector. */
                for (j = argcp; j >= 1; j--)
                    argvp[j] = argvp[j - 1];

                argvp[1] = arg;

        else if (g_strcmp0 (argvp[i], arg) == 0)
            g_print ("From `rt_priority.c` line 51: %d\n", i);

        /* If `priority arg` is found but the number does not match
        execute else/if statement. */
        else if (strncmp (argvp[i], "-P", 2) == 0)
            argvp[i] = arg;

    file_input (argvp, argcp);

这是g_print ()循环中for ()的输出 line 56显示argvpline 57显示argcp

From `rt_priority.c` line 42: 6
From `rt_priority.c` line 56: /usr/bin/jackd
From `rt_priority.c` line 57: 6
From `rt_priority.c` line 56: -dalsa
From `rt_priority.c` line 57: 6
From `rt_priority.c` line 56: -dhw:M2496
From `rt_priority.c` line 57: 6
From `rt_priority.c` line 56: -r48000
From `rt_priority.c` line 57: 6
From `rt_priority.c` line 56: -p128
From `rt_priority.c` line 57: 6
From `rt_priority.c` line 56: -n2
From `rt_priority.c` line 57: 6
From `rt_priority.c` line 56: (null)
From `rt_priority.c` line 57: 6
Segmentation fault (core dumped)


这是get_arg_vector ()函数:

gchar **argvp
get_arg_vector ()
    gchar cmd[128];
gchar **argvp;
gchar *contents;
gint argcp;
gsize size;

/* Create path to file `.jackdrc` using `g_sprintf ()`. */
g_sprintf (cmd, "%s/.jackdrc", g_getenv ("HOME"));

/* Check if file path exists. */
if (g_file_test (cmd, G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS) == FALSE)
    g_print ("File doesn't exist.  Create file.");

    return NULL;

g_file_get_contents (cmd, &contents, &size, NULL);
g_shell_parse_argv (contents, &argcp, &argvp, NULL);

return argvp;

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


for (i = 0; i <= argcp + 1; i++)

很吓人。我们知道argv[argcp]NULL,来自进行搜索的循环。因此,使用<= + 1,此循环超过了两个



答案 1 :(得分:0)

最后 else-if 应该在 -loop中到达结尾时调整 argvp - 阵列的大小。 if 和第一个 else-if argvp 中读取当前值(可能为0,这是一个错误)。可能代码开始时只包含最后一个 else-if ,另一个 if / else-ifs 稍后插入。 更改 else-if 的顺序,以便最后一个在其他运行之前运行,然后它应该有效。


  argvp = g_realloc (argvp, (argcp + 2) * sizeof *argvp);
  return argvp;

该数组通常包含(argcp + 1)元素,因此(argcp + 2)使其成为一个更大的元素。