awk if语句和模式匹配

时间:2014-05-29 11:26:13

标签: regex bash awk


FVEG_04063  1265    .   AA  ATTAT   DP=19
FVEG_04063  1266    .   AA  ATTA    DP=45
FVEG_04063  2703    .   GTTTTTTTT   ATA DP=1
FVEG_15672  2456    .   TTG AA  DP=71
FVEG_01111  300 .   CTATA   ATATA   DP=7
FVEG_01111  350 .   AGAC    ATATATG DP=41


FVEG_04063  1266    .   AA  ATTA    DP=45
FVEG_04063  2703    .   GTTTTTTTT   ATA DP=1
FVEG_15672  2456    .   TTG AA  DP=71
FVEG_01111  300 .   CTATA   ATATA   DP=7
FVEG_01111  350 .   AGAC    ATATATG DP=41

说明:我想在我的输出文件中打印,所有的行都以"#"开头,所有"唯一的"参加第1列的行,如果我在第1列中重复点击,首先:取2美元的数字,加上5美元的长度(在同一行),如果结果小于下一行的2美元,则打印两行;但是如果结果大于下一行的$ 2,则比较DP的值并仅打印具有最佳DP的行。


awk '/^#/ {print $0;} arr[$1]++; END {for(i in arr){ if(arr[i]>1){ HERE I NEED TO INTRODUCE MORE 'IF' I THINK... } } { if(arr[i]==1){print $0;} } }' file.txt



2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)



use warnings;
use strict;

my (@F, @last);
while (<>) {
    @F = split;
    print and next if /^#/ or not @last;

    if ($last[0] eq $F[0]) {
        if ($F[1] + length $F[4] > $last[1] + length $last[4]) {
            print "@last\n";

        } else {
            my $dp_l = $last[5];
            my $dp_f = $F[5];
            s/DP=// for $dp_l, $dp_f;

            if ($dp_l > $dp_f) {
                @F = @last;
    } else {
        print "@last\n" if @last;
} continue {
    @last = @F;
print "@last\n";

答案 1 :(得分:1)


  • 匹配注释行,打印它们,然后转到下一行。
  • 匹配第一行(通过检查我们是否已开始记住col1来完成)。
  • 在所有后续行中,根据上一行中记住的值检查值。最好的&#34;记录,即。应该为每个唯一ID打印的那个,每次都会被记住,并根据问题提出的条件进行更新。
  • 最后,输出最后一个&#34;最佳&#34;记录最后一个唯一ID。


# Print lines starting with '#' and go to next line.
/^#/ { print $0; next; }

# Set up variables on the first line of input and go to next line.
! col1 { # If col1 is unset:
  col1 = $1; 
  col2 = $2; 
  len5 = length($5); 
  dp = substr($6, 4) + 0; # Note dp is turned into int here by +0
  best = $0; 

# For all other lines of input:
  # If col1 is the same as previous line:
  if ($1 == col1) {
    # Check col2
    if (len5 + col2 < $2) # Previous len5 + col2 < current $2
      print best; # Print previous record
    # Check DP
    else if (substr($6, 4) + 0 < dp) # Current dp < previous dp:
      next; # Go to next record, do not update variables.
  else { # Different ids, print best line from previous id and update id.
    print best;
    col1 = $1;

  # Update variables to current record.
  col2 = $2;
  len5 = length($5);
  dp = substr($6, 4) + 0;
  best = $0;

# Print the best record of the last id.
END { print best }

