
时间:2014-05-29 19:22:26

标签: linq expression


public class ClassA
    public int SomeProperty { get; set; }

public class MappedClassA
    public int MappedProperty { get; set; }

public class ClassB
    public ClassA ClassAProperty { get; set; }

public class MappedClassB
    public MappedClassA  MappedClassAProperty {get; set; }

public Expression<Func<ClassA, MappedClassA>> MapAExpression()

    return a => new MappedClassA()
        MappedProperty = a.SomeProperty

public Expression<Func<ClassB, MappedClassB>> MapBExpression()
    return b => new MappedClassB()
        //this should be done with the above expression
        MappedClassAProperty = new MappedClassA()
                MappedProperty = b.ClassAProperty.SomeProperty

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您必须使用expression methodsExpression.New()Expression.Lambda()手动创建表达式树#34;



public Expression<Func<ClassB, MappedClassB>> MapBExpression()
    // generate a parameter of type ClassB. 
    // This is the parameter "b" our final lambda expression will accept.
    var classBparam = Expression.Parameter(typeof(ClassB)); 

    // access b.ClassAProperty; this is the property 
    // that we want to pass to the expression returned by MapAExpression() 
    var memberAccess = Expression.MakeMemberAccess(

     // invoke the lambda returned by MapAExpression() 
     //with the parameter b.ClassAProperty 
     var invocation  = Expression.Invoke( MapAExpression(), memberAccess );

     // create a new MappedClassB(), this is the object that will be returned
     // by the expression we are currently creating
     var ctor = Expression.New(typeof(MappedClassB));

     // We want to assign something to the MappedClassB.MappedClassAProperty
     var mappedClassAProperty = 

    // specifically, we want to assign the result of our MapAExpression(), 
    // when invoked with the parameter b.ClassAProperty
    var mappedClassAAssignment = 
           Expression.Bind(mappedClassAProperty, invocation);

    // Here we initialize the MappedClassAProperty, 
    // after creating the new MappedClassB.
    // We initialize it with the assignment we just created
    var memberInit = Expression.MemberInit(ctor, mappedClassAAssignment);

    // finally, we construct the lambda 
    //that does all of the above, given a parameter of type ClassB
    return Expression.Lambda<Func<ClassB, MappedClassB>>(memberInit, classBparam);

    // this expression should now be equivalent to:
    // return b => new MappedClassB()
    // {
        // MappedClassAProperty = new MappedClassA()
        // {
            // MappedProperty = b.ClassAProperty.SomeProperty
        // }
    // };
