随机错误80020009从经典的asp网页访问Access 2000数据库

时间:2014-05-29 20:07:19

标签: asp-classic

我正在运行从经典asp网页到Microsoft Access 2000数据库表的查询,以返回名称查询并执行计算。该数据库已运行多年,过去的所有查询都已成功。过去几个月突然显示一些名称和计算,出现以下错误:错误80020009.在显示的查询的底部,显示一个人的姓名,但不显示计算字段;它是空白的。计算领域在经典asp中使用计数选项,并且是Microsoft Access中的文本数据类型。由于错误信息直到最近几个月才出现,这很奇怪。我能够在Microsoft Access表(在我的开发环境中)中找到导致特定月份错误的记录,但我不想删除生产环境中的记录。如果我在Microsoft Access中运行SQL查询,表中给定月份中的所有记录(问题apepars)都没有问题,并且不会出现错误。我已导出并导入Access表,但仍会出现8002009错误。

有没有人遇到过这样的问题?这听起来像是经典的asp编码问题,还是Microsoft Access 2000数据库表本身的问题。


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

    <br />
    <h1 class="main">CO Report</h1>
    <hr class="main">
      <form method="POST" action="os.asp" name="form2">
        <p>Month to Query:&nbsp;
            <select size="1" name="ddmonth">
            dim i
            for i = 1 to 12
              if i = month(date) then
            %>  <option selected value="<%=i%>"><%=monthname(i)%></option>
            <%  'select the current month
            %>  <option value="<%=i%>"><%=monthname(i)%></option>
              end if
          %></select> <select size="1" name="ddyear">
            dim intyear
            for intyear = 2001 to year(date)
                response.write ("<option selected>" & intyear & "</option>")
          %></select>&nbsp;&nbsp; <input type="submit" value="Query CS" name="btnQUERY"></p>            
    <hr /><br />
      if request.form("btnQUERY") <> "" then
      'display the table based on the selected month and year

      'setup query
      strConn = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source=d:\store\stats\data\pros.mdb"
      Set cnn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
      cnn.Open strConn

      'open the recordset
      Set rstData = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
      rstDATA.open "SELECT * FROM [tv] ORDER BY toc", cnn, adOpenKeyset        
      <table border="1" width="100%" id="AutoNumber2" height="18" cellspacing="1">
        <caption>CU-Out Results for <%=monthname(Request.form("ddmonth"))%>, <%=request.form("ddyear")%></caption>            
          <th>Officer's Name</th>
          <th>Minutes Achieved - CUW</th>
          <th>Net Minutes Worked (hours worked - exception)</th>
          <th>% of Productivity</th>
      <%  'set up date values
          dim year2, day2, month2 
          year2 = Trim(Request.form("ddyear"))
          month2 = Trim(Request.form("ddmonth"))
          'open up the cuot data for the month
          Set rstData1 = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") 'cuot
          'open up the table to grab the names of those who entered data during that month selected
          rstDATA1.open "SELECT DISTINCT [name] FROM cuot WHERE month(date)= '" & month2 & "' and year(date) ='" & year2 & "' ORDER BY [name]", cnn, adOpenKeyset
          Set rstData3 = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") 'hours worked
          Set rstData4 = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") 'exception
        do until rstDATA1.eof = true
       <% 'do the math calculations for minute achieved
          Set rstData0 = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") 'cuot
          rstDATA0.open "SELECT count(toc) as COUNT1, toc FROM cuot WHERE [name] = '" & replace(rstDATA1("name"), "'", "''") & "' and month(date)= '" & month2 & "' and year(date) ='" & year2 & "' GROUP BY toc ORDER BY toc", cnn, adOpenKeyset
          rstDATA.movefirst 'tv table to get "minutes achieved"
          rstDATA0.movefirst 'cuot list
          CUachieved = 0    
          do until rstDATA0.eof = true   
              'loop through rstDATA.toc until match found for rstDATA0.toc
              do until trim(rstDATA("toc")) = trim(rstDATA0("toc"))
              if rstDATA("per_day") <> "0" then CUachieved = cDBL(CUachieved) + (cDBL(rstDATA0("COUNT1"))/cDBL(rstDATA("per_day"))*450) 
          <%   'open up the hoursworked table 
         rstDATA3.open "Select * FROM monthlyhr WHERE [name] = '" & replace(rstDATA1("name"), "'", "''") & "' and month(date) ='" & month2 & "' and year(date) = '" & year2 & "'", cnn, adOpenKeyset    
         'should only ever be one record, so only check if there are no records
          if rstDATA3.eof = true then 
            <% 'net minutes worked
            <% '% of productivity
              'open up the exception table
              'get approved exception
              rstDATA4.open "Select [name], sum(approval) as SUM1 from [exception] where [name] = '" & replace(rstDATA1("name"), "'", "''") & "' and month(date) ='" & month2 & "' and year(date) = '" & year2 & "' GROUP BY [name]", cnn, adOpenKeyset     
              if rstDATA4.eof = true then
                  exception2 = 0
                  exception2 = rstDATA4("sum1")
              end if
              'do the math for actual (hours worked + overtime - leave -exception)
              hoursworked2 = (cDBL(rstDATA3("hours")) + cDBL(rstDATA3("ot")) - cDBL(rstDATA3("leave")) - cDBL(exception2))
              'calculate percentage of csu+ops/minutes worked   
              percentTOTAL = ROUND(cDBL(CUachieved)/(cDBL(hoursworked2)*60)*100) 'percent
          end if
          rstDATA.close     'close all databases
          set rstDATA = nothing
          set rstDATA1 = nothing
          set rstDATA3 = nothing    
          set rstDATA4 = nothing  
          set cnn=nothing

      end if 'end query%>
    <!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>
    <!-- End of div.blackborder -->

答案 1 :(得分:0)

我能够解决Microsoft Access错误消息。在我的编码中,有一个连接到第二个数据库,列出了标题。几个月前我创建了新的标题,因为我希望它们出现在行的顶部,我通过添加空格来缩进它们。一旦我删除了所有新标题的sapce,过去几个月的错误消息就消失了,报告显示完美。
