c# - 存储映射到它们所操作的具体类型的处理程序集合

时间:2014-05-30 00:29:29

标签: c# generics collections



这是我的Animal类。它包含ZooCode,动物园使用它来识别它。 (注意" ZooCode"在我的真实模型中是必要的,因为它标识了服务器上的度量标准类型)

public abstract class Animal
    //The zoo code of this animal. 
    public abstract int ZooCode { get; }

    //other things specific to an animal. 


public class Elephant : Animal
    //An Elephant has a zoo code of 1
    public override string ZooCode { get { return 1; } }


public abstract class ZooKeeper
    //The Zoo Code of the animal we care for. 
    public abstract int AnimalTendsTo { get; }

    //Tend to our animals needs
    public abstract void CareForAnimal(Animal animal);


public class ElephantKeeper : ZooKeeper
    //We care for elephants, they have ZooCode of '1' 
    public override int AnimalTendsTo
        get { return 1; }

    public override void CareForAnimal(Animal animal)
        //cast animmal as elephant, then feed peanuts.

现在当我发现动物生病时,我去了ZooKeeperManagers办公室,我告诉他们哪些动物需要治疗。 ZooKeeperManager负责找到专门研究生病动物的ZooKeeper。

public class ZooKeeperManager
    /// <summary>
    /// All of the ZooKeepers, mapped to the ZooCode of the animal they 
    /// care for. 
    /// </summary>
    private Dictionary<int, ZooKeeper> _zooKeepers;

    /// <summary>
    /// Called when we hire a new zoo keeper. 
    /// </summary>
    public void RegisterZooKeeper(ZooKeeper newbie)
        //data validation, etc...

        //store our new zookeeper. 
        _zooKeepers.Add(newbie.AnimalTendsTo, newbie);

    public void CareForAnimal(Animal animal)
        //An animal needs care, find the ZooKeeper that can care for it. 
        ZooKeeper careTaker;

        if (_zooKeepers.TryGetValue(animal.ZooCode, out careTaker) == false)



这是我对我的设计不满意的地方!我原本打算让ZooKeeper成为Generic,这样ZooKeeper就会得到它所关注的Concrete Animal的引用,并且它不必担心指定ZooCodes或将其Animal转换为正确的类型。这是我第一次想出的......

public abstract class ZooKeeper<T>
    where T : Animal
    //Tend to our animals needs
    public abstract void CareForAnimal(T animal);

ZooKeeperManager需要知道哪些ZooKeepers关心哪个Animal ..我真的很喜欢ZooKeeperManager可以说&#34;大象病了?那意味着我需要这个ZooKeeper&#34;然而,当它们是通用的时候,我无法找到存储ZooKeepers的优雅方式。这就是我陷入困境的地方:

public class ZooKeeperManager
    /// <summary>
    /// All of the ZooKeepers, mapped to the ZooCode of the animal they 
    /// care for. 
    /// </summary>
    private List<ZooKeeper<Animal>> _zooKeepers;

    /// <summary>
    /// Called when we hire a new zoo keeper. 
    /// </summary>
    public void RegisterZooKeeper(ZooKeeper<Animal> newbie)
        //data validation, etc...

        //store our new zookeeper. 

    public void CareForAnimal(Animal animal)
        //How do I find the Zoo Keeper that Cares for this Animal?? 
        //A List definitely isn't what I want.. I won't have o(1) Lookup, plus how do I know
        //Which concrete Animal that ZooKeeper cares about?


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


public class ZooKeeperBase
{ }


public abstract class ZooKeeper<T> : ZooKeeperBase
where T : Animal
    //Tend to our animals needs
    public abstract void CareForAnimal(T animal);


private List<ZooKeeperBase> _zooKeepers = new List<ZooKeeperBase>();

public void CareForAnimal<T>(T animal) where T : Animal
        //How do I find the Zoo Keeper that Cares for this Animal?? 
        //A List definitely isn't what I want.. I won't have o(1) Lookup, plus how do I know
        //Which concrete Animal that ZooKeeper cares about?

        foreach (ZooKeeperBase keeper in _zooKeepers)

            var thisKeeper = keeper as ZooKeeper<T>;

            if (thisKeeper != null)





public abstract class Animal
    //The zoo code of this animal. 
    public abstract int ZooCode { get; }

    //other things specific to an animal. 

public class Elephant : Animal
    //An Elephant has a zoo code of 1
    public override int ZooCode { get { return 1; } }

public class ZooKeeperBase
{ }

public abstract class ZooKeeper<T> : ZooKeeperBase
where T : Animal
    //Tend to our animals needs
    public abstract void CareForAnimal(T animal);

public class ElephantKeeper : ZooKeeper<Elephant>
    public override void CareForAnimal(Elephant animal)
        Console.WriteLine("Hi elephant! take some peanuts.");

public class ZooKeeperManager
    /// <summary>
    /// All of the ZooKeepers, mapped to the ZooCode of the animal they 
    /// care for. 
    /// </summary>
    private List<ZooKeeperBase> _zooKeepers = new List<ZooKeeperBase>();

    /// <summary>
    /// Called when we hire a new zoo keeper. 
    /// </summary>
    public void RegisterZooKeeper(ZooKeeperBase newbie)
        //data validation, etc...

        //store our new zookeeper. 

    public void CareForAnimal<T>(T animal) where T : Animal
        //How do I find the Zoo Keeper that Cares for this Animal?? 
        //A List definitely isn't what I want.. I won't have o(1) Lookup, plus how do I know
        //Which concrete Animal that ZooKeeper cares about?

        foreach (ZooKeeperBase keeper in _zooKeepers)

            var thisKeeper = keeper as ZooKeeper<T>;

            if (thisKeeper != null)




public static class ZooKeepingSystemTest

    public static void KeepIt()
        ZooKeeperManager manager = new ZooKeeperManager();

        ElephantKeeper keeper = new ElephantKeeper();


        manager.CareForAnimal(new Elephant());




public class ZooKeeperManager
    /// <summary>
    /// All of the ZooKeepers, mapped to the Animal's full class name they
    /// care for. 
    /// </summary>
    private Dictionary<string, List<ZooKeeperBase>> _zooKeepers = new Dictionary<string, List<ZooKeeperBase>>();

    /// <summary>
    /// Called when we hire a new zoo keeper. 
    /// </summary>
    public void RegisterZooKeeper<T>(ZooKeeper<T> newbie) where T : Animal
        //data validation, etc...

        var type = typeof(T);

        List<ZooKeeperBase> keeperPool = null;

        if (_zooKeepers.ContainsKey(type.FullName))
            keeperPool = _zooKeepers[type.FullName];

            keeperPool = new List<ZooKeeperBase>();
            _zooKeepers.Add(type.FullName, keeperPool);

        //store our new zookeeper. 

    public void CareForAnimal<T>(T animal) where T : Animal

        var type = typeof(T);

        if (!_zooKeepers.ContainsKey(type.FullName))
            throw new Exception("We don't know how to care that animal!");

        Random rnd = new Random();

        ((ZooKeeper<T>)(_zooKeepers[type.FullName].OrderBy(k => rnd.NextDouble()).First())).CareForAnimal(animal); ;
