perl's Devel :: ebug怎么样

时间:2014-06-07 13:34:01

标签: linux perl debugging perl-module

首先,如果我误解了Devel::ebug的整个概念以及应该如何使用它,我想道歉。所以我想用Devel :: ebug perl模块做一些实验。在这里我找到了一些例子:What is the perl equivalent of a bash -xv所以我采用了以下代码并对其进行了一些修改。根据官方文档Devel::ebug CPAN,程序方法选择要加载的程序,所以这只是我改变的事情。


use strict;
use warnings;
use Devel::ebug;
use Data::Dumper;

my $ebug = Devel::ebug->new;
# $ebug->program(shift); # OLD VALUE:
$ebug->program($ARGV[0]); # NEW VALUE:


until ($ebug->finished) {
    print "+++ file:", $ebug->filename, " line: ", $ebug->line, "\n";
    my $pad = $ebug->pad;
    for my $var (sort keys %$pad) {
        if (ref $pad->{$var}) {
            for my $line (split /\n/, Data::Dumper->Dump([$pad->{$var}], [$var])) {
                print "++  $line\n";
        } else {
            print "++  $var = $pad->{$var}\n";
    for my $line ($ebug->codelines($ebug->line-3 .. $ebug->line-1)) {
        next unless defined $line;
        print "+   $line\n";
    print "+>  ", $ebug->codeline, "\n";
    for my $line ($ebug->codelines($ebug->line+1 .. $ebug->line+3)) {
        next unless defined $line;
        print "+   $line\n";

然后我将这个文件保存为:stacktrace.pl在同一目录中我也有文件:来自What is the perl equivalent of a bash -xv页面的。但是,不是在What is the perl equivalent of a bash -xv页面上提到的输出,而是我得到了这个:

> ./ 
./ exec failed: No such file or directory
 at /home/wakatana/perl5/lib/perl5/Devel/ line 41
Could not connect: Connection refused at /home/wakatana/perl5/lib/perl5/Devel/ line 71.


47:         if ($pid = fork()) {
  DB<7> s
49:           $self->{_os_obj} = $pid;
######### Forked, but do not know how to create a new TTY. #########
  Since two debuggers fight for the same TTY, input is severely entangled.

  I know how to switch the output to a different window in xterms, OS/2
  consoles, and Mac OS X only.  For a manual switch, put the name
  of the created TTY in $DB::fork_TTY, or define a function
  DB::get_fork_TTY() returning this.

  On UNIX-like systems one can get the name of a TTY for the given window
  by typing tty, and disconnect the shell from TTY by sleep 1000000.

54:           exec @_ or croak "$0: exec failed: $!\n";


PS:看起来在使用Proc :: Background :: Unix模块时出现问题所以上面输出我使用以下调试器命令获得:

b Proc::Background::Unix::_new

编辑: 关于@Chankey Pathak评论。我在终结器下发出了这个命令。在xterm下,情况是一样的:

> echo $$
> ps -elf | grep 18548
0 S wakatana    18548 18546  0  80   0 -  6296 -      16:09 pts/5    00:00:00 bash
0 R wakatana    18990 18548  0  80   0 -  4209 -      16:10 pts/5    00:00:00 ps -elf
0 R wakatana    18991 18548  0  80   0 -  1958 -      16:10 pts/5    00:00:00 grep 18548
> ps -elf | grep 18546
0 S wakatana    18546 18254  0  80   0 - 17220 -      16:09 pts/3    00:00:00 xterm
0 S wakatana    18548 18546  0  80   0 -  6296 -      16:09 pts/5    00:00:00 bash
0 R wakatana    19004 18548  0  80   0 -  1959 -      16:10 pts/5    00:00:00 grep 18546

> perl exec failed: No such file or directory
 at /home/wakatana/perl5/lib/perl5/Devel/ line 41
Could not connect: Connection refused at /home/wakatana/perl5/lib/perl5/Devel/ line 71.

EDIT2: 我也在perlmonks


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

好的,Devel :: ebug的工作方式如下:有一个控制进程可以监听套接字(这是你上面粘贴的脚本)并执行调试器的“用户界面”位。然后是您正在尝试调试的脚本,控制进程启动并告诉它加载Devel :: ebug调试器,并且当该脚本执行时,它通过套接字与控制脚本进行通信,以确定它的debbuging是什么。

我认为问题是因为控制Deve :: ebug在执行程序调试时遇到问题。看看Devel :: ebug的第41行,我们看到:

my $backend = $self->backend || "$Bin/ebug_backend_perl";
my $command = "$backend $program";;
my $proc = Proc::Background->new(
  {'die_upon_destroy' => 1},


