当应用程序处于后台时,不会调用cordova push plugin回调

时间:2014-06-15 23:11:56

标签: cordova push-notification cordova-plugins phonegap-pushplugin

我有推送插件https://github.com/phonegap-build/PushPlugin.git 配置了cordova 3.5。当应用程序位于前台时,将调用通知插件回调,并且一切都按预期工作。


 initialize : function () {
    console.info('NOTIFY  Ready to register for push notification.');
    var pushNotification = window.plugins.pushNotification;
    // Register device with push server
    pushNotification.register(gcmSuccessHandler, gcmErrorHandler, {
          'senderID': GCM_SENDER_ID,
          'ecb': 'onNotificationGCM'


window.onNotificationGCM = function(notification){ 
    //the beep is invoked 3 times only when the app is in foreground
    console.log('EVENT -> RECEIVED:' + notification.event + '');



更新 我终于找到了问题所在。我必须清除dalvik缓存并重新启动手机。到目前为止两次发生在我身上。似乎是android中的一个已知问题,https://github.com/phonegap-build/PushPlugin/issues/35

5 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:13)

我在Cordova 3.5.0和PushPlugin 2.2.0上遇到了类似的问题:当应用程序处于前台但未在后台运行或未运行时,通知有效。我通过阅读PushPlugin的源代码(文件src / com / plugin / gcm / GCMIntentService.java)找到了解决方案:通知的有效负载必须包含“message”和“msgcnt”键。

答案 1 :(得分:4)

Also if you use PhoneGap make sure you have required attributes included in message. From phonegap push plugin doc:

On Android if you want your on('notification') event handler to be called when your app is in the background, JSON you send from GCM will need to include "content-available": "1".

I use Ruby gem Rpush and spent a lot of time figuring out why 'notification' handler isn't fired when app is on background. Code which finally works looks like this:

n = Rpush::Gcm::Notification.new
n.app = Rpush::Gcm::App.find_by_name("MyApp")
n.registration_ids = [ 'xxxxxxxxx' ]
n.data = { 
  title: "Message Title",
  message: "Message Body",
  sound: "default",
  'content-available' => "1"

答案 2 :(得分:0)

如果您查看" ecb"的文档。 https://github.com/phonegap-build/PushPlugin#ecb-amazon-fire-os-android-and-ios

Your app may receive a notification while it is active (INLINE). 
If you background the app by hitting the Home button on your device, you may later receive a status bar notification. 
Selecting that notification from the status will bring your app to the front and allow you to process the notification (BACKGROUND).

所以在后台模式中,你的" onNotificationGCM"方法将仅在以下场景中调用:

  1. 如果在警报视图中显示通知,用户选择"查看"选项[适用于iOS平台]
  2. 用户从设备通知托盘中选择通知[适用于iOS和Android]

答案 3 :(得分:0)



现在你建议清除Dalvik缓存,这似乎需要安装一个root设备或恢复工具(默认情况下我的Galaxy Nexus测试设备没有)。这仍然导致我尝试重命名应用程序,希望它不会使用当前缓存。这很有用。


  • 更改id文件
  • 中的小部件config.xml
  • 在应用设置
  • 中从手机中删除应用程序
  • 在我的案例中从the Phonegap build service删除了应用并创建了一个新应用(不确定这是否必要)
  • 重建和部署应用程序

启动并运行onNotification功能开始工作! :)







答案 4 :(得分:0)

根据FactualHarmony的第3个回答,我也看了下的源代码 /src/android/com/plugin/gcm/GCMIntentService.java。

你必须有&#34;消息&#34;和&#34; msgcnt&#34;在您的消息中输入密钥,以便在应用程序处于后台时使其正常工作,并且对我有用。
