使用numpy random进行快速随机选择

时间:2014-06-20 00:57:43

标签: python-2.7 numpy random



R = np.array[ 0.39374042  0.55270474  0.50848503  0.63725071  0.0350963   0.67203288
  0.03419264  0.60936204  0.3819783   0.17653394  0.76278053  0.85589961
  0.91961392  0.85265048  0.6108294   0.15980841  0.76017363  0.21771499
  0.25927199  0.39172983  0.36364338  0.77375089  0.92969549  0.01237327
  0.12195605  0.5587532   0.70229425  0.82809111  0.06700928  0.64284712
  0.15944779  0.76857694  0.35924588  0.75636962  0.25039875  0.60632514
  0.49124143  0.73741699  0.2178207   0.15998988  0.79652839  0.73693122]


RGB = np.array[[[118 187 239]
  [219 162 208]
  [136 220 234]
  [  0 190 211]]

 [[118 187 239]
  [219 162 208]
  [136 220 234]
  [  0 190 211]]

 [[118 187 239]
  [219 162 208]
  [136 220 234]
  [  0 190 211]]

 [[118 187 239]
  [219 162 208]
  [136 220 234]
  [  0 190 211]]

 [[118 187 239]
  [219 162 208]
  [136 220 234]
  [  0 190 211]]

 [[118 187 239]
  [219 162 208]
  [136 220 234]
  [  0 190 211]]

 [[  0 110 105]
  [174  40 109]
  [  5  59 158]
  [  0 181 107]]

 [[  0 161  73]
  [182  48  57]
  [174  40 109]
  [ 32 134  39]]

 [[118 187 239]
  [219 162 208]
  [136 220 234]
  [  0 190 211]]

 [[118 187 239]
  [219 162 208]
  [136 220 234]
  [  0 190 211]]

 [[118 187 239]
  [219 162 208]
  [136 220 234]
  [  0 190 211]]

 [[118 187 239]
  [219 162 208]
  [136 220 234]
  [  0 190 211]]

 [[174  40 109]
  [  5  59 158]
  [  0 181 107]
  [193  93 160]]

 [[219  99 109]
  [174  40 109]
  [  0 181 107]
  [104 162  26]]

 [[ 63 114 221]
  [  0 172 192]
  [ 32  77 211]
  [187  77 195]]

 [[219  99 109]
  [238  67  47]
  [ 87 194  65]
  [176 187   0]]

 [[118 187 239]
  [219 162 208]
  [136 220 234]
  [  0 190 211]]

 [[118 187 239]
  [219 162 208]
  [136 220 234]
  [  0 190 211]]

 [[110 213 158]
  [235 154 164]
  [  0 190 211]
  [187  77 195]]

 [[219  99 109]
  [110 213 158]
  [235 154 164]
  [193  93 160]]

 [[219  99 109]
  [110 213 158]
  [ 87 194  65]
  [  0 181 107]]

 [[118 187 239]
  [219 162 208]
  [136 220 234]
  [  0 190 211]]

 [[118 187 239]
  [219 162 208]
  [136 220 234]
  [  0 190 211]]

 [[118 187 239]
  [219 162 208]
  [136 220 234]
  [  0 190 211]]

 [[219 162 208]
  [110 213 158]
  [235 154 164]
  [167 233 196]]

 [[110 213 158]
  [235 154 164]
  [255 226 130]
  [167 233 196]]

 [[118 187 239]
  [219 162 208]
  [136 220 234]
  [  0 190 211]]

 [[118 187 239]
  [219 162 208]
  [136 220 234]
  [  0 190 211]]

 [[118 187 239]
  [219 162 208]
  [136 220 234]
  [  0 190 211]]

 [[118 187 239]
  [219 162 208]
  [136 220 234]
  [  0 190 211]]

 [[239 212 240]
  [136 220 234]
  [208 242 247]
  [167 233 196]]

 [[118 187 239]
  [219 162 208]
  [136 220 234]
  [  0 190 211]]

 [[118 187 239]
  [219 162 208]
  [136 220 234]
  [  0 190 211]]

 [[118 187 239]
  [219 162 208]
  [136 220 234]
  [  0 190 211]]

 [[118 187 239]
  [219 162 208]
  [136 220 234]
  [  0 190 211]]

 [[118 187 239]
  [219 162 208]
  [136 220 234]
  [  0 190 211]]

 [[118 187 239]
  [219 162 208]
  [136 220 234]
  [  0 190 211]]

 [[118 187 239]
  [219 162 208]
  [136 220 234]
  [  0 190 211]]

 [[118 187 239]
  [219 162 208]
  [136 220 234]
  [  0 190 211]]

 [[118 187 239]
  [219 162 208]
  [136 220 234]
  [  0 190 211]]

 [[118 187 239]
  [219 162 208]
  [136 220 234]
  [  0 190 211]]

 [[118 187 239]
  [219 162 208]
  [136 220 234]
  [  0 190 211]]]


A = np.array[ -1  -1  -1  -1  -1  -1 159 148  -1  -1  -1  -1  45  97  57  80  -1  -1
  60  84  86  -1  -1  -1 112  72  -1  -1  -1  -1 133  -1  -1  -1  -1  -1
  -1  -1  -1  -1  -1  -1]

A包含-1 B中4个值集的索引

B = np.array[[-1.54525517  1.09915125 -1.74258272  3.18868664]
 [-1.04522579  1.04443564 -1.83606995  2.8368601 ]
 [-2.51080789  1.4980096  -1.62047649  3.63327478]
 [-0.75381136  0.38494135 -1.76551145  3.13438146]
 [-0.42398121  1.45934623 -2.04842952  2.0130645 ]
 [-3.58516396  1.51736923 -1.40004578  4.46784052]
 [ 0.46980945  0.23242436  0.15812529  0.1396409 ]
 [ 0.02950557  0.43429909  0.34304701  0.19314833]
 [-2.44568468  0.98038089 -1.01581931  3.4811231 ]
 [ 1.38051381  0.11766208 -1.64270991  1.14453402]
 [-2.90620565  2.2622749  -1.17507929  2.81901003]
 [-2.11827269  0.28090219 -0.94480948  3.78217997]
 [ 0.07434589  0.03948412  0.45858244  0.42758754]
 [ 0.10902808  0.29206381  0.50180905  0.09709906]
 [ 0.02106152  0.62921187  0.12285574  0.22687087]
 [ 0.25688419  0.62417539  0.01976311  0.09917731]
 [-2.56431038  0.58433235 -0.32521341  3.30519143]
 [ 3.34007944 -0.24491683 -1.39262584 -0.70253677]
 [ 0.43784474  0.09927102  0.12535527  0.33752897]
 [ 0.18369437  0.15869915  0.55640207  0.10120441]
 [ 0.13323323  0.23276694  0.33810426  0.29589556]
 [ 2.31472564 -0.25736362 -0.51265688 -0.54470514]
 [-3.13602078  2.46578654  0.08271576  1.58751849]
 [-2.08295869 -0.0948967   0.37305594  2.80479945]
 [ 0.39357387  0.12289595  0.12890858  0.3546216 ]
 [ 0.3637729   0.35308756  0.03283074  0.25030881]
 [ 0.91809484  0.00616419  0.47102103 -0.39528007]
 [-2.10633552  1.9717707   0.71079464  0.42377018]
 [-2.63786465  0.31323965  1.15219987  2.17242513]
 [ 4.66105371 -0.67514766 -0.17463501 -2.81127104]
 [ 0.4466582   0.12232826  0.19249585  0.2385177 ]
 [-1.1656546   1.27760641  1.48320113 -0.59515294]
 [-2.54309788  0.61607798  1.90256384  1.02445605]
 [ 3.38699312 -0.695849    0.92595314 -2.61709726]
 [-3.3691958   2.67546554  1.66471811  0.02901215]
 [-2.01283737 -0.53906846  2.02201185  1.52989397]
 [-0.7635726   0.59671731  2.45595894 -1.28910365]
 [-1.6913111   0.68635463  2.63177913 -0.62682267]
 [ 1.67630612 -0.3755707   2.14031351 -2.44104893]
 [-2.03409447  2.03385782  2.43486791 -1.43463126]
 [-2.68827085 -0.01102552  2.97885322  0.72044315]
 [ 6.15409418 -1.17188198  1.36416304 -5.34637524]]




new_array = []

for i in range(len(A)):
    if A[i] != -1:
        a = B[i][0]
        b = B[i][0] + a
        c = B[i][0] + b

        u = RGB[i][0]
        v = RGB[i][0]
        w = RGB[i][0]
        x = RGB[i][0]

        random = R[i]

        if a <= random:
             new_array = new_array + [u]
        elif b <= random:
             new_array = new_array + [v]
        elif c <= random:
             new_array = new_array + [w]
             new_array = new_array + [x]

        new_array = new_array + [0 0 0]

有没有办法在numpy中完全重写这个功能? 感谢

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


  • 指向概率向量B
  • 的输入数组A(N个值为0..M-1或-1的整数)
  • 输入数组B(M x 4)给出概率(每行总和为1)
  • 颜色表RGB(N x 4 x 3),提供RGB三元组可供选择
  • 包含均匀分布的随机值[0,1]
  • 的输入向量R(N)


  • 从B
  • 中挑选概率向量
  • 随机值用于选择从RGB
  • 中的同一行中选择四个备选项中的哪一个


  • 如果A [n] == - 1,则相应的输出颜色为黑色
  • 如果B [n]中存在负概率,则相应的输出颜色为黑色



# get the number of rows:
N = len(A)

# create a boolean array to show which indices in A are valid
A_valid = (A != -1)

# get B vectors for all valid points in A
B_vectors = B[A[A_valid]]

# clean the B_vectors so that if there are <0 vectors, they are replaced by -1,0,0,0
B_vectors[numpy.amin(B_vectors, axis=1) < 0] = [-1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]

# create a clean probability table (N x 4)
probs = numpy.empty((N, 4))
# fill in the probabilities where they can be picked form B
probs[A_valid] = B_vectors
# fill the rest with -1,0,0,0
probs[-A_valid] = [-1, 0, 0, 0]




# cumulative probabilities
cumprobs = numpy.cumsum(probs, axis=1)

# color indices
cidx = numpy.zeros(N)

# compare the colour indices to the random vector r
cidx[r > cumprobs[:,0]] = 1
cidx[r > cumprobs[:,1]] = 2
cidx[r > cumprobs[:,2]] = 3


应该注意的是,对于某些行,累积概率为(。2,.5,.9,1.0),同一行的r为0.95,cidx为0(在数组创建之后) ),然后设置为1(因为r> .2),然后设置为2(因为r> .5),最后设置为3(因为r> .9)。


# pick the item defined by cidx for each row
rainbow = RGB[arange(N), cidx]



# if the probability starts with -1, then we'll blacken the color out
rainbow[probs[:,0] < 0.] = [0,0,0]
