
时间:2014-06-20 10:25:09

标签: php mailer



public function send(){
        $from = $this->from;
        $randomHash = $this->hash;
        $headers = "From: $from\r\nReply-To: $from";
        $headers .= "\r\nContent-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=\"PHP-mixed-    $randomHash\"";
        $mail_sent = @mail( $this->to, $this->subject, $this->output, $headers );
        return $mail_sent ? true : false;


    $mailer = new AttachMailer("info@bodyshineorganics.com", $_POST['email'], "Bodyshine      Organics Products", 
                            "<b>Hello Dear,<br/><p>Thanks for Taking interest in our     BodyShine organic Products.</p>

    <p>We provide organic products with ingredients organically grown like paddy, black grapes, lotus, roses, sugar cane, bamboo and so on.The product which is result of amazing powers of Indian herbs, roots, flowers and leaves.</p>

    <p>To make your body care experience amazing and royal we are sending you our brochure with wide range of organic body care products.</p>

    <p>To make your shopping experience with us more amazing and handy we are coming soon.Here We are attaching Brochure of Bodyshine Products, So Please Find Attachment.</p></b>");
    $mailer->attachFile("Bodyshine Product Catalog2014.pdf");
    $mailer->send() ? "envoye": "probleme envoi";

    header("Location: index.html");

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