AppleScript - 确定绑定当前IP地址的网络服务

时间:2014-06-29 23:47:14

标签: macos applescript network-service system-preferences systemevent


tell application "System Events"
        tell current location of network preferences
            set names to get name of every service
        end tell
 end tell


使用澄清进行更新:在此上下文中,“active”表示当前[主要] IPv4地址绑定到其接口的网络服务。

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


tell application "System Events"
    tell current location of network preferences
        set names to get name of every service whose active is true
    end tell
end tell

答案 1 :(得分:2)

@mcgrailm's answer向您展示如何获取所有活动的(读取:未禁用)网络服务,当前是否绑定到地址



  • services个对象(来自字典System Events.sdef)不包含有关当前绑定地址的信息。
  • 但是,service对象的interface属性包含MAC address属性。
  • 虽然IPv4 address of (system info)返回当前(主要)IPv4地址,但遗憾的是,primary Ethernet address of (system info)始终返回有线以太网接口的MAC地址,该地址可能是也可能不是当前IPv4地址绑定的位置。
  • 因此,要确定与当前IPv4地址对应的MAC地址,下面的解决方案使用do shell scriptifconfig的帮助下解析CLI awk的输出。
# Obtain the [network] `service` instance underlying the 
# current IPv4 address...
set serviceWithPrimaryIpv4Address to my networkServiceByIp4Address("")
# ... and extract the name.
set nameOfServiceWithPrimaryIpv4Address to name of serviceWithPrimaryIpv4Address

# ---- Helper handlers.

#   networkServiceByIp4Address([addr])
#   Given (one of) the local system's IPv4 address(es), returns the network service object whose interface
#   the address is bound to (class `network service` is defined in `Sytem Events.sdef`).
#   If `addr` is an empty string or a missing value, the current primary IPv4 address is used.
#  An error is thrown if no matching service is found.
on networkServiceByIp4Address(addr)
  local macAddress
  set macAddress to my ip4ToMacAddress(addr)
  tell application "System Events"
      tell current location of network preferences
        return first service whose (MAC address of interface of it) is macAddress
      end tell
    end try
  end tell
  error "No network service found matching IP address '" & addr & "'." number 500
end networkServiceByIp4Address

#   ip4ToMacAddress([addr])
#   Given (one of) the local system's IPv4 address(es), returns the corresponding network interface's
#   MAC address (regardless of interface type).
#   If `addr` is an empty string or a missing value, the current primary IPv4 address is used.
#  An error is thrown if no matching MAC address is found.
on ip4ToMacAddress(addr)
  if addr as string is "" then set addr to IPv4 address of (system info)
    do shell script "ifconfig | awk -v ip4=" & ¬
      quoted form of addr & ¬
      " 'NF==2 && $2 ~ /^[a-f0-9]{2}(:[a-f0-9]{2}){5}$/ {macAddr=$2; next} $1 == \"inet\" && $2 == ip4 {print macAddr; exit}'"
    if result ≠ "" then return result
  end try
  error "No MAC address found matching IP address '" & addr & "'." number 500
end ip4ToMacAddress

my ip4ToMacAddress("")