
时间:2014-07-01 02:55:10

标签: scala reflection type-variables


trait A

trait Service{
  type tA <: A
  def ping(a:tA)    

// implementations
class A1 extends A
class A2 extends A

class ServiceA1{
  type tA = A1
  def ping(a:tA){println("Service for A1")}

class ServiceA2{
  type tA = A2
  def ping(a:tA){println("Service for A2")}

// a collection of services
val services = Seq(new ServiceA1, new ServiceA2, ....)

// find the service that supports A1
services.find(_.tA =:= A1)


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您可以在tATag特征中添加一个抽象方法(Service),该特征会返回tA的TypeTag,并在ServiceA1ServiceA2中实现此方法( btw你的服务应该相应地扩展Service特征)并在比较时使用它,如下所示:

trait Service {
  type tA <: A
  def ping(a:tA)
  def tATag: TypeTag[tA]

class ServiceA1 extends Service {
  type tA = A1
  def ping(a:tA){println("Service for A1")}
  def tATag = typeTag[A1]

class ServiceA2 extends Service {
  type tA = A2
  def ping(a:tA){println("Service for A2")}
  def tATag = typeTag[A2]

// a collection of services
val services = Seq(new ServiceA1, new ServiceA2)

// find the service that supports A1
services.find(s => s.tATag.tpe =:= typeOf[A1])