
时间:2014-07-10 03:22:14

标签: c# if-statement

我正在做一个基于文本的小游戏,我的一个if / else语句没有给我预期的结果。当用户输掉它时,立即跳转到“Game Over!”应该说monsterName +“击败了你!”然后跳到游戏结束。


// Main Game Loop
while (playerHealth > 0 && monsterHealth > 0)
    bool playerAct = askAction();

    if (playerAct == true)// User attacks
        monsterHealth = monsterHealth - playerAtk;
        if (monsterHealth < 0)
            Console.WriteLine(monsterName + " falls to the ground, defeated. Congradulation, " + name + "!");
            Console.WriteLine(monsterName + " takes a mighty swing back at you!");
            playerHealth = playerHealth - monsterAtk;
    else// User defends
        playerHealth = playerHealth - defendAtk;
        if (playerHealth < 0)
            Console.WriteLine(monsterName + " has defeated you!");
            Console.WriteLine(monsterName + " swings at you. It glances off your defenses.");

// End Game
Console.WriteLine("Game Over!");


namespace textBasedGame
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
        string name;
        string monsterName;
        int playerAtk = 5;
        int monsterAtk = 2;
        int defendAtk = 1;
        int playerHealth = 2;
        int monsterHealth = 3;

        // Gathers information from the user
        Console.WriteLine("What is your name?");
        name = Console.ReadLine();
        Console.WriteLine("What is your enemies name?");
        monsterName = Console.ReadLine();

        //Story Intro
        Console.WriteLine("You are hunting in the swamp and in the darkness of the overgrowth you see a movement.");
        Console.WriteLine("You creep closer to the silouette.");
        Console.WriteLine("A little closer....");
        Console.WriteLine("It looks familiar....");
        Console.WriteLine("It is " + monsterName + "!!!");
        Console.WriteLine("Now is your chance!");

        // Main Game Loop
        while (playerHealth > 0 && monsterHealth > 0)
            bool playerAct = askAction();

            if (playerAct == true)// User attacks
                monsterHealth = monsterHealth - playerAtk;
                if (monsterHealth < 0)
                    Console.WriteLine(monsterName + " falls to the ground, defeated. Congradulation, " + name + "!");
                    Console.WriteLine(monsterName + " takes a mighty swing back at you!");
                    playerHealth = playerHealth - monsterAtk;
            else// User defends
                playerHealth = playerHealth - defendAtk;
                if (playerHealth < 0)
                    Console.WriteLine(monsterName + " has defeated you!");
                    Console.WriteLine(monsterName + " swings at you. It glances off your defenses.");

        // End Game
        Console.WriteLine("Game Over!");

    static bool askAction()//Displays HP and asks for user action. Returns true or false
        bool move;

        Console.WriteLine("What would you like to do?(type: attack or defend)");
        string playerAction = Console.ReadLine();

        if (playerAction == "attack")
            return move = true;
            return move = false;



3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:8)

while (playerHealth > 0 && monsterHealth > 0)

if (playerHealth < 0)

只要玩家的健康状况高于零,while循环就会继续。 if语句在其健康状况低于零时触发。如果他们的健康状况正好为零会怎样?

答案 1 :(得分:1)


当你的功能是&#34; bool&#34;时,它会返回一个&#34; bool&#34;。换句话说,你可以做到

return true;

return false;


return move = true;


static bool askAction()//Displays HP and asks for user action. Returns true or false
    Console.WriteLine("What would you like to do?(type: attack or defend)");
    string playerAction = Console.ReadLine();

    if (playerAction == "attack")
        return true;

    return false;


while (playerHealth > 0 && monsterHealth > 0)
    bool playerAct = askAction();

    if (playerAct == true)// User attacks
        monsterHealth = monsterHealth - playerAtk;
        if (monsterHealth <= 0)
            Console.WriteLine(monsterName + " falls to the ground, defeated. Congradulation, " + name + "!");
            Console.WriteLine(monsterName + " takes a mighty swing back at you!");
            playerHealth = playerHealth - monsterAtk;
    else// User defends
        playerHealth = playerHealth - defendAtk;
        if (playerHealth <= 0)
            Console.WriteLine(monsterName + " has defeated you!");
            Console.WriteLine(monsterName + " swings at you. It glances off your defenses.");


答案 2 :(得分:0)

我看到的唯一逻辑错误是,您有monsterHealth = 2playerAtk = 5,因此怪物在每次首次攻击时都会死亡,monsterAtk = 2;playerHealth=2也是如此。同样,玩家在第一次攻击时死亡所以它已成为一场一招。
