
时间:2014-07-10 21:55:18

标签: meteor

我的应用程序开始崩溃,绝对没有理由。我回滚到我认识的版本,但它仍然崩溃。我从github克隆了一个我绝对知道正在工作的版本,因为我已经工作了一个星期。它不会开始。一切都是'未定义的' - 流星,用户界面,路由器,模板等。我没时间做这件事。如何从头开始完全卸载Meteor并重新安装?


7 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:60)


  1. 如果您曾安装过Meteorite,请将其卸载并删除:

    sudo mrt uninstall
    sudo mrt uninstall --system
    rm -rf ~/.meteorite
  2. 然后删除Meteor:

    sudo rm /usr/local/bin/meteor
    rm -rf ~/.meteor
  3. 现在从头开始:

    1. 必要时修复权限:

      sudo chown -R $(whoami) ~/.npm
    2. 重新安装Meteor:

      curl https://install.meteor.com/ | sh
    3. 接下来检查您的项目是否包含所有正确的包:

      cd /path/to/your/project
      meteor update
    4. 如果你的项目仍然无法编译,你可以重置它(警告:删除数据库):

      cd /path/to/your/project
      meteor reset
    5. 还没有运气?重新创建Meteor项目(警告:删除数据库和项目内存中已安装的软件包):

      cd /path/to/your/project
      rm -rf ./.meteor
      cd ..
      meteor create project-new
      rm ./project-new/project-new.*
      mv ./project/* ./project-new/
      cd ./project-new

      (反复运行meteor add *packagename*重新安装您正在使用的每个包)

答案 1 :(得分:11)


curl https://install.meteor.com/ | sh

答案 2 :(得分:4)


choco uninstall meteor


choco install meteor

答案 3 :(得分:3)


然后我在命令行中运行了meteor --verbose,似乎已经解决了问题!快速meteor reset现在一切正常!

答案 4 :(得分:2)

这里还有别的东西,我读了一个档案, 位于/ usr / local / bin / named meteor的顶部评论中写道:


# This is the script that we install somewhere in your $PATH (as "meteor")
# when you run
#   $ curl https://install.meteor.com/ | sh
# It's the only file that we install globally on your system; each user of
# Meteor gets their own personal package and tools repository, called the
# warehouse (or, for 0.9.0 and newer, the "tropohouse"), in ~/.meteor/. This
# means that a user can share packages among multiple apps and automatically
# update to new releases without having to have permissions to write them to
# anywhere global.
# All this script does is exec ~/.meteor/meteor. But what if you don't have it
# yet? In that case, it downloads a "bootstrap tarball", which contains the
# latest version of the Meteor tools, and plops it down at ~/.meteor. In fact,
# once you've run this once, you don't even really need this script: you can put
# ~/.meteor/ into your PATH, or a symlink to ~/.meteor/meteor into some other
# PATH directory. No special permissions needed!
# To uninstall Meteor from your system, just delete this shell script, and
# delete your warehouse (~/.meteor/).


# To uninstall Meteor from your system, just delete this shell script, and
# delete your warehouse (~/.meteor/).

瞧!仓库在哪里!有些人可能认为这个仓库是项目中的.meteor文件夹,但事实并非如此! 它下面2-3行写着:



重新设置流星项目由" meteor reset"只会重置您的项目包。

P.S。这是针对meteor v1 +

答案 5 :(得分:0)

卸载适用于 Linux和OS X用户的流星


1. sudo rm /usr/local/bin/meteor
2. rm -rf ~/.meteor



1. curl https://install.meteor.com/ | sh

答案 6 :(得分:0)


rm -rf "$HOME/.meteor"
rc=$(which meteor); rm $rc


当您查看 https://install.meteor.com/ 时,您可以看到以下代码:

# If you already have a tropohouse/warehouse, we do a clean install here:
if [ -e "$HOME/.meteor" ]; then
  echo "Removing your existing Meteor installation."
  rm -rf "$HOME/.meteor"

但不幸的是,这并没有删除 meteor 脚本,因此需要手动删除它。