
时间:2014-07-12 10:50:26

标签: vb.net



Private threadingExecuteManualScan As Thread

Public Sub toolStripItem_Run_Manual_Scan_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles toolStripItem_Run_Manual_Scan.Click

        threadingExecuteManualScan = New Thread(AddressOf executeManualScanThread)
        threadingExecuteManualScan.IsBackground = True

End Sub

Delegate Sub SetTextDelegate(ByVal textString As String)

Private Sub updateTextBox(ByVal stringValue As String)

        Dim textDelegate As New SetTextDelegate(AddressOf updateTextBox)
        form_Main.BeginInvoke(textDelegate, stringValue)

End Sub

Public Sub executeManualScanThread()

    updateTextBox("Update Label With This String")

End Sub


Public Sub toolStripItem_Run_Manual_Scan_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles toolStripItem_Run_Manual_Scan.Click

        threadingExecuteManualScan = New Thread(AddressOf executeManualScanThread)
        threadingExecuteManualScan.IsBackground = True

End Sub






Public Class form_Main

Delegate Sub SetTextDelegate(ByVal args As String)
Private threadingExecuteManualScan As Thread

Public Sub toolStripItem_Run_Manual_Scan_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles toolStripItem_Run_Manual_Scan.Click

        threadingExecuteManualScan = New Thread(AddressOf executeManualScanThread)
        threadingExecuteManualScan.IsBackground = True

End Sub

Public Sub updateTextBox(ByVal stringValue As String)

        Dim textDelegate As New SetTextDelegate(AddressOf updateTextBox)
        me.BeginInvoke(textDelegate, stringValue)

End Sub

End Class


Module module_Helper_Threading

Public Sub executeManualScanThread()

        'Some Database Work
        form_Main.SetTextBoxInfo("Report Back - Step 1")
        'Some More Database Work
        form_Main.SetTextBoxInfo("Report Back - Step 2")

End Sub

End Module


Invoke or BeginInvoke cannot be called on a control until the window handle has been created.

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)



Imports System.Threading

Public Class form_Main

  Private Sub toolStripItem_Run_Manual_Scan_Click() Handles toolStripItem_Run_Manual_Scan.Click
    Dim t As New Thread(Sub() module_Helper_Threading.executeManualScanThread(Me))

    t.IsBackground = True
  End Sub

  Public Sub SetTextBoxInfo(stringValue As String)
    Me.BeginInvoke(Sub() Me.TextBox.Text = stringValue)
  End Sub

End Class

Module module_Helper_Threading

  Public Sub executeManualScanThread(form_Main As form_Main)

    'Some Database Work

    form_Main.SetTextBoxInfo("Report Back - Step 1")

    'Some More Database Work

    form_Main.SetTextBoxInfo("Report Back - Step 2")

  End Sub

End Module


Imports System.Threading

Public Class form_Main

  Private Sub toolStripItem_Run_Manual_Scan_Click() Handles toolStripItem_Run_Manual_Scan.Click
    Dim t As New Thread(AddressOf Me.RunManualScan)

    t.IsBackground = True
  End Sub

  Private Sub RunManualScan()
    ' We know this will be running on a background thread.
    Dim workResult1 = DatabaseWork.SomeWork()

    Me.SetTextBoxInfo("Report Back - Step " & workResult1)

    Dim workResult2 = DatabaseWork.OtherWork()

    Me.SetTextBoxInfo("Report Back - Step " & workResult2)
  End Sub

  Public Sub SetTextBoxInfo(stringValue As String)
    Me.BeginInvoke(Sub() Me.TextBox.Text = stringValue)
  End Sub

End Class

' You could use a Module, but it
' pollutes IntelliSense more than Class.
Public NotInheritable Class DatabaseWork

  Public Shared Function SomeWork() As Int32

    Return 1
  End Function

  Public Shared Function OtherWork() As Int32

    Return 2
  End Function

End Class

现在我们可以更好地分离关注点:"数据库"只知道细粒度的数据库操作,表单知道如何将这些数据库操作放在一起并在必要时自行更新。由于使用了ThreadBeginInvoke,它仍然很丑陋。 .NET 4.5提供了更好的组合异步操作的机制,允许我们按如下方式重写上述内容:

Imports System.Threading
Imports System.Threading.Tasks

Public Class form_Main

  Private Sub toolStripItem_Run_Manual_Scan_Click() Handles toolStripItem_Run_Manual_Scan.Click
  End Sub

  ' Note the Async modifier.
  Private Async Sub ExecuteManualScan()
    ' The delegate passed to Task.Run executes on
    ' a thread pool (background) thread. Await'ing
    ' a task transitions us back to the original thread.
    ' Note that it is good practice to use Task.Run for
    ' CPU-bound work, but since we're stuck with blocking
    ' database operations, it will have to do in this case.
    Dim workResult1 = Await Task.Run(AddressOf DatabaseWork.SomeWork)

    ' Note the lack of BeginInvoke - we're already on the UI thread.
    Me.TextBox.Text = "Report Back - Step " & workResult1

    ' Note that the delegate is declared slightly differently.
    ' While functionally similar to the first call, this version
    ' allows you to pass arguments to the method if necessary.
    Dim workResult2 = Await Task.Run(Function() DatabaseWork.OtherWork())

    Me.TextBox.Text = "Report Back - Step " & workResult2
  End Sub

End Class


如果您绝对必须报告长时间运行的进度,那么因为.NET 4.0 System.Progress(Of T)/IProgress(Of T)是以与调用者无关的方式这样做的推荐方式。请注意,它是一种通用类型,因此最终取决于您想要在整个处理过程中报告的内容 - 虽然约定是Int32表示进度百分比,但您也可以使用完全随意的内容比如String s,例如。

Imports System.Threading
Imports System.Threading.Tasks

Public Class form_Main

  Private Sub toolStripItem_Run_Manual_Scan_Click() Handles toolStripItem_Run_Manual_Scan.Click
  End Sub

  Private Async Sub ExecuteManualScan()
    ' Ensure that the next scan operation cannot
    ' be started until this one is complete by
    ' disabling the relevant UI elements.
    Me.toolStripItem_Run_Manual_Scan.Enabled = False

      Me.TextBox.Text = "Starting ..."

      ' When you create an instance of Progress, it captures
      ' the current SynchronizationContext, and will raise
      ' the ProgressChanged event on that context, meaning
      ' that if it's created on the UI thread, the progress
      ' handler callback will automatically be marshalled back
      ' to the UI thread for you, so you no longer need Invoke.
      Dim progress As New Progress(Of Int32)

      ' Update the UI when progress is reported.
      AddHandler progress.ProgressChanged,
        Sub(s, progressPercentage) Me.TextBox.Text = String.Format("Progress: {0}%.", progressPercentage)

      Dim workResult = Await Task.Run(Function() DatabaseWork.LongWork(progress))

      Me.TextBox.Text = "Result: " & workResult
      Me.toolStripItem_Run_Manual_Scan.Enabled = True
    End Try
  End Sub

End Class

Public NotInheritable Class DatabaseWork

  Public Shared Function LongWork(progress As IProgress(Of Int32)) As Int32
    Dim progressPercentage = 0

    For i = 0 To 100 - 1
      ' Simulate some work.

      progressPercentage += 1


    Return 42
  End Function

End Class