
时间:2014-07-13 15:27:36

标签: python multithreading threadpool


在我的测试中,我记录了使用 x 线程完成 n 任务所需的时间。然后我绘制了这些数据,以检查输出是否与我认为正确的相似。不幸的是,我得到了意想不到的结果。无论出于何种原因,某些测试的delta t 并不符合其他点所在的预期线。我相信这是一个线程同步问题,与我的代码中的threading.Event()有关。我对Python不太熟悉,所以也许我忽略了一些东西。

导致我的线程池在我的测试中产生意外结果的原因是什么?任何帮助表示赞赏谢谢! enter image description here


[2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40]

Delta t:

[15.005759, 0.002, 5.003255, 1.995844, 0.99826, 0.006006, 0.997074, 0.994626, 0.002004, 0.988823, 0.005081, 0.993242, 0.990138, 0.002986, 0.995473, 0.000999, 0.986356, 0.002002, 0.975053, 0.021287]


from threading import Thread
from threading import Event
from queue import Queue
from time import sleep
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import datetime
import requests
import random
import json
import copy
import sys

class Tester:

def __init__(self):

def run(self):
    numThreads = 2
    x = []  # thread count
    y = []  # delta time

    for t in range(20): # Run t tests
        threadPool = ThreadPool(numThreads)
        startTime = datetime.datetime.now()

        print("Starting test %d" % (t + 1))

        # Add n tasks
        for n in range(30):

        threadPool.start() # wait until all tasks are added before starting

        # Wait for all tasks in queue to complete

        timeDelta = datetime.datetime.now() - startTime
        print("Test %d complete (t=%f s, n=%d)" % ((t + 1), timeDelta.total_seconds(), numThreads))

        numThreads += 2

    # After the tests plot the resulting data
    plt.plot(x, y, 'ro')
    plt.xlabel('thread count')
    plt.ylabel('delta t (time)')

class ThreadPool:
__poolEvent = Event()
__runEvent = Event()

def __init__(self, size = 1, start=False):
    self.__size = size
    self.__queue = Queue()
    self.__pool = []
    self.__destroyed = False

    if start:

    # Create the thread pool
    for i in range(self.__size):
        thread = Thread(target = self.__worker, args = [i])
        thread.daemon = True

def __worker(self, workerNumber):
# Worker will run until thread pool is terminated
    while True:

        self.__runEvent.wait() # Wait until threadpool is started

        task = self.__queue.get() # Blocking

        except (AttributeError, TypeError):
            raise Exception('Task does not have execute() defined.')


        if self.__queue.empty():
            self.__poolEvent.set() # Allow caller to proceed if waiting

def start(self):

def addTask(self, task):
        raise Exception('Unable to add task the pool has already been destroyed.')
    self.__poolEvent.clear()    # Have caller wait if listening

def destroy(self):
        raise Exception('Cannot destory as the thread pool has already been destroyed.')

    # Flag causes threads to stop pulling from queue and return
    self.__destroyed = True

def wait(self):

class PoolTask:
""" example task that implements execute() """

def __init__(self, taskNumber):
    self.taskNumber = taskNumber

def execute(self):
    #print('Task %d executing...' % self.taskNumber)
    #sleep(random.randint(1, 5))
    #print('Task %d done executing' % self.taskNumber)


>>> import Tester
>>> kp = KrogoPoints.KrogoPoints()
>>> kp.run()
Starting test 1
Test 1 complete (t=15.005759 s, n=2)
Starting test 2
Test 2 complete (t=0.002000 s, n=4)
Starting test 3
Test 3 complete (t=5.003255 s, n=6)
Starting test 4
Test 4 complete (t=1.995844 s, n=8)
Starting test 5
Test 5 complete (t=0.998260 s, n=10)
Starting test 6
Test 6 complete (t=0.006006 s, n=12)
Starting test 7
Test 7 complete (t=0.997074 s, n=14)
Starting test 8
Test 8 complete (t=0.994626 s, n=16)
Starting test 9
Test 9 complete (t=0.002004 s, n=18)
Starting test 10
Test 10 complete (t=0.988823 s, n=20)
Starting test 11
Test 11 complete (t=0.005081 s, n=22)
Starting test 12
Test 12 complete (t=0.993242 s, n=24)
Starting test 13
Test 13 complete (t=0.990138 s, n=26)
Starting test 14
Test 14 complete (t=0.002986 s, n=28)
Starting test 15
Test 15 complete (t=0.995473 s, n=30)
Starting test 16
Test 16 complete (t=0.000999 s, n=32)
Starting test 17
Test 17 complete (t=0.986356 s, n=34)
Starting test 18
Test 18 complete (t=0.002002 s, n=36)
Starting test 19
Test 19 complete (t=0.975053 s, n=38)
Starting test 20
Test 20 complete (t=0.021287 s, n=40)

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)


>>> class A(object):
...   event = threading.Event()  # class variable, like yours
...   def getEvent(self): return self.event
>>> a = A()
>>> a.getEvent()
<threading._Event object at 0x7f4c51d3db90>
>>> a.getEvent().is_set()
>>> b = A()
>>> b.getEvent().set()
>>> a.getEvent().is_set()
True   # Uh oh, changing b's event also changed a's
>>> b.getEvent()
<threading._Event object at 0x7f4c51d3db90> # Because it's the same event!



class ThreadPool(object):

    def __init__(self, size = 1, start=False):
        self.__poolEvent = Event()
        self.__runEvent = Event()
        self.__size = size
        self.__queue = Queue()
        self.__pool = []
        self.__destroyed = False

        if start:


Starting test 1
Test 1 complete (t=15.019228 s, n=2)
Starting test 2
Test 2 complete (t=7.009718 s, n=4)
Starting test 3
Test 3 complete (t=5.007426 s, n=6)
Starting test 4
Test 4 complete (t=3.005955 s, n=8)
Starting test 5
Test 5 complete (t=3.006504 s, n=10)
Starting test 6
Test 6 complete (t=2.004594 s, n=12)
Starting test 7
Test 7 complete (t=2.004225 s, n=14)
Starting test 8
Test 8 complete (t=1.004068 s, n=16)
Starting test 9
Test 9 complete (t=1.004277 s, n=18)
Starting test 10
Test 10 complete (t=1.004509 s, n=20)
Starting test 11
Test 11 complete (t=1.004266 s, n=22)
Starting test 12
Test 12 complete (t=1.003043 s, n=24)
Starting test 13
Test 13 complete (t=1.004713 s, n=26)
Starting test 14
Test 14 complete (t=1.003422 s, n=28)
Starting test 15
Test 15 complete (t=1.003525 s, n=30)
Starting test 16
Test 16 complete (t=1.003448 s, n=32)
Starting test 17
Test 17 complete (t=1.002924 s, n=34)
Starting test 18
Test 18 complete (t=1.003600 s, n=36)
Starting test 19
Test 19 complete (t=1.003569 s, n=38)
Starting test 20
Test 20 complete (t=1.003708 s, n=40)
[2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40]
[15.019228, 7.009718, 5.007426, 3.005955, 3.006504, 2.004594, 2.004225, 1.004068, 1.004277, 1.004509, 1.004266, 1.003043, 1.004713, 1.003422, 1.003525, 1.003448, 1.002924, 1.0036, 1.003569, 1.003708]