Django - 基于queryset生成表单

时间:2014-07-15 02:16:20

标签: python django forms






| QueriedValue | CalculatedValue | User_data | More_User_data |
|     Foo 1    |    Bar 1        |           |                |
|     Foo 2    |    Bar 2        |           |                |
|     Foo 3    |    Bar 3        |           |                |
...            ...               ...         ...              |
|     Foo n    |    Bar n        |           |                |

    | Submit |


     TimeStamp + fk_Foo = natural primary key for this table
   /                \
|   TimeStamp  |    fk_Foo    | User_data | More_User_data  |
| submit_time  |     Foo 1    |  Datum 1  | AnotherDatum 1  |
| submit_time  |     Foo 2    |  Datum 2  | AnotherDatum 2  |
| submit_time  |     Foo 3    |  Datum 3  | AnotherDatum 3  |
|...           ...            ...              ...          |
| submit_time  |     Foo n    |  Datum n  | AnotherDatum n  |




  1. 每日库存:每天早上,库房人员需要查看每条燃气管线并记录管路的压力和瓶子的参考编号。这会产生一堆4元组记录(时间,行,瓶,psi);每天早上一行。

  2. 按需更换瓶子:执行每日库存后,如果瓶子几乎已经用完,则需要更改,并且需要记录该更改。这应该为新瓶子的瓶子表添加另一个条目,并为新连接添加另一个带有新(时间,线,瓶,psi)信息的4元组。这种情况每周发生几次,但不是每天都有。

  3. 因此,为了跟踪这一点,我正在编写一个Django应用程序。我有以下型号:

    class GasFarm(models.Model):
        Represents a gas farm -- a collection of lines that are grouped together and managed as a unit.
        name = models.CharField(max_length=30, unique=True)
        def __unicode__(self):
    class Bottle(models.Model):
        Represents a gas bottle -- the physical cylinder -- that contains a mixture of gases.
        # Options
        get_latest_by = 'date_added'
        # Fields
            ('h2/n2', "H2/N2"),
            ('h2/air', "H2/Air"),
            ('h2', "H2"),
            ('n2', "N2"),
            ('other', "Other"),
        ppm = models.FloatField()
        mix = models.CharField(max_length=50, choices=BACKGROUND_TYPES, default='n2')
        ref = models.CharField(max_length=50, unique=True)  # Every bottle has a unique ref or somebody fucked up.
        cert_date = models.DateTimeField()
        date_added = models.DateTimeField(
        def pct(self):
            return float(self.ppm)/10**4
        def __unicode__(self):
            return "{} ({}% {})".format(self.ref, self.pct(), self.mix,)
    class Line(models.Model):
        Represents a gas line -- the physical plumbing -- that delivers gas from the bottles to the test stations.
        It is assumed that a gas line can have zero or one gas bottles attached to it at any given time. The Line model
        maps bottle objects and time-sensitive Reading objects to test stations.
        # Fields
        gasfarm = models.ForeignKey(GasFarm)
        number = models.CharField(max_length=10, unique=True)
        bottles = models.ManyToManyField(Bottle, through='Reading')
        # Calculated fields. "current" is definitely not optional -- that's a super common query. The others? I'm not so
        # sure...
        def current(self):
            Returns the most recently recorded Reading object associated with the line
            return self.reading_set.latest(field_name='time')
        current.short_description = "latest reading"
        def last_checked(self):
            Returns the date & time at which the most recent Reading object associated with this line was logged
            return self.current().time
        last_checked.short_description = "last updated"
        def has_recent_reading(self):
            Boolean flag for whether the reading is probably valid, or if someone needs to go out and take a new one.
            latest_reading = self.current().time
            return - latest_reading < datetime.timedelta(days=3)
        has_recent_reading.boolean = True
        has_recent_reading.short_description = "Is data current?"
        def __unicode__(self):
            return self.number
    class Reading(models.Model):
        A Reading links a Bottle to a Line at a given time, and provides a snapshot of the pressure at that time.
        # Options
        get_latest_by = 'time'
        # Fields
        line = models.ForeignKey(Line)
        bottle = models.ForeignKey(Bottle)
        time = models.DateTimeField()
        psi = models.IntegerField(validators=[MaxValueValidator(2500)])
        def ref(self):
            The reference number of the bottle listed in the reading
            return self.bottle.ref
        def ppm(self):
            The PPM concentration of the bottle listed in the reading
            return self.bottle.ppm
        def pct(self):
            The % concentration of the bottle listed in the reading
            return self.bottle.pct()
        def mix(self):
            The gas mix (e.g. H2/N2) of the associated bottle
            return self.bottle.mix
        def __unicode__(self):
            # Example:
            # A0: 327.3 PPM H2/N2 2300 psi
            return "{}, {}: {} PPM {} {} psi".format(self.line, self.time, self.ppm(), self.mix(), self.psi)

    我使用一些脚本使用我们的数据后备日志填充数据库,并且我已经编写了一些视图来提取数据库的 out ;到目前为止,我对他们很满意,结果看起来很有希望 - 至少对于显示存储的数据。

    但我不确定如何使用HTML表单干净地填充数据库。我希望这些表格基本上是两个单独的“工作表” - 就像DMV给你的那种,有很好的清晰指示#justkidding。


    表单将列出给定服务器场中的所有行,显示每行上应该包含的瓶子(基于先前的读数/更新),然后提示用户输入值。这将要求技术人员在每次提交表格时更新每行的每个瓶子的压力 - 我们想要整个气体系统的全局快照。在一个完美的世界中,表格会预先填充当前时间和每行最近的压力读数到阅读时间和压力字段,以便于数据输入。

    # Cells with brackets [] are system-supplied, non-editable data displayed in the table. 
    # Cells without brackets are pre-filled with sensible defaults, but are user editable.
    |  [Line]  | [Current Bottle]  |  Reading Time   |   Pressure (psi)   |
    |   [A0]   |   [15-1478334]    |  2014-7-14 9:34 |       2400         |
    |   [A1]   |   [15-1458661]    |  2014-7-14 9:34 |        500         |
    |   [A2]   |   [15-4851148]    |  2014-7-14 9:34 |       1850         |
    |   [A3]   |   [15-1365195]    |  2014-7-14 9:34 |        700         |
    |   [C18]  |   [15-9555813]    |  2014-7-14 9:34 |        2350        |

    在阅读了关于Forms,ModelForms和Formsets的Django文档后,我编写了一些代码,它们几乎我想要的一切 - 但Line和Bottle信息是可编辑的表单字段,并且我需要它们作为静态指南来填写表格的其余部分。但是, do 需要出现在生成的数据库记录中。


     class PressureReadingUpdate(forms.ModelForm):
        class Meta:
            model = models.Reading
    PsiReadingFormset = formset_factory(PressureReadingUpdate, extra=0)
    def update_pressure(request):
        if request.method == 'POST':
            formset = forms.PsiReadingFormset(request.POST)
            if formset.is_valid():
                cd = formset.cleaned_data
                # do something? I'm not here yet...
            lines = models.Line.objects.all()
            now =
            initial = [{'line': l,
                        'psi': l.current().psi,
                        "bottle": l.current().bottle,
                        'time': now} for l in lines]
            formset = forms.PsiReadingFormset(initial=initial,)
        return render(request, 'gas_tracking/gasfarm_form_psi_reading.html', {'formset': formset})


    我想要一份所有气体管线的清单,包括现有的气瓶和气瓶。压力(简单 - 这是在其他地方完成的),然后是一个按钮,它创建一个弹出窗口,您可以在其中提交新瓶子,就像您在管理界面中找到的那样。如何制作弹出窗口?我该如何制作按钮?我甚至不知道从哪个开始呢

    我还是Django的新手,我搜索过高低,但是没有找到任何能回答我问题的东西 - 也许我只是没有使用正确的关键词?



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


所以我想出了这个(经过大量的谷歌搜索和咒骂和咬牙切齿)。马尔科姆·特雷德尼克(Malcolm Tredinnick)发表了一篇关于我想做什么的博客文章,这是一个保存在Django Snippets上的善良灵魂


class PressureReadingUpdate(forms.Form):
    Form that asks for the pressure of a line given some attributes of that line.
    psi = forms.IntegerField(widget=forms.NumberInput)

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        self.line = kwargs.pop('line')
        kwargs['auto_id'] = "%s".format(self.line.number)
        super(PressureReadingUpdate, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

class BasePsiReadingFormset(BaseFormSet):
    Formset that constructs a group of PressureReadingUpdate forms by taking a queryset
    of Line objects and passing each one in turn to a PressureReadingUpdate form as it
    gets constructed
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        self.lines = kwargs.pop('lines')
        super(BasePsiReadingFormset, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.extra = len(self.lines)
        self.max_num = len(self.lines)

    def _construct_form(self, i, **kwargs):
        kwargs['line'] = self.lines[i]
        form = super(BasePsiReadingFormset, self)._construct_form(i, **kwargs)
        return form

PsiReadingFormset = formset_factory(form=PressureReadingUpdate, formset=BasePsiReadingFormset)

这为你提供了一个带有额外kwarg的Formset,你可以传递给构造函数链。您可以在视图中使用它(以及更典型的initial= kwarg):

formset = PsiReadingFormset(lines=lines,
                            initial=[{'psi': l.current().psi} for l in lines],


任何传递给FormSet的kwargs(由formset_factory函数使用非默认的'BaseFormSet'作为蓝图)都会传递给__init__ { - 1}} BaseFormSet所基于的FormSet方法。





