
时间:2014-07-23 14:08:36

标签: php mysql sql

  • 我的MySQL表由电位器和硬件填充。
  • 将传感器更改数据的值添加到名为Pot的MySQL表列中。
  • Pot是包含随时间推移从电位计读取的值的列。
  • 此列中的值范围为760到1007.
  • 此列中的值不能立即从760跳到1007,它必须是连续的。


Time 1s -> 1007
Time 2s -> 987
Time 3s -> 909
Time 4s -> 887
time 5s -> 779
Time 6s -> 775
Time 7s -> 767
Time 8s -> 1004
Time 9s -> 1004
Time 10s -> 1004
Time 11s -> 1001
Time 12s -> 987
Time 13s -> 899

我添加的时间箭头表示硬件在时间1秒添加一个值,添加时间2秒987 ....在实验开始后7秒,添加767。




select count(*)
from (select cycle, min(BBQ_Chicken) as minpot, maxpot as maxpot
      from (select *,
                   @cycle = if(pot >= 1000 and @state = 'bottom',
                               if(@state := 'top', @cycle + 1, @cycle + 1),
                               if(pot < 770, if(@state := 'bottom', @cycle, @cycle), @cycle)
                              ) as cycle
            from `SeInfo` t cross join
                 (select @state := 'bottom', @cyclestart) vars
            order by id
           ) p
     ) t
where minpot < 770 and maxpot >= 1000;


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


select cycle, min(pot+0) as minpot, max(pot+0) as maxpot
from (select si.*,
             @cycle := if(pot >= 1000 and @state = 'bottom',
                          if(@state := 'top', @cycle + 1, @cycle + 1),
                          if(pot < 770, if(@state := 'bottom', @cycle, @cycle), @cycle)
                         ) as cycle
      from SeInfo si cross join
           (select @state := 'bottom', @cycle := 0) vars
      order by id
     ) si
group by cycle;


select count(*)
from (select cycle, min(pot+0) as minpot, max(pot+0) as maxpot
      from (select si.*,
                   @cycle := if(pot >= 1000 and @state = 'bottom',
                                if(@state := 'top', @cycle + 1, @cycle + 1),
                                if(pot < 770, if(@state := 'bottom', @cycle, @cycle), @cycle)
                               ) as cycle
            from SeInfo si cross join
                 (select @state := 'bottom', @cycle := 0) vars
            order by id
           ) si
      group by cycle
     ) si
where minpot < 770 and maxpot >= 1000;

请注意,这假设您有一个指定值排序的列。 SQL表表示无序集,因此您需要一个列来指定排序。

Here是SQL Fiddle,它正在发挥作用。
