c ++ 11中首选的初始化方法

时间:2014-07-26 15:06:16

标签: c++ c++11

int i = 0; // (a) Old C style should I use it?
int i{0}; // (b) Brace direct init
int i{}; // (c) Same as (b)
int i = {0}; // (d) as (b)
int i = {}; // (e) as (c)
auto i = 0; // (f) auto = int in this case.
auto i = int{0}; // (g) auto = more specific.
auto i = int{}; // (h) same as above (g)

使用哪一个? 萨特说使用:

int i = 0;
auto i = 0;


int i = {0};
auto i = int{0};


int i{0};
auto i{0}; // i is not what some might expect in this case. So I would prefer using "=" everywhere possible like int i = {0}; ...

修改 这就是我的目标,在我看来,这是最一致的:

rectangle       w   = { origin(), extents() }; 
complex<double> c   = { 2.71828, 3.14159 }; 
mystruct        m   = { 1, 2 }; 
int             a[] = { 1, 2, 3, 4 };
vector<int>     v   = { 1, 2, 3, 4 };
point           p   = {}; // Default initializes members
int             i   = {0}; // Checked assembly for this and it's binary the same as int i{0}; could be written also as int i = {};
string          s   = {""}; // Same as string s = {}; (OR) string s;


std::string       title              = { pt.get<std::string>("document.window.title") };
const std::string file               = { R"(CoreSettings.xml)" };
int_least64_t     currentTick        = { 0 }; // (OR) int_least64_t currentTick = {};
bool              isRunning          = { false }; // (OR) bool isRunning = {};
App*              app                = { nullptr }; // (OR) App* app = {};
Event             event              = {};
double            detectedFrameRate  = { 1000000000.0 / (swapIntervalDeltaCumulative / 20.0) };
double            precision          = { static_cast<double>(boost::chrono::high_resolution_clock::period::num)
                                           / boost::chrono::high_resolution_clock::period::den };
auto              timeSpan           = boost::chrono::duration_cast<boost::chrono::nanoseconds>(nowTime - startTime);


std::string       title             { pt.get<std::string>("document.window.title") };
const std::string file              { R"(CoreSettings.xml)" };
int_least64_t     currentTick       { 0 }; // (OR) int_least64_t currentTick{};
bool              isRunning         { false }; // (OR) bool isRunning{};
App*              app               { nullptr }; // (OR) App* app{};
Event             event             {};
double            detectedFrameRate { 1000000000.0 / (swapIntervalDeltaCumulative / 20.0) };
double            precision         { static_cast<double>(boost::chrono::high_resolution_clock::period::num)
                                        / boost::chrono::high_resolution_clock::period::den };
auto              timeSpan          = boost::chrono::duration_cast<boost::chrono::nanoseconds>(nowTime - startTime);


int_least64_t     currentTick        = 0; // C style - changed this from double to int recently and compiler did not complain so I had something like int_least64_t currentTick = 0.0; ugly!
bool              isRunning          = false; // C style
App*              app                = nullptr; // C mixed with C++11 style;
Event             event; // might not be initialized by all compilers
int               someInt            = func(); // func() returns double no error but narrowing.

7 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:8)


int i=0; 


int i = 3.99;    // i gets 3; no warning, no error
int i{3.99};     // i gets 3; warning: "narrowing conversion"



  • 范围for for循环中的临时变量(例如for (const auto &n : mycollection)
  • 简化命名lambda的声明
  • 用于显式使用它们的迭代器实例(而不是range-for)
  • 模板化代码,这样做可以避免创建冗长的typedef

答案 1 :(得分:3)


auto i{0}; // [comment omitted]
int i();

第一个将i定义为std::initializer_list<int> 第二个声明了一个名为i的extern函数返回int且没有参数。


  • 使用auto可以节省输入,并且类型或行为很明显。例子:

    auto x = new mymegathingy;
    auto y = container.begin();
    auto z = filestream.seekoff(0, basic_ios::curr);
  • 使用赋值可以工作(当lhs和rhs具有不同的类型时,当前编译器可以优化潜在的临时值。)

    int i = 0;
    int* i = 0; // For many types passing `nullptr` is better.
  • 使用通用初始化程序语法,其中赋值不起作用。

    std::vector<int> i = {1,2,3};
    auto i = new int[]{1,2,3};
  • 您可能希望使用直接构造函数调用,其中至少给出一个明显非类型的参数,以避免花括号:

    int i(0);


auto i{0};


int i();

答案 2 :(得分:2)



#include <iostream>

bool contains(const std::string& code)
    std::cout << __func__ << ": " << code << '\n';
    return true;

bool contains(int32_t value)
    std::cout << __func__ << ": " << value << '\n';
    return false;

struct user_t
    uint32_t id;
    std::string name;

int main()
    user_t user = {4, "bob"};

    // Imagine the original programmer creates somethin like
    // the following block:
        auto i = user.name;

            std::cout << "contained" << '\n';

    // Then, sometime later, another programmer
    // does some bugfixing/maintenace and accidentally
    // uses the user's id instead of their username:
        auto i = user.id; // now calls the wrong function and makes the wrong decision

            std::cout << "contained" << '\n';

使用auto使我们失去了一些我们期望从C ++中获得的静态类型检查。如果原始程序员使用了std::string iuint32_t i那么静态类型系统会在编译时保护我们免于产生一个微妙且难以找到的错误。

就我个人而言,我建议明智地使用自动判断循环中的短期变量。类型啰嗦和/或复杂的地方 - 人类难以推断。也是编译器必须推导它的地方(模板?)。


int i = 0; // simple, obvious, hard to improve upon. 

答案 3 :(得分:1)

对于int类型变量i = 0i = {0}是相同的。 int i = 0将是最易读的,因为这是人们习惯看到的。

如果您确实沿着自动路线走下去,则需要注意auto i{0}auto i = 0实际上定义了不同类型的事实。 (参见Deduplicator的评论)


#include <iostream>
#include <typeinfo>

int main(){
    auto a = 0;
    std::cout << "a is of type:" << typeid(a).name() << std::endl;

    auto b = int{0};
    std::cout << "b is of type:" << typeid(b).name() << std::endl;

    auto c{0};
    std::cout << "c is of type:" << typeid(c).name() << std::endl;


a is of type:i
b is of type:i
c is of type:St16initializer_listIiE

auto c{0}实际上是在创建一个std::initializer_list<int>,这几乎肯定不是发布问题的人所期望的。 在可读性方面,基本上有很多可能令人讨厌的东西。

这是我刚用g++ -Wall -std=c++11 main.cpp编译的内容(g ++版本4.7.2)

#include <iostream>
#include <typeinfo>
#include <vector>

class d{
        std::vector<int> v;
        d(std::initializer_list<int> l) : v(l) {
             std::cout << "constructed class d with a " << l.size() << "-element list\n";

int main(){
    auto d{0};
    std::cout << "d is of type:" << typeid(d).name() << std::endl;


d is of type:St16initializer_listIiE


答案 4 :(得分:0)

我同意Deduplicator。 我会用:

int i = 0;


答案 5 :(得分:0)


1)仅对模板构造使用auto,实际上可以从中获益,对于类型名称可能很长的迭代器(如果您愿意)。不要将它用于原始类型,尤其不是引用。如果函数返回引用并且您想要使用auto,则需要使用auto&amp ;.如果不是副本,这可能非常棘手。



答案 6 :(得分:-2)

完全使用auto name = initializer;。您需要auto&&auto name = (Base*)initializer;几个地方。绝对不要使用花括号,因为统一的初始化会被打破。