
时间:2014-08-04 05:53:21

标签: php arrays hyperlink



$projects = array();

$projects["Beeston-Residence"] = array(
 "name" => "Beeston House",
 "heroClass" => "hero-beeston",
 "mainImg" => BASE_URL ."images/beeston_main.jpg",
 "previewImg" => BASE_URL ."images/beeston_preview.jpg",
 "year" => "2014",
 "yearClass" => "twenty14",
 "location" => "Brisbane, Australia",
 "photographer" => "Rachel Cruz",
 "detailOne" => BASE_URL ."images/beeston_detail1.jpg",
 "detailTwo" => BASE_URL ."images/beeston_detail2.jpg",
 "detailThree" => BASE_URL ."images/beeston_detail3.jpg",
 "detailFour" => BASE_URL ."images/beeston_detail4.jpg",
 "description" => "lorem ipsum and shit",
 "detailOneSum" => "lorem ipsum detail 1",
 "detailTwoSum" => "lorem ipsum detail 2",
 "detailThreeSum" => "lorem ipsum detail 3",
 "detailFourSum" => "Lorem ipsum detail 4",
 "materials" => array("matOne","matTwo","matThree"),
 "materialImg" => array(BASE_URL ."images/beeston_mat1.jpg",BASE_URL   ."images/beeston_mat2.jpg",BASE_URL ."images/beeston_mat3.jpg"),
 "testamonialImg" => BASE_URL ."images/client.jpg",
 "testamonial" => "Cabin Is Great!"

$projects["Book-Tower-Residence"] = array(
 "name" => "Book Tower House",
 "heroClass" => "hero-bookTower",
 "mainImg" => BASE_URL ."images/bookTower_main.jpg",
 "previewImg" => BASE_URL ."images/bookTower_preview.jpg",
 "year" => "2012",
 "yearClass" => "twenty12",
 "location" => "London, United Kingdom",
 "photographer" => "Rachel Cruz",
 "detailOne" => BASE_URL ."images/bookTower_detail1.jpg",
 "detailTwo" => BASE_URL ."images/bookTower_detail2.jpg",
 "detailThree" => BASE_URL ."images/bookTower_detail3.jpg",
 "detailFour" => BASE_URL ."images/bookTower_detail4.jpg",
 "description" => "lorem ipsum and shit",
 "detailOneSum" => "lorem ipsum",
 "detailTwoSum" => "lorem ipsum",
 "detailThreeSum" => "lorem ipsum",
 "detailFourSum" => "Lorem ipsum",
 "materials" => array("matOne","matTwo","matThree"),
 "materialImg" => array(BASE_URL ."images/bookTower_mat1.jpg",BASE_URL ."images/bookTower_mat2.jpg",BASE_URL ."images/bookTower_mat3.jpg"),
 "testamonialImg" => BASE_URL ."images/client.jpg",
 "testamonial" => "Cabin Is Great!"
$projects["1917-Bungalow"] = array(
 "name" => "1917 Bungalow",
 "heroClass" => "hero-bungalow",
 "mainImg" => BASE_URL ."images/bungalow_main.jpg",
 "previewImg" => BASE_URL ."images/bungalow_preview.jpg",
 "year" => "2013",
 "yearClass" => "twenty13",
 "location" => "Autstin, Texas",
 "photographer" => "Rachel Cruz",
 "detailOne" => BASE_URL ."images/bungalow_detail1.jpg",
 "detailTwo" => BASE_URL ."images/bungalow_detail2.jpg",
 "detailThree" => BASE_URL ."images/bungalow_detail3.jpg",
 "detailFour" => BASE_URL ."images/bungalow_detail4.jpg",
 "description" => "lorem ipsum and shit",
 "detailOneSum" => "lorem ipsum",
 "detailTwoSum" => "lorem ipsum",
 "detailThreeSum" => "lorem ipsum",
 "detailFourSum" => "Lorem ipsum",
 "materials" => array("matOne","matTwo","matThree"),
 "materialImg" => array(BASE_URL ."images/bungalow_mat1.jpg",BASE_URL ."images/bungalow_mat2.jpg",BASE_URL ."images/bungalow_mat3.jpg"),
 "testamonialImg" => BASE_URL ."images/client.jpg",
 "testamonial" => "Cabin Is Great!"



require_once(ROOT_PATH . "includes/projectInfo.php");
$project_id = $_GET["id"];
$project = $projects[$project_id];
include (ROOT_PATH . "includes/header-project-page.php");


    <section class="l-col-group project-intro">
    <h2 class="project-title"><?php echo $project["name"]; ?> </h2>
    <aside class="project-info">
    <ul class="project-brief">
        <li class="pb-heading">STATUS </li>
        <li class="pb-info">Complete <?php echo $project["year"];?></li>
        <li class="pb-heading">LOCATION</li>
        <li class="pb-info"><?php echo $project["location"];?></li>
        <li class="pb-heading">PHOTOGRAPHER</li>
        <li class="pb-info"><?php echo $project["photographer"];?></li>
    <p class="project-summary">
        <?php echo $project["description"];?>

    <figure class="l-col-group">

        <figcaption class= "left">
                <p><?php echo $project["detailOneSum"];?></p>
        <img class="project-detail-img right" src="<?php echo $project["detailOne"];?>" alt="">

    <figure class="l-col-group">

        <figcaption class="right">
                <p><?php echo $project["detailTwoSum"];?></p>
        <img  class="project-detail-img left" src="<?php echo $project["detailTwo"];?>" alt="">

    <figure class="l-col-group left">   

        <figcaption class="left">
                <p><?php echo $project["detailThreeSum"];?></p>
        <img class="project-detail-img right" src="<?php echo $project["detailThree"];?>" alt="">

    <figure class="l-col-group">

        <figcaption class="right">
                <p><?php echo $project["detailFourSum"];?></p>
            <img class="project-detail-img left" src="<?php echo $project["detailFour"];?>" alt="">

<section class="testamonial">
    <img class="testamonial-image" src="<?php echo BASE_URL; ?>images/testamonial.png" alt="testamonial">
    <h3 class="testamonial-client">DAVID WALSH</h3>
    <p class="testamonial-quote">Cabin surpassed went above and beyond my wildest dreams! Customer service at its best.</p>

include (ROOT_PATH . "includes/contact.php");
include (ROOT_PATH . "includes/footer.php");


 <?php $key = array_search($project, $projects); 
    $offset = array_search($key, array_keys($projects));
    $next = $offset + 1;
    $prev = $offset - 1;



    <?php if ($prev > 0): ?>
        <a style ="color:black" href="">Previous</a>
    <?php endif; ?>


提前感谢您的帮助。 欢呼声。

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


// get project id
$lst_ids = array_keys($project);
$i = !empty($_GET["i"]) ? $_GET["i"] : 0;
$project_id = $lst_ids[$i];

// show previous and next links, as applicable
$l = count($projects);    // should give 15
$html = '';
if ($i) {
    $i_prev = $i - 1;
    $label = "&larr;&nbsp;Previous";
    $html .= "<a href='?i=$i_prev'>$label</a>";

if ($i < ($l - 1)) {
    $i_next = $i + 1;
    $label = "Next&nbsp;&rarr;";
    $html .= "&nbsp;<a href='?i=$i_next'>$label</a>";
echo $html;


$l = count($projects);    // should give 15
$lst_ids = array_keys($project);
$project_id = !empty($_GET["id"]) ? $_GET["id"] : NULL;
$index = $project_id ? array_search($project_id, $lst_ids) : 0;

$html = '';
if ($index) {
    $id_prev = $lst_ids[$index - 1];
    $label = "&larr;&nbsp;Previous";
    $html .= "<a href='?id=$id_prev'>$label</a>";

if ($index < ($l - 1)) {
    $id_next = $lst_ids[$index + 1];
    $label = "Next&nbsp;&rarr;";
    $html .= "&nbsp;<a href='?id=$id_next'>$label</a>";
echo $html;