WebBrowser wb = (WebBrowser)sender;
wb.Document.ExecCommand("SelectAll", false, null);
wb.Document.ExecCommand("Copy", false, null);
richTextBox1.Text = Clipboard.GetText();
冠军选择率 - 前5名增加和减少
冠军赢率 - 前5名增加和减少
冠军禁令率 - 前5名增加和减少
答案 0 :(得分:1)
foreach (var item in list_ban)
string rtbpicker = item.ToString();
foreach (var comp in list_Comp)
int count = 0; //Counts for the number of occurences
foreach (Match m in Regex.Matches(rtbpicker, "" + comp.ToString() + ""))
int matchindex = m.Index;
int matchlength = m.Length;
rtbpicker = rtbpicker.Insert(matchindex + matchlength + count, " "); //Count just moves the index forward by however many postions the original index was shifted
if(Regex.Matches(rtbpicker, "" + comp.ToString() + "").Count > 1)
richTextBox6.Text += rtbpicker + "\n";
//rtbBan.AppendText(rtbpicker + System.Environment.NewLine);
答案 1 :(得分:0)
从FULLY LOADED webBrowser获取纯文本并在richTextBox1中写入后,您可以将3部分打印到其他文本框中:
private void button_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
List<string> rawhtml = new List<string>(); //List for the whole page
List<string> list_pick = new List<string>(); //PICK section
List<string> list_win = new List<string>(); //WIN section
List<string> list_ban = new List<string>(); //BAN section
rawhtml = richTextBox1.Lines.ToList(); //FILL the page to list
int ID_pick = 0;
int ID_win = 0;
int ID_ban = 0;
int ID_cmt = 0; // We need to specify the end of BAN section
for (int i = 0; i < rawhtml.Count; i++) //Search for the line number of section-start
if (rawhtml[i] == "Champion Pick Rates") ID_pick = i;
if (rawhtml[i] == "Champion Win Rates") ID_win = i;
if (rawhtml[i] == "Champion Ban Rates") ID_ban = i;
if (rawhtml[i].Contains("Comments")) ID_cmt = i;
for (int i = ID_pick; i < ID_pick + (ID_win - ID_pick); i++) //Calculate the start and the end line-number
list_pick.AddRange(Regex.Split(rawhtml[i], "(?<=[)])")); //Split the five characters, without losing the ')'
foreach (var item in list_pick)
richTextBox2.AppendText(item + System.Environment.NewLine); //Optinal: Add to richtextbox
// WIN
for (int i = ID_win; i < ID_win + (ID_ban - ID_win); i++)
list_win.AddRange(Regex.Split(rawhtml[i], "(?<=[)])"));
foreach (var item in list_win)
richTextBox3.AppendText(item + System.Environment.NewLine);
// BAN
for (int i = ID_ban; i < ID_ban + (ID_cmt - ID_ban); i++)
list_ban.AddRange(Regex.Split(rawhtml[i], "(?<=[)])"));
foreach (var item in list_ban)
richTextBox4.AppendText(item + System.Environment.NewLine);
Urgot41.38% - &GT; 43.67%(+ 2.29%)
Kennen47.7% - &GT; 49.28%(+ 1.58%)
Lucian51.61% - &GT; 53.1%(+ 1.49%)
Singed48.95% - &GT; 50.31%(+ 1.36%)
Fiora53.48% - &GT; 54.71%(+ 1.23%)
Kassadin48.7% - &GT; 46.67%( - 2.03%)
Galio53.18% - &GT; 51.42%( - 1.76%)
Cho'Gath48.03% - &GT; 46.37%( - 1.66%)
Corki50.05% - &GT; 48.43%( - 1.62%)
Graves49.49% - &GT; 47.98%( - 1.51%)
答案 2 :(得分:0)
private void btnspace_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
richTextBox6.Text = null;
for (int i = 0; i < list_ban.Count; i++)
string rebuilder = ""; //for the output string (one line)
List<char> temp_chars = list_ban[i].ToCharArray().ToList(); //split one line into char sequence
int number_occur = 0; //occurence counter for numbers
int minus_occur = 0;// occurence counter for '-'
for (int j = 0; j < temp_chars.Count; j++)
// I don't wanted to hardcode the champions :/
if (number_occur < 2 && (temp_chars[j] == '1' || temp_chars[j] == '2' || temp_chars[j] == '3' || temp_chars[j] == '4' || temp_chars[j] == '5' || temp_chars[j] == '6' || temp_chars[j] == '7' || temp_chars[j] == '8' || temp_chars[j] == '9' || temp_chars[j] == '0')) //looks pretty, isn't?
temp_chars.Insert(j, ' '); //insert a space into char seq
j = j + 5; // in the longest case: 12.34, so skip 5 char, or 1 2. 3 4
number_occur = number_occur + 1; //for the difference percentage we don't need spaces, so insert by number only twice
for (int j = 0; j < temp_chars.Count; j++)
// ( and -
if (temp_chars[j] == '-' || temp_chars[j] == '(')
if (temp_chars[j] == '-') minus_occur = minus_occur + 1; //if the difference is negative, there will be one more minus, which doesn't need space
if (minus_occur <= 1) temp_chars.Insert(j, ' ');
j = j + 1; //avoid endless loop
// ( and - DONE
foreach (var item in temp_chars)
rebuilder = rebuilder + item; //rebuild the line from the char list, with spaces
list_ban.RemoveAt(i); //replace the old spaceless lines...
list_ban.Insert(i, rebuilder);
richTextBox1.AppendText(list_ban[i] + System.Environment.NewLine);
答案 3 :(得分:0)
好的,所以这是我的最终解决方案,它100%有效,它需要你的第一个答案,你可以看到; p并使用我的regex.matches
循环中的部分可以在方法中完成,因此您可以在需要时随时调用它。我还没到那个! :)
private void button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
List<string> rawhtml = new List<string>(); //List for the whole page
List<string> list_pick = new List<string>(); //PICK section
List<string> list_win = new List<string>(); //WIN section
List<string> list_ban = new List<string>(); //BAN section
List<string> list_Comp = new List<string>(); //Champion names
rawhtml = richTextBox1.Lines.ToList(); //FILL the page to list
int ID_pick = 0;
int ID_win = 0;
int ID_ban = 0;
int ID_cmt = 0; // We need to specify the end of BAN section
for (int i = 0; i < rawhtml.Count; i++) //Search for the line number of section-start
if (rawhtml[i] == "Champion Pick Rates") ID_pick = i;
if (rawhtml[i] == "Champion Win Rates") ID_win = i;
if (rawhtml[i] == "Champion Ban Rates") ID_ban = i;
if (rawhtml[i].Contains("Comments")) ID_cmt = i;
for (int i = ID_pick; i < ID_pick + (ID_win - ID_pick); i++) //Calculate the start and the end line-number
list_pick.AddRange(Regex.Split(rawhtml[i], "(?<=[)])")); //Split the five characters, without losing the ')'
foreach (var item in list_pick)
string rtbpicker = item.ToString();
foreach (var comp in list_Comp)
int count = 0; //To see which match we working with later
foreach (Match m in Regex.Matches(rtbpicker, "" + comp.ToString() + "")) // Checks for all matches and cycles through them
if (count == 2) // if the count == 2, it means that its on its 3rd match(the one we dont wana give a space to
else // puts the space in
int matchindex = m.Index;
int matchlength = m.Length;
if (m.Length >= 2) // only champ names are >=2
rtbpicker = rtbpicker.Insert(matchindex + matchlength + count, "\t");
rtbpicker = rtbpicker.Insert(matchindex + matchlength + count, " "); // the count variable updates he index so the space doesnt occur before the % sign
if (Regex.Matches(rtbpicker, "" + comp.ToString() + "").Count > 0)// just to update the index for the 2nd %
rtbPick.AppendText(rtbpicker + System.Environment.NewLine); //Optinal: Add to richtextbox
// WIN
for (int i = ID_win; i < ID_win + (ID_ban - ID_win); i++)
list_win.AddRange(Regex.Split(rawhtml[i], "(?<=[)])"));
foreach (var item in list_win)
string rtbpicker = item.ToString();
foreach (var comp in list_Comp)
int count = 0;
foreach (Match m in Regex.Matches(rtbpicker, "" + comp.ToString() + ""))
if (count == 2)
int matchindex = m.Index;
int matchlength = m.Length;
if (m.Length >= 2)
rtbpicker = rtbpicker.Insert(matchindex + matchlength + count, "\t");
rtbpicker = rtbpicker.Insert(matchindex + matchlength + count, " ");
if (Regex.Matches(rtbpicker, "" + comp.ToString() + "").Count > 0)
rtbWin.AppendText(rtbpicker + System.Environment.NewLine);
// BAN
for (int i = ID_ban; i < ID_ban + (ID_cmt - ID_ban); i++)
list_ban.AddRange(Regex.Split(rawhtml[i], "(?<=[)])"));
foreach (var item in list_ban)
string rtbpicker = item.ToString();
foreach (var comp in list_Comp)
int count = 0;
foreach (Match m in Regex.Matches(rtbpicker, "" + comp.ToString() + ""))
if (count == 2)
int matchindex = m.Index;
int matchlength = m.Length;
if (m.Length >= 2)
rtbpicker = rtbpicker.Insert(matchindex + matchlength + count, "\t");
rtbpicker = rtbpicker.Insert(matchindex + matchlength + count, " ");
if (Regex.Matches(rtbpicker, "" + comp.ToString() + "").Count > 0)
rtbBan.AppendText(rtbpicker + System.Environment.NewLine);
Lucian 27.75% - &gt; 32.3%(+ 4.55%)
Ahri 8.7% - &gt; 11.3%(+ 2.6%)
Rengar 11.25% - &gt; 13.84%(+ 2.59%)
Nidalee 10.7% - &gt; 12.93%(+ 2.23%)
Tristana 30.07% - &gt; 32.02%(+1.95%)
Caitlyn 34.44% - &gt; 30.63%( - 3.81%)
Vayne 17.25% - &gt; 15.69%( - 1.56%)
Ezreal 15.08% - &gt; 13.6%( - 1.48%)
Renekton 13.84% - &gt; 12.6%( - 1.24%)
Lee Sin 30.54% - &gt; 23.36%( - 7.18%)