
时间:2014-08-09 23:00:33

标签: c++ arrays pointers c-strings


我的问题发生在早期:我要求学生的全名并使用getline cin对象和cin.ignore()接收输入,以避免将姓氏传递给我的下一个cout / cin请求。 / p>

但是,当我尝试使用指针符号(deref指针)或数组表示法来调用学生名称时,我得到的只是空格。字符串对象对我来说是最难掌握的,所以有可能只是因为我错过了一点关键的推理。我已经回过头来阅读我的文字,但它并不是非常有用,因为它显示了我的确切格式以获得类似的期望结果。此外,大多数在线研究已经产生的信息远远超出像我这样的第一季度c ++学生。很感谢任何形式的帮助!以下是我认为我的问题所在的代码片段:

using namespace std;

void sortArray(int*, string*, int);
void averageScore(int*, int);

int main()
    //pointer to point to test scores
    int* scores; 
    string* student;
    // integer test to indicate size of array
    int test;

    // get user defined array size
    cout << "How many tests would you like to save?" << endl;
    cin >> test;

    // define dynamically allocated array scores
    scores = new int[test];
    student = new string[test];

    // for loop to enter each test score as an element of scores array
    for (int i = 0; i < test; i++)
        cout << "Enter the student's name: " << endl;
        getline(cin, student[i]);

        cout << "Enter the test score for " << *(student+i) << " : "<< endl;
        cin >> *(scores+i);



    for (int i = 0; i < test; i++)
        cout << "Enter the student's first name: " << endl;
        cin >> first;
        cout << "Enter the student's last name: " <<endl;
        cin >> last;

        *(student+i) = first + " " + last;

        cout << "Enter the test score for " << *(student+i) << " : "<< endl;
        cin >> *(scores+i);

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