
时间:2014-08-11 05:09:00

标签: php sql pdo


id, title, content, catid

id, title, parent

现在我想在一个框中显示所有类别。这些框应包含所有子类别(= parent)作为框和所有文章(= catid)


Box Vegetables (Level 1)
    Box Red vegetables (Level 2)
    Box Green vegetables (Level 2)
    Other vegetable 1 (article)
    Other vegetable 2 (article)
Box Cars (Level 1)
    BoxRacing Cars (Level 2)
        F1 Racing Car
        Nascar Car
    Ford Fiesta (article)
    Opel Corsa (article)


$categories = $db->prepare('SELECT id, title FROM categories');
$subcategories = $db->prepare('SELECT id, title FROM categories WHERE parent = :id');
$articles = $db->prepare('SELECT id, title, content FROM articles WHERE catid = :id');

$categories->bindParam(':id', $_GET['id'], PDO::PARAM_INT);
if ($categories->rowCount()) {
    while($cat = $categories->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ)) {
        echo '<div class="list">';
        echo cat->title;
            $subcategories->bindParam(':id', $cat->id, PDO::PARAM_INT);
            if ($subcategories->rowCount()) {
                while($subcat = $subcategories->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ)) {
                    echo '<div class="list">';
                    echo subcat->title;

                    $art->bindParam(':id', $subcat->id, PDO::PARAM_INT);
                    if ($art->rowCount()) {
                        while($article = $art->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ)) {
                            echo $article->title;

                    echo '</div>';

            $art->bindParam(':id', $cat->id, PDO::PARAM_INT);
            if ($art->rowCount()) {
                while($article = $art->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ)) {
                    echo $article->title;

        echo '</div>';


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


//You're fetching everything anyway, so why not do it in a single step?
$categories = $db->prepare('SELECT id, title, parent FROM categories');
$articles = $db->prepare('SELECT id, title, content, catid FROM articles');


//Now we've got a mess, let's organize it
$categoriesById = array();
$childrenCategories = array();
$articlesByCategory = array();

while($cat = $categories->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ)) {
    $categoriesById[$cat->id] = $cat;
    if ($cat->parent) $childrenCategories[$cat->parent] = $cat;
while($article = $articles->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ)) {
    $articlesByCategory[$article->catid][] = $article;

//A function for printing the categories, so that we can call it recursively
function printCategory($category, $childrenCategories, $articlesByCategory) {
   echo '<div class="list">';
   echo $category->title;

    foreach($childrenCategories as $childrenCategory) {
        printCategory($childrenCategory, array(), $articlesByCategory);

    if (!empty($articlesByCategory[$category->id])) {
        $article = $articlesByCategory[$category->id];
        echo $article->title;

   echo '</div>';

//Print out stuff
foreach($categoriesById as $id => $category) {
    if ($category->parent) continue; //Skip subcategories
        !empty($childrenCategories[$id]) ? $childrenCategories[$id] : array(),

答案 1 :(得分:0)



  1. 某些父类别没有子类别。
  2. 有些文章有父类别,但没有子类别。
  3. 这是一个怪异的查询,用于在一个地方捕获所有描述的数据:


    您可以在这里找到example of using this query

    使用此查询在数据库中保存VIEW并将其用作PHP中的表。 例如,让我们将此查询命名为VIEW select article_id, article_title, article_content, article_catid, catid, subcatid, category, subcategory from (select articles.id as article_id, articles.title as article_title, articles.content as article_content, articles.catid as article_catid, cats_n_subs.catid, null as subcatid, cats_n_subs.category, null as subcategory from (select categories.id as catid,subcategories.id as subcatid, categories.title as category, subcategories.title as subcategory from (select * from categories where parent is null) as categories left join (select id, title, parent from categories where parent is not null union all select null, null, null) as subcategories on subcategories.parent = categories.id or subcategories.id is null group by categories.id, subcategories.id, categories.title, subcategories.title ) as cats_n_subs left join articles on articles.catid = cats_n_subs.catid group by articles.id, articles.title, articles.content, articles.catid, cats_n_subs.catid,cats_n_subs.category union all select articles.id as article_id, articles.title as article_title, articles.content as article_content, articles.catid as article_catid, cats_n_subs.catid, cats_n_subs.subcatid as subcatid, cats_n_subs.category, cats_n_subs.subcategory as subcategory from (select categories.id as catid,subcategories.id as subcatid, categories.title as category, subcategories.title as subcategory from (select * from categories where parent is null) as categories left join categories as subcategories on subcategories.parent = categories.id ) as cats_n_subs left join articles on articles.catid = cats_n_subs.subcatid where articles.id is not null) as cats_n_arts order by category, case when subcategory is null then 1 else 0 end, subcategory;


