
时间:2014-08-19 14:43:47

标签: scheme



(fetch number? '(the (quick 6 fox 8 9) slick 2)) 

并且计划将返回(6 8 9 2)



(define (fetch pred? ls)
        [(null? '())]

4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


(define (flat-filter pred x)
  (let recur ((x x)
              (initial '()))
    (cond ((null? x) initial)
          ((pair? x)
           (recur (car x) (recur (cdr x) initial)))
          ((pred x) (cons x initial)) ;; the one CONS call per element added
          (else initial))))

这可能是比ÓscarLópez更高级的解决方案,但它可以轻松地抽象出折叠函数(故意选择的参数顺序,以反映大多数Scheme提供的foldfold-right的参数顺序实现作为SRFI 1)的一部分:

(define (flat-fold-right func initial x)
  (cond ((null? x) initial)
        ((pair? x)
         (flat-fold-right func (flat-fold-right func initial (cdr x)) (car x)))
        (else (func x initial)))) ;; the one call to FUNC per element of input

(define (flat-filter pred x)
  (flat-fold-right (lambda (elem res)
                     (if (pred elem)
                         (cons elem res)
                   '() x))


(define (flat-map func x)
  (flat-fold-right (lambda (elem res)
                     (cons (func elem) res))
                   '() x))

(define (flatten x)
  (flat-fold-right cons '() x))

答案 1 :(得分:1)


(define (fetch pred lst)
  (cond ((null? lst) '())  ; if the list is empty, return the empty list
        ((not (pair? lst)) ; if the current element is an atom
         (if (pred lst)    ; then test it using the predicate
             (list lst)    ; if the condition holds, add the current element to result
             '()))         ; otherwise ignore the current element
        (else (append (fetch pred (car lst))     ; recursive step: traverse both the car
                      (fetch pred (cdr lst)))))) ; and the cdr part of the list


; test if an object is an atom
(define (atom? x)
  (and (not (null? x))
       (not (pair? x))))

 ; map over a list of lists    
(define (map* func lst)
  (if (atom? lst)
      (func lst)
      (map (curry map* func) lst)))

; "fetch" by first mapping and then flattening the input list
(define (fetch pred lst)
   (map* (lambda (x) (if (pred x) x '()))

或者,我们也可以先flatten然后filter,如@ user448810所示。无论如何,结果如预期:

(fetch number? '(the (quick 6 fox 8 9) slick 2))
=> '(6 8 9 2)

答案 2 :(得分:1)


一个传统上称为flatten的过程从列表中删除所有嵌套;因此,(flatten '(the (quick 6 fox 8 9) slick 2))将返回(the quick 6 fox 8 9 slick 2)

传统上称为filter的第二个过程然后扫描flatten的输出并仅返回通过谓词的那些项;因此(filter number? (flatten '(the (quick 6 fox 8 9) slick 2)))将返回(6 8 9 2)

这意味着您可以编写(define (fetch pred? ls) (filter pred? (flatten ls)))来定义您的功能。

我会留给你写flattenfilter。两者都很简单,并且在其他情况下都比你的问题更有用。您应该在标准工具包中使用这两个工具包; I do

答案 3 :(得分:1)


(define (filter-tree pred? tree)
   (let loop ((acc '()) (tree tree) (back '()))
     (cond ((pred? tree) (cons tree acc))
           ((not (pair? tree)) 
            (if (null? back) acc (loop acc (car back) (cdr back))))
           ((pred? (car tree)) 
            (loop (cons (car tree) acc) (cdr tree) back))
           ((pair? (car tree)) 
            (loop acc (car tree) (cons (cdr tree) back)))
           (else (loop acc (cdr tree) back))))))

;; test data
(define sub '(quick 6 fox 8 9))
(define end '(slick 2))
(define lst `(the ,sub ,@end))

;; tests    
(filter-tree number? lst) ; ==> (6 8 9 2)
(filter-tree (lambda (x) (equal? x lst)) lst) ; ==> ((the (quick 6 fox 8 9) slick 2))
(filter-tree (lambda (x) (or (equal? x sub) (equal? x end))) lst) ; ==> ((quick 6 fox 8 9) (slick 2))
(filter-tree (lambda (x) (equal? x end)) lst) ; ==> ((slick 2))