
时间:2014-09-02 10:42:24

标签: vb.net ftp

我正在尝试使用EDT.net.ftp处理FTP传输时在我的VB.net代码中捕获错误。我已经列出了下面的写操作的完整子程序。我已经将网线断开连接到我的仪器以模拟错误57.这可以正常工作,但是当我重新连接并重试程序时卡住并最终给我一个ContextSwitchDeadlock错误。我想我需要在重试之前关闭FTP连接,但是没有得到命令来执行此操作。 如果我尝试在异常中放置FTPprocess.Quit(),我会收到一条错误,指出未声明FTP进程。


Private Sub WriteFTPFile() 
    ' APS 15 Aug 2014 Create the script, and run it. This is in 2 stages. 1, create the script, 2 run the ftp script to retrieve the files.

    ' temp load the parsed data.
    Dim ArrayCount As Integer
    Dim LocalFile(3) As String
    Dim RemoteFile(3) As String
    Dim LocalFilePath As String
    Dim Path As String
    Dim user As String = "username"
    Dim password As String = "password"
    'Dim LanguageFileName As String
    RemoteFile(1) = "IN_Tool.csv"
    RemoteFile(2) = "IN_Joint.csv"
    'LocalFilePath = "D:\Technologies\Henrob\IP Addresses\"
    LocalFile(1) = "D:\Technologies\Henrob\IP Addresses\\IN_Tool.csv"
    LocalFile(2) = "D:\Technologies\Henrob\IP Addresses\\IN_Joint.csv"
    Path = ""

    ' break out the LocalFilePath
    LocalFilePath = ""
    Dim LocalPath As String() = LocalFile(1).Split(CChar("\"))
    ReDim Preserve LocalPath(UBound(LocalPath) - 1)
    LocalFilePath = Join(LocalPath, CChar("\"))

    ' store the current directory
    Dim CurrentDir As String = CurDir()

      ' and create the StopRead.txt
    Using StopRead As StreamWriter = File.CreateText("StopRead.txt")
        StopRead.WriteLine("no text")
    End Using
    ' Step 2 transfer the files.
    Dim Retry As Boolean = True
    While Retry
            ' send the files
            Dim FTPprocess As FTPClient = Nothing
            FTPprocess = New FTPClient(Path)
            'FTPprocess.RemoteHost = Path
            FTPprocess.Login(user, password)
            FTPprocess.ConnectMode = FTPConnectMode.PASV
            FTPprocess.TransferType = FTPTransferType.BINARY
            ' stop the PLC Polling
            FTPprocess.Put("StopRead.txt", "StopRead.txt")
            For ArrayCount = 1 To UBound(RemoteFile)
                If Len(RemoteFile(ArrayCount)) > 0 Then
                    'If FTPprocess.Exists(RemoteFile(ArrayCount)) = False Then
                    FTPprocess.Put(RemoteFile(ArrayCount), RemoteFile(ArrayCount))
                    'End If
                End If
            ' Restart the PLS Polling

            ' delete the Stop Read file
            ' everything ok then we can continue
            Retry = False
            ' catch any exceptions, this can be built on as errors are seen
        Catch ex As Exception
            Select Case Err.Number
                Case 5 ' Cannot find file
                    If MessageBox.Show("Cannot locate file. Ensure File exists, then retry", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.RetryCancel) = DialogResult.Retry Then
                        Retry = True
                        Retry = False
                    End If
                Case 57 ' Cannot find Drive Connection
                    If MessageBox.Show("Cannot locate Drive on " & Path & "." & vbNewLine & "Ensure Drive with this IP Address is attached, then retry", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.RetryCancel) = DialogResult.Retry Then
                        Retry = True
                        Retry = False
                    End If
                Case Else
                    If MessageBox.Show(CStr(Err.Number) & " " & ex.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.RetryCancel) = DialogResult.Retry Then
                        Retry = True
                        Retry = False
                    End If
            End Select

        End Try
    End While

            ' reset the current directory
            WriteResults = "Completed Write " & Now & vbNewLine 'SR.ReadToEnd 'returns results of the command window

            Dim debugtext As String = "Write " & CStr(Now)
            Timer1.Enabled = True

End Sub

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