将参数包拆分为0 ... N-1和第N个元素

时间:2014-09-05 12:21:12

标签: c++11 variadic-templates

我想将参数包拆分为第一个N-1和第N个参数,而不使用典型的index_sequence&元组技巧但似乎无法绕过它,但我很确定它应该可行吗? (通过递归获得最后一项很容易)。


void Fun( Foo a, Bar b );


template< class... T >
Foo CalcFoo( T... args );


//get the last item of the pack
template< class T >
T split_last( T t ){ return t; }

template< class... T >
T split_last( T, T... t ){ return split_last( t... ); }

template< class... T, size_t... Indices >
Foo CalcFoo( const std::tuple< T... >& args, index_sequence< Indices... > )
  return CalcFoo( std::get< Indices >( args )... );

//split and call
template< class... T >
void MoreFun( T... args )
  //make a tuple containing all, then get n -1 items out of it
  const auto tup = std::make_tuple< T... >( args... );
  Fun( CalcFoo( tup, make_index_sequence< sizeof...( T ) - 1 >() ),
       split_last( args... ) ); 


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)




template <size_t N>
struct MoreFunHelper
    template <class Head, class... Tail>
    static void RotateLeft(Head head, Tail... tail)
        MoreFunHelper<N - 1>::RotateLeft(tail..., head);

template <>
struct MoreFunHelper<0>
    template <class Head, class... Tail>
    static void RotateLeft(Head head, Tail... tail)
        Fun(CalcFoo(tail...), head);

template< class... T >
void MoreFun(T... args)
    MoreFunHelper<sizeof...(T) - 1>::RotateLeft(args...);


1 2 3 4 5


2 3 4 5 1
3 4 5 1 2
4 5 1 2 3
5 1 2 3 4

现在我们可以顺利地将它们分成[5]和[1 2 3 4],这正是我们想要的。此时,递归停止,只调用函数CalcFooFun