如何更改Scala XML Element的属性

时间:2010-04-02 22:43:58

标签: xml scala


  <b attr1 = "100" attr2 = "50"/>


  <b attr1 = "200" attr2 = "100"/>

此页面提供添加属性的建议,但没有详细说明使用函数映射当前属性的方法(这种方式会非常困难): http://www.scalaclass.com/book/export/html/1


// a typical match case for running thru XML elements:
case  Elem(prefix, e, attributes, scope, children @ _*) => {
 var newAttribs = attributes
 for(attr <- newAttribs)  attr.key match {
  case "attr1" => newAttribs = attribs.append(new UnprefixedAttribute("attr1", (attr.value.head.text.toFloat * 2.0f).toString, attr.next))
  case "attr2" => newAttribs = attribs.append(new UnprefixedAttribute("attr2", (attr.value.head.text.toFloat * 2.0f).toString, attr.next))
  case _ =>
 Elem(prefix, e, newAttribs, scope, updateSubNode(children) : _*)  // set new attribs and process the child elements


5 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:15)

好的,尽力而为,Scala 2.8。我们需要重建属性,这意味着我们必须正确地分解它们。让我们为此创建一个函数:

import scala.xml._

case class GenAttr(pre: Option[String], 
                   key: String, 
                   value: Seq[Node], 
                   next: MetaData) {
  def toMetaData = Attribute(pre, key, value, next)

def decomposeMetaData(m: MetaData): Option[GenAttr] = m match {
  case Null => None
  case PrefixedAttribute(pre, key, value, next) => 
    Some(GenAttr(Some(pre), key, value, next))
  case UnprefixedAttribute(key, value, next) => 
    Some(GenAttr(None, key, value, next))


def unchainMetaData(m: MetaData): Iterable[GenAttr] = 
  m flatMap (decomposeMetaData)


def doubleValues(l: Iterable[GenAttr]) = l map {
  case g @ GenAttr(_, _, Text(v), _) if v matches "\\d+" => 
    g.copy(value = Text(v.toInt * 2 toString))
  case other => other


def chainMetaData(l: Iterable[GenAttr]): MetaData = l match {
  case Nil => Null
  case head :: tail => head.copy(next = chainMetaData(tail)).toMetaData


def mapMetaData(m: MetaData)(f: GenAttr => GenAttr): MetaData = 


import scala.xml.transform._

val attribs = Set("attr1", "attr2")
val rr = new RewriteRule {
  override def transform(n: Node): Seq[Node] = (n match {
    case e: Elem =>
      e.copy(attributes = mapMetaData(e.attributes) {
        case g @ GenAttr(_, key, Text(v), _) if attribs contains key =>
          g.copy(value = Text(v.toInt * 2 toString))
        case other => other
    case other => other
val rt = new RuleTransformer(rr)


rt.transform(<a><b attr1="100" attr2="50"></b></a>)


  • 属性实际定义的前缀,键和值,带有可选前缀
  • 属性是序列,而不是链
  • 属性有一个map,mapKeys,mapValues
  • Elem有一个mapAttribute

答案 1 :(得分:12)

这是使用Scala 2.10的方法:

import scala.xml._
import scala.xml.transform._

val xml1 = <a><b attr1="100" attr2="50"></b></a>

val rule1 = new RewriteRule {
  override def transform(n: Node) = n match {
    case e @ <b>{_*}</b> => e.asInstanceOf[Elem] % 
      Attribute(null, "attr1", "200", 
      Attribute(null, "attr2", "100", Null))
    case _ => n 

val xml2 = new RuleTransformer(rule1).transform(xml1)

答案 2 :(得分:8)


case elem: Elem => elem.copy(attributes=
  for (attr <- elem.attributes) yield attr match {
    case attr@Attribute("attr1", _, _) =>
      attr.copy(value=attr.value.text.toInt * 2)
    case attr@Attribute("attr2", _, _) =>
      attr.copy(value=attr.value.text.toInt * -1)
    case other => other


  1. Attribute没有有用的copy方法,
  2. 通过MetaData进行映射会产生Iterable[MetaData]而不是MetaData,因此即使像elem.copy(attributes=elem.attributes.map(x => x))这样简单的事情也会失败。
  3. 要修复第一个问题,我们将使用隐式向Attribute添加更好的复制方法:

    implicit def addGoodCopyToAttribute(attr: Attribute) = new {
      def goodcopy(key: String = attr.key, value: Any = attr.value): Attribute =
        Attribute(attr.pre, key, Text(value.toString), attr.next)

    由于已存在具有该名称的方法,因此无法将其命名为copy,因此我们只需将其称为goodcopy。 (另外,如果您创建Seq[Node]的值而不是应该转换为字符串的值,那么value可能会更加小心,但对于我们当前的目的,它不是必需的。 )


    implicit def iterableToMetaData(items: Iterable[MetaData]): MetaData = {
      items match {
        case Nil => Null
        case head :: tail => head.copy(next=iterableToMetaData(tail))


    scala> val elem = <b attr1 = "100" attr2 = "50"/>
    elem: scala.xml.Elem = <b attr1="100" attr2="50"></b>
    scala> elem.copy(attributes=
         |   for (attr <- elem.attributes) yield attr match {
         |     case attr@Attribute("attr1", _, _) =>
         |       attr.goodcopy(value=attr.value.text.toInt * 2)
         |     case attr@Attribute("attr2", _, _) =>
         |       attr.goodcopy(value=attr.value.text.toInt * -1)
         |     case other => other
         |   }
         | )
    res1: scala.xml.Elem = <b attr1="200" attr2="-50"></b>

答案 3 :(得分:1)

Scalate's Scuery及其CSS3选择器和转换的帮助下:

def modAttr(name: String, fn: Option[String] => Option[String])(node: Node) = node match {
  case e: Elem =>
      .map { newVal => e % Attribute(name, Text(newVal), e.attributes.remove(name)) }

$("#foo > div[bar]")(modAttr("bar", _ => Some("hello")))

- 这会改变,例如此

<div id="foo"><div bar="..."/></div>

<div id="foo"><div bar="hello"/></div>`

答案 4 :(得分:0)


arm-none-eabi-gcc -c foo.c -dumpspecs

对于Scala XML的其他新手,您还需要添加separate Scala module以在scala代码中使用XML。