时间:2014-09-07 03:19:02

标签: c linux ubuntu

我是一名非常初学的程序员,我正在Ubuntu中开发一个客户端服务器程序。此代码属于我的server文件,我想实现一个信号SIGALRM,但我只是不知道我怎么能正确地做到这一点。 我的目标是:在我调用信号alarm(ans.game_time)的代码部分中,我想运行该函数Time,这个函数应该等待ans.game_time秒,并且在这几秒钟内,玩家应加入游戏(最后一部分尚未实施,“播放”命令)。


typedef struct request req;
struct request
    char str[256];
    int client_pid;
    int login; // In case of client, to identify if is logged
    int whois; // To identify who is the client and the server

typedef struct answer ans;
struct answer
    char str[256];
    int server_pid;
    int type;
    int login;
    int num_users;
    char game_name[25];
    int game_time;
    int game_users[4];


#include "header"
int array_client_PID[4], num_users = 0;
int GAME_STATUS = 0;

void Time(int sign) 
  signal(SIGALRM, Time);
  printf("I'm Alive");

int main(){

    int fifo_1,fifo_2, pid, i, number_args;
    char FIFO_CLIENT[20], command[20], arg_1[20], arg_2[20];
    struct request req;
    struct answer ans;

    signal(SIGALRM, Time);

        read(fifo_1, &req, sizeof(req)); // Read request

            if(req.login == 1) // USER REGISTATION: If logged
                number_args = sscanf(req.str, "%s %s %s", command, arg_1, arg_2);

                    if(strcasecmp(command, "new") == 0) 
                        if(GAME_STATUS == 0) 
                            ans.game_time = atoi(arg_2);    // Converts the string into a integrer time game
                            strcpy(ans.game_name, arg_2);   // Put the name of the game on the structure
                            ans.game_users[0] = req.client_pid; // Put on the users avaiable to play, the name of the game creator
                            //CreateGame(ans); // not implemented yet

                            strcpy(ans.str,"One game is in execution. Just wait...\n");


        if(GAME_STATUS== 1) // GAME STATUS: ON
            printf("INSIDE GAME_STATUS 1\n");
            // Receive commands inside the game
    sprintf(FIFO_CLIENT, "FIFO_%d", req.client_pid); //2nd FIFO name with client PID
    fifo_2=open(FIFO_CLIENT, O_WRONLY); // Open 2nd FIFO to answer
    write(fifo_2, &ans, sizeof(ans)); // Write an answer



2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)




答案 1 :(得分:2)

当ALARM(ALRM)信号响起时,您很可能正在等待read(fifo_1 ...);来电,但您无法处理此情况。

if (read(fifo_1, ...) == -1) {
    /* some error occurred in the read... */
    if (errno == EINTR) {
        /* error was interruption, most likely by the ALARM */
        /* handle this in whatever way is appropriate */

进一步改进,几乎总是,最好的做法是尽可能少地在信号处理程序中做 - 通常只需设置一个表示信号发生的标记。

static volatile sig_atomic_t alarms_happened = 0;
static sig_atomic_t alarms_handled = 0;

static void Time ( int signo ) {
    if (signo == SIGALRM) alarms_happened++;


if (alarms_happened != alarms_handled) {
    alarms_handled = alarms_happened;
    /* do whatever you need to do when there was an alarm */