如何在Mac OS X 10.6上安装PyQt

时间:2010-04-06 06:39:47

标签: osx-snow-leopard pyqt

我是Mac OS X的新手。 当我在安装python 3.1,Qt 4.6.2和SIP 4.10.1后尝试在Mac OS X上安装PyQt时,我执行$ python3 configure.py命令时遇到以下错误。

Determining the layout of your Qt installation...
This is the GPL version of PyQt 4.7 (licensed under the GNU General Public
License) for Python 3.1 on darwin.

Type '2' to view the GPL v2 license.
Type '3' to view the GPL v3 license.
Type 'yes' to accept the terms of the license.
Type 'no' to decline the terms of the license.

Do you accept the terms of the license? yes
Checking to see if the QtGui module should be built...
Checking to see if the QtHelp module should be built...
Checking to see if the QtMultimedia module should be built...
Checking to see if the QtNetwork module should be built...
Checking to see if the QtOpenGL module should be built...
Checking to see if the QtScript module should be built...
Checking to see if the QtScriptTools module should be built...
Checking to see if the QtSql module should be built...
Checking to see if the QtSvg module should be built...
Checking to see if the QtTest module should be built...
Checking to see if the QtWebKit module should be built...
Checking to see if the QtXml module should be built...
Checking to see if the QtXmlPatterns module should be built...
Checking to see if the phonon module should be built...
Checking to see if the QtAssistant module should be built...
Checking to see if the QtDesigner module should be built...
Qt v4.6.2 free edition is being used.
Qt is built as a framework.
SIP 4.10.1 is being used.
The Qt header files are in /usr/include.
The shared Qt libraries are in /Library/Frameworks.
The Qt binaries are in /Developer/Tools/Qt.
The Qt mkspecs directory is in /usr/local/Qt4.6.
These PyQt modules will be built: QtCore.
The PyQt Python package will be installed in
PyQt is being built with generated docstrings.
PyQt is being built with 'protected' redefined as 'public'.
The Designer plugin will be installed in
The PyQt .sip files will be installed in
pyuic4, pyrcc4 and pylupdate4 will be installed in
Generating the C++ source for the QtCore module...
sip: Usage: sip [-h] [-V] [-a file] [-b file] [-c dir] [-d file] [-e] [-g] [-I dir] [-j #] [-k] [-m file] [-o] [-p module] [-r] [-s suffix] [-t tag] [-w] [-x feature] [-z file] [file]
Error: Unable to create the C++ code.

有人在Mac OS X 10.6.2上成功安装了PyQt吗?

6 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:32)


brew install pyqt


答案 1 :(得分:8)



答案 2 :(得分:6)



答案 3 :(得分:4)


我能够通过将PyQt源文件夹移动到根目录并从那里运行python configure.py来完成这项工作。

答案 4 :(得分:1)

您还可以使用PyQtX,它是PyQt for OS X的二进制分发版,还包括Qt库。你只需要Python就可以了。

答案 5 :(得分:0)

由于您使用的是PyQt v4.7,因此您还需要安装Qt v4.7,请先安装Qt v4.7.1